周五(2/7)1.口罩荒 2.謝謝欺侮我的人

聚會時間 晚上7:00-9:30
板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)

新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮左轉
「surgical mask sortage」的圖片搜尋結果
Taiwan's new mask-rationing system kicks ... | Taiwan News
Taiwan News

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — In an effort to stem the tide of panic buying, hoarding, and profiteering over face masks amid the Wuhan virus outbreak, the Taiwan government will launch a new rationing system for masks on Thursday (Feb. 6) that will be based on IDs and severely limit the quantity per person.

The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) announced on Monday that it will implement a new rationing system for face masks that requires Taiwan residents to present their National Health Insurance (NHI) cards when purchasing masks at the over 6,000 drugstores and pharmacies which contract with the NHI, reported Liberty Times. In addition, consumers will be limited to only buying two masks per week (7 days).

Previously, the government had tried to set a ration of three masks per person per day, but panic buying, hoarding, and profiteering continued unabated. When the new system goes into effect on Thursday, convenience stores and cosmetics retailers will stop selling face masks, with sales shifting to NHI-contracted drug stores and pharmacies.

The price per mask has been lowered from NT$6 to NT$5. In the case of those purchasing for multiple family members or friends, each person can only make purchases with one additional NHI card at a time.

In addition, each NHI-contracted drug store will be allotted 200 adult masks and 50 children's masks per day. In order to diminish the crowds of people swarming around stores, those whose NHI cards end with odd numbers (1, 3, 5, 7, 9) will be restricted to purchasing on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, while those whose cards end with even numbers (0, 2, 4, 6, 8) will be limited to buying masks on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, with both allowed to make purchases on Sundays, reported CNA.

Officials pointed out that after the implementation of the real-name system, the sales of masks will be closely monitored. If sales start to subside, restrictions on purchases could be adjusted at any time, they said .

Sign says store is out of masks and tells customers not to line up in the morning. (CNA photo)

Taiwan Premier Su Tseng-chang (蘇貞昌) in a video on Monday (Feb. 3) emphasized that the government is fully committed to the prevention and control of the Wuhan coronavirus in Taiwan and called on the public to pay attention to proper hygiene and cooperate with government epidemic prevention measures. He then appealed for the public to leave the face masks to those most in need.

Huang Li-min (黃立民), a pediatrician at National Taiwan University Hospital, said that the problem of masks is very complex, not a purely medical problem, but also a sociological and political one, reported Liberty Times. He pointed out that many people do not really need masks, but they are reassured when they have them.

He said that as a result, many people hoard masks. The more they buy, the more reassured they will feel, but they do not necessarily end up using them.

Huang said that the limit of two per week will really force people to reassess when they need to wear face masks. He said that this is an extraordinary period right now and that there are simply not enough masks to go around if everyone wants to constantly wear them everywhere.
Thank You For Bullying Me
Rob Imbeault

I not only forgive you, I thank you.

Thank you for the times you spat in my face.

Thank you for destroying my things.

Thank you for humiliating me throughout high school.

Thank you for holding me down until my arm was broken.

Thank you for breaking my jaw requiring me to have my jaw wired shut for months.

Thank you most for the darkest moments of my life when you made me feel like human trash and all I could think about was to die to stop the pain.

Thank you because enduring and overcoming the years of your torture has given me the strength and insight I may not have achieved without it.

You made me a fighter in many ways. An actual fighter when I took up boxing. A disciplined fighter that can endure the gruelling training. And a persistent fighter in working my ass off to build my companies.

By knocking me down I learned how to get back up.

You helped me develop great empathy which has made me a kind and thoughtful person. This will make me a better husband, father, friend and work colleague.

In seeing the shitty part of human nature, I learned to appreciate and foster the positive side of it.

You made me protective around the ones I love.

You made me want to help people in many capacities.

You made me strong.

I won’t lie. I fucking hated you then and for a long time. But that’s gone now. I forgive you and hope you realized the piece of shit that was you in high school, that you learned from it and that you taught your children better.

For those who are getting bullied now, hang in there! Your greatness will shine soon and there’s so much happiness on the other side!

    “You must retain faith that you will prevail in the end, regardless of the difficulties. AND at the same time… You must confront the most brutal facts of your current reality, whatever they might be.”

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