周五(5/29)1.內向的人 較易成功? 2.當你 "卡" 在生活中

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The revenge of the introvert | Psychologies
內向的人 較易成功?
Introverts Are More Successful In Life
Julia Kitlinski-Hong

In a society where speaking up is associated with success, it is easy to see why extroverts are preferred over their quieter introverted counterparts. It seems that the bigger the personality the more likely an individual is to succeed in life. Fortunately for introverts, this is not true. There are a lot of traits that introverts have that go largely unnoticed and are actually major contributors to achieving success. Read on to see how an introvert can excel in life.
They are highly creative

Introverts often have strong creative abilities and know how to utilize them as well. Being creative can help them in the workplace because it allows them to think outside of the box for solutions. Introverts are also known to be great inventors because they know how to be innovative and meet the needs of a certain populations with a fresh new idea.

They are great listeners

Introverts may be quiet, but that does not mean that they are not paying attention. While more extroverted personalities are stealing the spotlight, introverts are quietly observing everything around them and taking detailed notes. From workplace situation to personal relationships, being able to listen to others often give individuals an advantage because they notice the little details that are crucial to remedying a particular issue.
They are highly independent

Introverts tend to be alone to recharge and thus are highly independent because of this. Whether they are pursuing a personal hobby or a work-related assignment, they are able to avoid social distractions and really focus on the task on hand. While they can also be great team members their ability to work on their own makes them invaluable members of any team.

They are trustworthy

Introverts can be trusted with confidential information, because they are more likely to not go around spilling the beans as more social extroverts might do. Creating this type of trust is important for success in life whether it is in the workplace creating alliances with co-workers or personal situations building trust that is the foundation of a healthy friendship.
They are self-aware

Introverts are often more in tune with how they present themselves to the world and thus are likely to use this to their advantage. Not only are introverts great listeners to others, but they are also great at self-reflection. Whether they are creating an engaging presentation during a work meeting or realizing their faults during a fight with their partner.

They think before they speak

Another strength of introverts is that they think about what they are going to say before they speak. This is a great trait to have since the wrong words can be detrimental, whether in the workplace or in personal relationships. Introverts are great at gauging the situation around them and then carefully crafting meaningful thoughts to others. Introverts may not to say a lot in general, but when they do speak everyone makes sure to pay attention because they know they do not just blurt out what is on their minds.
10 Things To Remember When You're Feeling Stuck In Life
 當你 "卡" 在生活中
10 Things To Remember When You're Feeling Stuck In Life   thelawofattraction

1. Feeling stuck is a sign that it’s time to make a change.

Changes can shake-up your patterns, create new energy and change your outlook on life. If you feel stuck, this simply means that something isn’t working for you anymore. Whether it’s your job, your relationship, your house, your circle of friends or your hobbies, if you are not excited about them anymore, it’s probably time to finally do something to change it.

And next time don’t wait until you feel completely stuck in life to make that big step forward. Look out for these 8 signs that change is needed.
2. Even the tiniest possible step is progress.

You may think that there is nothing substantial you can do. But you don’t need to. Small things become big things. Focus on small steps, they are wonderful events on their own, so enjoy them.

Start right now, make a list of tiny ways you can get closer to your goal, then pick one and take it as soon as possible.

3. You don’t have to have it all figured out to move forward.

The thing with feeling stuck is that sometimes you don’t know what you need to get unstuck or what you want from life in general. But this “numbness” and “emptiness” that you’re feeling (temporarily!) should not stop you from making a change.

Even if you don’t see the end result and don’t know where it is exactly that you’re going, it is crucial to just start moving. Try new things, meet new people, buy new clothes – anything that can help you figure out what it is that you want and how to get it.

4. Nothing changes if nothing changes.

Unpleasant truth. If you are just sitting around and waiting for something or someone to come into your life and suddenly change it for the better, you’re not going to get very far. YOU are the only one who can really make a difference. So start acting!
5. New beginnings can feel like endings.

Now, you may not actually see the opportunities that are coming your way. Those endings that make you sad and disappointed should be seen as new beginning. This is a new chapter in your life, your chance to change your life.
6. Beautiful things happen when you clear your life of all the negativity.

Negativity often comes hand in hand with feeling stuck. So your number one priority is removing toxicity from your life. And you can start with surrounding yourself with positive people and getting rid of the negative ones. Here are 8 types of toxic people you should walk away from.
7. Believe what your heart tells you, not what others say.

Ask yourself this – are you living someone else’s life? Are other people influencing your every decision? Remember that it’s YOUR life.

Here is what you can do:

    Have fun and experiment. Discover what it is that YOU like and care about.
    Spend time with yourself. Being alone isn’t a bad thing.
    Set boundaries. People should respect your choices and your individuality.
    Invest in your self-awareness.
    Question your beliefs.
    Take a step back and think about the bigger picture.

8. Stop overthinking.

Whatever happens, happens. Just relax. You cannot control everything, so you need to learn to just let go of some things. You may be feeling stuck because you are always in your own head, worrying and obsessing.

9. If it’s meant to be, it will happen at the right time, at the right place, for the right reasons.

Even though you are the one who is responsible for making a change in your life, you need to stay open-minded about how to do it. If you’re sticking to a specific way but failing, it may be because it just wasn’t meant for you. Try something else. And accept that things happen in a different order than the one you’ve got planned.
10. Your best is yet to come.

Don’t look back, you’re not going that way. Keep moving forward. Good things CAN happen and ARE going to happen.
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