周五 3/22 1.囤積癖 2. 人”麗”銀行



周五聚會地點: 麥當勞



時間: 每周一晚上 7:00~9:30




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周五主題 3/22 1.囤積癖 2.人”麗”銀行


Buried Alive: Saving, Collecting and Hoarding

(Allan Schwartz, LCSW, Ph.D Dr. Schwartz's Weblog)

What is meant by hoarding? The clinical definition of a hoarder is someone who has collected so much stuff that they can’t properly use rooms in their home, such as cooking on their stoves in the kitchen or sleeping in their beds because of piles of junk that have been accumulated. The hoarder is someone who is unable to throw anything out and who must shop for more stuff. There are often health risks to the hoarder, his family and to neighbors. The clutter and garbage attracts such things as insects, rodents and diseases. There is also the danger of fire and even cave-ins caused by the weight of carelessly piled possessions.

But, what is hoarding vs. what is collecting?

There are two very interesting programs on television connected to the problem of hoarding. One of them is on TLC and is called "Hoarding: Buried Alive" and the other is on the History channel called "Pickers." What is so interesting is that, while "Hoarding" deals with people who fit the clinical definition described above, "Pickers" deals with people who collect old things as a hobby. In both case, the hoarders or collectors, there are people who are unable to part with their possessions even when offered lots of money. On Hoarders, collecting junk is maladaptive behavior that is a form of mental illness related to Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD). On Pickers similar people appear to be smart businessmen who enjoy buying and collecting old junk as a kind of hobby and as a way of earning money by selling what they accumulate. The fact is that in both cases people are hoarding.

Where do the "pickers" fit in? As depicted in the program, pickers are people who rummage through the junk collected by other people for the purpose of buying items that they can sell at a profit. On the program, the two pickers own a store where their purchased items are sold to people who are either decorating anything from their own businesses to their apartments, houses or condominiums. Even though the pickers make their purchases in order to sell at a profit, is it possible that they, too, are hoarders? After all, if you have seen the program you know that much of what they buy is filled with dust, rot and rust. Is this purely picking or is it possible that this is hoarding.

Added to the mystery is where to place those who collect things for investment? There are people who collect postage stamps, gold and silver coins, and original works of art, among other similar hobbies? Is it possible that they are hoarders?

The question posed here is similar to the puzzle of what types of behavior are normal or abnormal? Like so many things in life, hoarding exists on a continuum that ranges from normal to abnormal. Collecting postage stamps in an album filled with new or mint stamps from around tbe world is a normal or healthy kind of collecting. It's a financial investment that does not interfere with living on a daily basis. On the other hand, accumlating piles of junk in one's home so that there is no place to sleep, cook, eat and even go to the toiletter, does interfere with daily life. In the wors of cases this type of accumlation can and does become a fire and health hazard.

1. Why is hoarding a problem?
2. Is hoarding a psychological problem?
3. Can hoarding be treated?
4. Do you have hoarding tendencies?
5. Would you marry a hoarder if you knew they were one?
6. How do you keep your room tidy?

In China, job seekers are resorting to plastic surgery
The cosmetic surgery business is booming in China as a hyper-competitive labor market has job hunters altering their looks to get an edge with potential employers. (Don Lee)

SHANGHAI — In this crummy job market, Stephanie Yang figures any little advantage will help. Even double eyelids.

So on a cold January morning, the 21-year-old college senior walked into one of dozens of plastic surgery clinics here and plopped down $730, the equivalent of one year's tuition. An hour later she came out with two big bandages over her eyes.
When she removed the dressing the next day, Yang was aghast at her red, puffy eyelids. But now she looks out with her round eyes, a sharp crease across the upper lids, ready for the next interview.

"They may not say it openly, but during the process they will pick the prettier one," she says.

Judging by the boom in plastic surgeries lately, a lot of young Chinese would agree.

In the U.S., the recession has led to a steep drop in cosmetic surgeries, which generally aren't paid for by health insurers. Nose jobs aren't covered in China either, but that's not stopping consumers here. Job hunters know that a pleasing face helps to get a foot in the door.

"I've been surprised how busy it is," says Dr. Liao Yuhua, president of Shanghai Time Plastic Surgery Hospital, one of the largest in the city. Business began to increase last November, she says, and in recent weeks has been running 40% higher than a year ago. At its busiest in January, Liao says, her team of 10 surgeons was doing as many as 100 procedures a day, raising noses, cutting eyelids and chiseling angular faces into the shape of smooth goose eggs.

Just about the only thing Shanghai Time doesn't do are leg-lengthening surgeries, an expensive and painful procedure that illustrates just how far some Chinese are willing to go to boost their employment prospects.

When the hospital surveyed patients, it learned that about 50% of the cases were job-related. Of them, one group is college students about ready to graduate, Liao says. The other: "White-collar employees after being laid off are having surgery so they are more attractive for the job search," says the retired pediatrician. Most patients are women.

Overall statistics on cosmetic surgeries aren't available, but nearly a dozen leading Chinese hospitals reported similarly strong business since late last fall, about the period when the global financial crisis began to take its toll on China's economy and the labor market.

That's also around the time that many college seniors in China start sending out resumes and hunting for jobs for the day they graduate.

But this year is turning out to be particularly tough. Government officials estimate that 6.1 million students will graduate from vocational schools, colleges and universities, up 9% from 2008. Researchers predict one-fourth of them will still be looking for work by year's end, adding to the unemployment rolls that have swelled with millions of migrant workers cut from factories.

1. What do you think of plastic surgery?
2. Will cosmetic surgery help job seekers land jobs?
3. How plastic surgery can boost one’s career?
4. Would you ever get plastic surgery?
5. Do you think Taiwan is safe for cosmetic surgery?
6. How one’s appearance impacts one’s success?
雜物淹床小強亂爬 空姐妻怒離婚  斯文男囤積成性 :恐罹患強迫症  囤積癖應速就醫 避惡化心理障礙 (2013/3/4 林注強 報導)







大陸新聞中心 綜合報導




為求職整容是一種無奈的取悅” (千龍網)

單眼皮成雙眼皮、鼻子也高了……為找到一份好工作,武漢大學碩士研究生三年級男生曾凡(化名)花費上萬元整容,他認為變臉後可掃除一切求職障礙。 為找到一份好工作,不少大學生不惜在自己臉上動刀 來自協和醫院的統計顯示,目前整容大軍中,大學生佔了三成。《武漢晨報》)


長得不好看就找不到好工作? 有多少用人單位是外貌協會 對於這樣的質問,實在沒有必要駁斥。 長得不好看,當然會找到工作,用人單位當然不會承認自己是外貌協會,但事實上,人長得漂亮些,人長得俊一些,必定會有一定的優勢。

男大學生加入整容隊伍,只為取悅企業,這是被迫的無奈,如果企業還是以貌取人,那就別指責大學生為求職整容了。 (王軍榮)



to run in the family 世代相傳----

If a characteristic runs in the family, it can clearly be seen members of different generations.


1. My brothers and I have grey hair. It runs in the family.

我跟我弟弟有白頭髮 這是世代相傳

2. Plumpness seems to run in the family.


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