周五(5/22)1.吃出來的”性福”! 2.直播 是如何賺錢?

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吃出來的性福」 哪些食物能促進情慾- BBC 英伦网
Do aphrodisiacs really work?
Jessica Brown bbc

Chocolate, strawberries, oysters: we’ve all heard that certain foods can heighten our sexual desire and even performance. But is there any truth to the claims? BBC Future investigates.

Historically, foods considered to be aphrodisiacs were hard to find, rare or expensive, like truffles, foie gras and caviar, or shaped like a sex organ, like asparagus or artichokes, and even animal testicles,” Hopkins says.

One food that’s long been believed to heighten sexual desire is chocolate. Studies have shown that cocoa can increase blood flow in parts of our body beyond our torso. But when its direct relationship with sexual desire was studied, there was no evidence found to support its use as an aphrodisiac. 

In fact, no evidence has been found proving that any one food heightens sexual arousal or desire.

There is one exception: alcohol. A number of small studies have shown alcohol consumption is linked to arousal. But it can also impede sexual performance.

Red wine in particular may be indirectly linked to sexual function because of its potential benefits to heart health, says Michael Krychman, obstetrician, gynaecologist and a clinical sexual counsellor at the Southern California Center for Sexual Health and Survivorship Medicine. But it’s important to note that the link between red wine and cardiovascular health remains inconclusive.

Wine’s reputation as an aphrodisiac also may come from the fact that it’s part of the Mediterranean diet, defined as consisting primarily of plant-based foods such as fruits, vegetables, wholegrains, legumes and nuts, fish and olive oil and being relatively low in sugar, cheese and meat. More of a lifestyle than a single food, the Mediterranean diet may have aphrodisiac qualities.  

Holistic health

Research has found that red wine effects sexual function, but we don’t know if it’s the diet, or a combination of diet, lifestyle and genetics,” Krychman says. “What we do know is that, for people who exercise, have a healthy diet and lower stress, all these elements work together and they have better sex lives.”

Our overall diet can work as an aphrodisiac through benefits like improved blood flow, increased hormones or elevated mood, says Wright.

One study involving 600 women with type two diabetes found that the Mediterranean diet was linked to lower levels of sexual dysfunction, while another study concluded the diet may also be associated with an improvement of erectile dysfunction. “The bottom line is that a healthy diet of seafood, lean meats, nuts, fruit, vegetables and wholegrains, which is basically the Mediterranean diet, helps support nerve function and supports blood flow and hormones,” Wright says.

The reason there is no supporting evidence for any individual food to be an aphrodisiac is a good one: any one food having such a potent effect would be dangerous, says Jessica Abbott, senior lecturer in evolutionary ecology at Lund University in Sweden. 

Most of the food we eat isn’t going to have side effects, which is reassuring. If they did, it wouldn’t be safe to eat them regularly,” she says.

Any herbs that have been associated with aphrodisiacs are the types of food we wouldn’t usually eat much of, such as touch-me-not plants and high-dose root extract, which have active compounds used as defence against herbivores.”

Mind over matter

So why do some people swear that certain foods have aphrodisiac qualities?

It may simply be because they believe they will, says Krychman.

Oysters have limited evidence of having an effect on sexual desire, but a rigorous trial [proving that effect] is lacking – partly because the placebo effect is so big,” he says.

The fact that sexual desire is so multifaceted and individual for all aphrodisiacs can work to its advantage, says Nan Wise, psychotherapist and sex therapist at Rutgers University in New Jersey.

Desire is physical, psychosocial and relational, and involves a lot of variables. If you believe a food increases desire, the psychology of the placebo effect affects our capacity to get turned on or off,” Wise says.

It’s all about the context of the food we’re eating, adds the University of Hertfordshire’s Evans. “You don’t think of chocolate as an aphrodisiac every time you break into Twix. You have to be in the right context,” she
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直播 是如何賺錢?
How to Make Money Livestreaming     - FilterGrade
Mason Lindblad

Many people are attracted to the idea of a livestreaming career. What could be better than working from home, and earning a living by playing video games, doing art, or showing off some other creative talent?

The harsh truth is, unfortunately, that most people who choose to livestream don’t make much money. Just like with being a musician or an actor, it’s hard to differentiate yourself and make it big.

However, we’ve compiled some of the best ways to make money from livestreaming, no matter what level you’re at! Read: Best 5 Livestreaming Platforms for Starting Your Stream

The Top Ways to Earn Money from Livestreaming
Run Advertisements

Some streaming platforms such as YouTube Live allow streamers to play ads at any time during their stream. This is a great opportunity for streamers to take a break while they run, as well as make a bit of money from ad revenue.

This is not generally the most profitable thing for streamers, so you wouldn’t be faulted for skipping ads as part of your money-making plan. Especially considering that viewers may get annoyed by constant ads.

Viewer Donations

One of the main ways streamers can make money is through donations from viewers. In fact, a 2017 study by Deloitte states that “The primary revenue model for this market is likely to be tipping, whereby viewers donate money to performers.” There are a lot of opportunities for viewers to send donations to streamers. Sometimes they do it just because they’re charitable and sometimes they do it because there is a message attached that they want the streamer to see.

Some streaming services are better than others when it comes to donations. Twitch allegedly takes 50% of a donation for themselves, whereas DLive gives 100% to the streamer.

YouTube has Superchat, which shows the donator’s message for longer, and highlights it, so that the streamer (and viewers) can see it better. Twitch has bits, which works similarly. Some streamers will have a message sent this way pop up on their actual stream for everyone to see. Mixer has sparks, which are very similar to bits.

You can also accept donations through PayPal, which may give you a better cut of the money.

An on-screen subscription message on Twitch streamer Tfue’s stream

Live content on most streaming platforms like Twitch and YouTube are free. But there can be extra content hidden behind a paid subscription. All streaming platforms have this paid option, and are mostly another way to support streamers. A monthly subscription is kind of like a monthly donation! Subscribers will receive special badges to signify their support, or be able to participate in subscriber-only chats. Twitch is also playing around with subscriber-only streams, which offers more incentive to subscribe.

An alternative to subscriptions is to open a Patreon page. Fans can donate each month to have access to special content. If that fits better than what your streaming platform gives, it may be worth looking into.

Sponsors and Brand Deals

Twitch streamer Shroud’s sponsor tiles on his stream page

If you are influential enough, a brand may reach out to you to promote their products on your stream. This is a great way to make a large sum of money or to get free gear from them. If you’re feeling brave, you can also reach out to brands yourself – the worst they can say is “no”!

The best rule of thumb is to stay on-theme. Don’t promote lawn-care products on your gaming channel, for example. Both you and the brand involved will have a better experience if the product resonates with your audience. If you want to make money livestreaming, then having sponsors to create a “base income” for yourself is a great strategy.

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