周六(2/8)1. 成為最好的一 年 2.穴道

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Ways To Make This Your Best Year Yet
realbuzz team


Before you do anything else, it might be a good idea to start the year with a clean slate by detoxing. It’s likely you over-indulged throughout Christmas and New Year, so consider cutting back on alcohol and unhealthy foods in January. There are even certain foods you can add to your diet to speed up the detox process, including lemons, which are packed full of antioxidants such as vitamin C, and ginger, which improves digestion.

Get organised

Are you currently living a hectic life? Living in the moment can be exciting, but take it too far and you’ll start forgetting family birthdays, missing appointments, and running out of food in the house. Adding a little order and organisation into your life can go a long way, and you’ll soon find yourself becoming far more efficient. This will give you the freedom to relax, knowing that everything in your life is under control.

Make small changes

One problem with the majority of New Year’s resolutions is that they’re too ambitious. As much as you’d like to, you’re probably not going to lose five stone by the end of January, and that’s okay. If you set daunting targets for yourself, you’ll just end up depressed when you don’t meet them. Instead, focus on small, achievable changes. You’ll have a far better chance of succeeding, and they’ll soon add up to contribute to more major improvements. 

Get out of the house

Everything would be a lot simpler if you could sit at home all day and let good things come to you, but sadly that’s not how life works. If you want to have a good year, you’re going to have to get out there and make it happen. Whether it’s starting a new hobby, taking a class, or simply going out for food once a week, getting out of the house will help you meet new people, try new things, and generally have a more fulfilling year.

Ditch a vice

Vices; we’ve all got them, and we all want rid of them. However, trying to give up every single bad habit you have all at once is never going to end well. It’s far more realistic to pick one vice (preferably the worst one) and try to give it up. Make sure you tell as many people as possible that you’re trying to kick it, so that you’re accountable to someone other than just yourself if you slip up.

Meet someone new

If you’re perfectly comfortable spending time on your own then that’s fine. However, if you want to find love, there’s no time like the new year. During the next year try to socialise as much as possible, meeting plenty of new people along the way. If you have confidence issues, try to remember that other people are probably just as nervous as you and will be flattered that somebody new has made the effort to talk to them.

Get on top of your finances

Money troubles can cause a serious downer on your whole year. Around 80 per cent of people regularly worry about money in their day to day lives, which can lead to stress and even more severe health problems. Saving money is easier said than done, but you can make a good start by drawing up a budget in January for the year ahead. It’s also wise to identify areas where you can cut back on expenditure, or find cheaper alternatives.

Think positively

One of the most effective steps towards improving your year doesn’t even require lifting a finger. Approaching every situation with a ‘glass half full’ mentality will go a long way towards improving your year, and it’s something absolutely everybody can do. Happiness and optimism aside, it’s even been proven that thinking positively can have tangible health benefits, including reductions in stress levels and improved cardiovascular health.                

Learn from your mistakes

We hate to break this to you, but you will make mistakes next year. They might be trivial, or they might be life changing, but either way you will make them. Accepting this fact will make your life a whole lot easier. Rather than getting worked up over things you do wrong, ask yourself how they could have been avoided, and what you will do to prevent them in the future.

See What Happens to Your Body When You Press Key Points

The ancient Chinese practice of acupressure can provide more help than just relieving us of little annoying health issues like headaches, cold/flu, and fatigue. It can also aid us in our overall well-being.

1. Feng Chi

Recommended for: Headaches, migraine, eye blurriness, fatigue, low energy, and cold/flu symptoms.

How to locate: Start by feeling for your ear bone, and follow the groove back to where your neck muscles and skull meet.

How to apply: Clasp your hands by interlocking your fingers. Then use your thumbs to apply firm pressure toward your skull. Massage and stimulate the area for 4–5 seconds.

2. Jian Jing

Recommended for: Neck stiffness, shoulder tension, and chronic daily headaches.

How to locate: The point is located on your shoulder between the rotator cuff and vertebral column. It can be found by pressing your shoulder muscle with your thumb and middle finger.

How to apply: Apply pressure in a downward direction using your index finger or thumb. Massage the area for 4–5 seconds.

3. San Yin Jiao

Recommended for: Urological disorders, pelvic disorders, menstrual cramps, insomnia, and improving a woman’s general health.

How to locate: It is located 4 finger widths above your ankle (measured from the highest point in your ankle) in the trough behind the bone.

How to apply: Apply firm pressure to this point on the inside of your legs, and massage the area for 4–5 seconds.

CAUTION: It should not be used during pregnancy as it may induce labor.

4. Zhong Zhu

Recommended for: Temporal headaches, shoulder pain, neck tension, and upper back pain.

How to locate: This point is located behind your knuckles in the groove formed by the tendons of your ring finger and little finger.

How to apply: Apply firm pressure to the depression, and massage the area for 4–5 seconds.

5. Zu San Li

Recommended for: Gastrointestinal problems, vomiting, nausea, stress, and fatigue.

Traditional Chinese literature also recommends it for better health and longevity.

How to locate: It is located on the outward-facing side of your leg in the depression about 4 finger widths below the bottom of your kneecap.

How to apply: Apply downward pressure on the muscle area for about 4–5 seconds.

6. Nei Guan

Recommended for: Curing nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, upset stomach, motion sickness, carpal tunnel syndrome, and headaches.

How to locate: It is located in the depression between the tendons 4 finger widths below your wrist.

How to apply: Massage between the 2 tendons while applying gentle pressure for 4–5 seconds.

7. Shou San Li

Recommended for: Neck stiffness, shoulder pain, tennis elbow, and diarrhea.

How to locate: It is located on the outer surface of the forearm 3 finger widths below the elbow crease when the elbow is bent 90°.

How to apply: Apply firm pressure to massage and stimulate the area for 4–5 seconds.

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