周五(6/5)1.世事無好壞 全為思想使然 2.吸引幸運 達成目標

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There is nothing either good or bad but thinking makes it so ...
There is nothing good or bad, only thinking makes it so  mbarendezvous.com

William Shakespeare conveyed in one of his plays, the Hamlet, that “There is nothing good or bad, only thinking makes it so”. It is true that we label certain events as good as certain events as bad. It is because we have been taught from a young age to differentiate good from bad.

These terms are subjective in nature. What is considered good for one person can be bad for another. Our interpretations of events are based on our cultural backgrounds and upbringing, which shape our thinking.

For example, in India, killing a cow and eating beef are considered bad because Indians worship cows. However, outside India, eating beef and killing cows is common and not considered bad.

Beef is a form of diet, and is a delicacy. So, why is it that Indians consider the killing of cows wrong whereas people abroad just view cows as food? This is because from young, Indians have been socialized into thinking that a cow represents the symbol of Dharma. This is not so for other races and religions.

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Good and bad occurrences are classified by the behavior of the majority of the population. So, if an event occurs only in the minority of the population, it is considered taboo. For example, in the past, a marriage between people of the same gender was considered taboo by people all around the world.

Today, societies are slowly accepting such marriages, although they are still frowned upon to a certain extent. The fact that the viewpoints of people are changing shows that our classification of things in society are based on our thoughts, which can be altered from time to time; they are not fixed.

Many things that were considered taboo in the past are not necessarily bad today. In modern India, we see an increase in the number of inter caste marriages, a change in the dressing sense of women and a change in people’s lifestyles in general. This is because no event or occurrence is bad or good. It is only based on our thinking, which is fluid in nature, shaped by the forces of society.
Nothing is Either Good or Bad But Thinking Makes it So   Lawrence Gregory

Nothing is either good or bad, but thinking makes it so” – William Shakespeare

Is this really true? Well in my opinion yes it is because reality itself is neutral and we give it meaning through our mind/perception.

For example, the weather isn’t good or bad, our thinking makes it so. The weather is just the weather and it’s completely neutral. You can complain all you like about it being cold and wet but it want change the fact that it’s neutral…

Our day at work wasn’t good or bad, but thinking makes it so. Okay annoying things happen from time to time but if we can change our perception towards things then we can change ourselves. And usually for the better!

Nothing is inherently good or bad in this universe… we have the ability to create a duality of good and bad through our minds.

Another way to understand why this concept is true is to realize not everyone will see something in the same way. As an example. Say me and you go to watch a football match, I really enjoyed the match whilst you didn’t.

So was the game good or bad? Was I right that the game was good? No of course not, it was from my perspective that the game was good in the same way that it’s from your perspective that the game was ‘bad’.

If something was ‘set in stone’ good or bad then whenever something happened, we’d all respond in the same way, does this make sense?

If we want to experience less pain and frustration in life then it is wise to adopt a neutral standpoint towards everything. This doesn’t mean that you have a cold heart and have no emotional involvement in anything.

It just means you respect your mental well-being enough to realise that getting tied up in the ‘good & bad’ polarity will cause more “bad” than “good.”

What did you think of this? have you heard about this concept before of was it the first time you’ve heard of it? If so, then has it made you think a little? Tell me your thoughts by leaving a comment in the section below and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.
11 Phenomenal Crystals for Money, Prosperity and Luck - Money ...
吸引幸運 達成目標
How to Attract the Good Luck You Need to Achieve Your Goals  blog.iqmatrix

Lucky people tend to cultivate certain qualities and traits that help them attract good luck more frequently into their lives. The following list of traits has been found to be of most importance.

Those who have the luck of the Irish are optimistic by nature. They fully understand that optimism enables them to identify solutions and answers where pessimists only see problems and heartache.

Those who have the luck factor are generous by nature — tending to give to others without any hidden ulterior motives. Their generosity naturally gains people’s respect and admiration, and as a result, they are more likely to receive the support and assistance they need to achieve their personal goals and objectives.

People blessed with lady luck are humble by nature. This humble demeanor naturally widens their perspectives, enabling them to focus outwards outside of themselves, allowing them to spot opportunities that other people would miss because of their inwardly directed energies.
Exhibits Calming Effect on People

Those who have the luck of the Irish exhibit a calming effect on others, which makes people feel comfortable and relaxed within their presence. This naturally builds stronger bonds and relationships. As a result, people are more likely to help them if they ever require their assistance.
Relaxed Attitude

Those with the luck factor are not easily frazzled by the events or circumstances in their lives. This relaxed attitude enables them to spot opportunities that otherwise may be overlooked if they were to be ruled by their emotional reactions.
Very Approachable

People who seem to have innate good luck are very approachable. They are approachable because of the pleasant facial expressions they project, and because of their open and sincere body language. This naturally encourages other people to approach and interact with them on a regular basis.
Always Smiling and Laughing

Those gifted with the luck factor are always laughing and smiling while in the company of others. This naturally projects a carefree fun-loving energy that people are drawn to. As a result, they find that others are more willing to help and assist them with their personal goals and objectives.
Gives Good Eye-Contact

Individuals blessed with good luck fully understand that the best way to gain trust quickly with another person is through gentle and direct eye-contact. Once this trust has been established, a world of new opportunities arises.
Constantly Asking Effective Questions

Lady luck favors those who are fully aware of the influence that questions have over their lives. These people realize that asking the right questions will lead them to the answers they need that will enable them to overcome setbacks and attract the opportunities they desire to bring forth into their life.

Always Open to New Experiences

Individuals who have the luck factor realize that a new experience could potentially open a floodgate of new opportunities that they weren’t expecting. As a result, they will try almost anything, travel to any place, and do whatever they feel is necessary to experience life in a new and creative way.

Always Focuses on Patterns, Details, and Results

Those favored with the luck of the Irish realize that the entire world and the social fabric of humankind are built upon predictable patterns that once understood will open up a floodgate of new insights and understandings that will enable them to take advantage of opportunities that they may never have realized ever existed.
Never Dwells on Setbacks, Problems or Misfortune

Individuals blessed with good luck tend not to dwell too long on the setbacks and misfortune that life brings their way. They will, of course, take a little time to learn from these events, however, their time is often spent focusing on solutions, answers and the opportunities that these problems have brought their way.
Perceives Bad Luck in a Positive Light

Those living with the luck factor see what seems to be bad luck as nothing more than an event that is inconsequential to their long-term success and happiness. As a result, they break free from the shackles of misfortune by viewing it in a positive yet realistic Light.
Irrelevant Long-term

They see bad luck as being irrelevant in the long-term, fully knowing that the future cannot be measured or predicted by a single event or occurrence.

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