
本周二312將討論兩主題--- 1.正面思考的力量 2. 韓國算命

您好 有一些會員好朋友 許久未見  有一陣子未參與說吧討論會

可能是忙於拼經濟 或個人的事務

或許您正陷入心情的低潮 我們展開雙臂 歡迎您來聊聊 與朋友聊聊 心情會轉為積極面

也或許您正喜事連連 站在心情的高峰

希望您不吝 來分享您正面思考的力量-- Billy

二聚會 3/12
時間: 每周二晚上7:00~9:30

地點: 怡客咖啡 Ikari Coffee
2013312將討論兩主題--- Topic1. 正面思考力量 Topic2. 韓國算命


朋友Adam最近跟Billy抱怨 由於前一陣子公司工作量增加 大家都忙的分身乏術 於是Adam成為愛抱怨的人 有時常為了小事而易怒 這時讓Billy想到秘密書中所談到的 吸引力法則一旦負面能量產生 會有骨牌效應 進而引來更多的工作不順心及家庭不諧和

抱怨易導致心情煩躁 看任何事總是不順眼 工作及生活都提不起勁 容易與人產生摩擦 一連串的效應 會讓自己陷入莫名煩心的困境

找回正面思考的力量 淡化不愉快鎖事 主動向人表達善意 試著想著每件愉快的事情 即使是件小事 試著日行一善 去除不愉快想法 每當心中有負面思想出現時 趕快切入正面的方向 愉快有趣的畫面 想想愉快事物 有趣笑話 惱人的事物 就會消除雲散 上班自然更有效率 與家人談話相處更和諧 保持愉悅的心很重要 讓人更有精神

正面思考有時很簡單 例如: 聽聽輕鬆音樂 郊外走走 看個有趣的影片 與幾位好朋笑談閒聊 舉例來說: 上周二 我們的英語俱樂部 談到省錢方法 Angela談她省下電費及水費 她笑得好開心 大家也感染到她的開心 所以正面思想 是有傳染性 希望好朋友們多傳遞正面愉悅的氣氛
Billy 3/9/2013


1. What are the benefits of positive thinking?

2. Can positive thinking really improve your life?

3. How to be a positive thinker?

4. How to erase negative influence and live positively

5. Do you believe that your thoughts create your future?

The Power of Positive Thinking By Remez Sasson
When our attitude is positive, we enjoy pleasant feelings and visualize what we really want to happen. This brings brightness to the eyes, more energy and happiness. The whole being broadcasts good will, happiness and success. Even our health is affected in a beneficial way. We walk tall, our voice is more powerful, and our body language shows the way we feel.
Positive and negative thinking are contagious.
All of us affect, and are affected by the people we meet, in one way or another. This happens instinctively and on a subconscious level, through our words, thoughts and feelings, and through body language.
Is it any wonder that we want to be around positive people, and prefer to avoid negative ones?
People are more disposed to help us, if we are positive, and they dislike and avoid anyone broadcasting negativity.
Negative thoughts, words and attitude bring up negative and unhappy moods and actions. When the mind is negative, poisons are released into the blood, which cause more unhappiness and negativity. This is the way to failure, frustration and disappointment.
Practical Instructions
In order to turn the mind toward the positive, some inner work is required, since attitude and thoughts do not change overnight.
1.Read about this subject, think about its benefits, and persuade yourself to try it. The power of your thoughts is a mighty power that is always shaping your life. This shaping is usually done subconsciously, but it is possible to make the process a conscious one. Even if the idea seems strange, give it a try. You have nothing to lose, but only to gain.
2.Ignore what other people say or think about you, if they discover that you are changing the way you think.
3.Use your imagination to visualize only favorable and beneficial situations.
4.Use positive words in your inner dialogues, or when talking with others.
5.Smile a little more, as this helps to think positively.
6.Once a negative thought enters your mind, you have to be aware of it, and endeavor to replace it with a constructive one. If the negative thought returns, replace it again with a positive one. It is as if there are two pictures in front of you, and you have to choose to look at one of them, and disregard the other. Persistence will eventually teach your mind to think positively, and to ignore negative thoughts.
7.In case you feel inner resistance and difficulties when replacing negative thoughts with positive ones, do not give up, but keep looking only at the beneficial, good and happy thoughts in your mind.
8.It doesn't matter what your circumstances are at the present moment. Think positively, expect only favorable results and situations, and circumstances will change accordingly. If you persevere, you will transform the way your mind thinks. It might take some time for the changes to take place, but eventually they will.
9.Another useful techniques is the repetition of affirmations. This technique is similar to creative visualization, and can be used together with it.

1. Fortune telling: do you believe in it?

2. What do you think about fortune tellers ?

3. Are you superstitious?
4. What still many people believe -fortune-telling and charms?
Fortune Telling in Korea (info@korea4expats.com.)

While not as widely practiced and not as relevant to modern life as it was in the past, fortune telling is still a common practice in Korea – not only among the elderly, but also among young people.

At the beginning of the year especially, but all year long as well, one can find elderly Koreans sitting on the street with an open book (filled with Chinese characters) in front of them. Some of them also use special sticks to help them predict someone’s past, present or future misfortunes and successes. In the past, fortune telling was one of the few career options for the blind, and some still practice this profession today. Having one’s fortune told for the New Year is part of the traditions of that time of year.

Tools for fortune-telling vary greatly. One of the most common involves counting the brush strokes in a person's name (in the hanja, the Chinese characters). A fortune-teller might use long strips of paper and a leather blade dipped in multi-colored inks and then used as as brush to write the customer's name. The result was a strip with the name written in rainbow-like colors. While writing, s/he counted the strokes and predicted things like number of sons with which the customer would be blessed, etc.

Whatoo cards are another very common tool for fortune telling. One also used to see, albeit rarely, fortune-tellers who would use the old Chinese classics such as the I-Ching, the Book of Changes, for fortune-telling. Other tools include the birthdate and place information similar to the western horoscope readings.

Just as in other industrialized nations with a highly educated population, people maintain that they consult fortune tellers more as a form of entertainment than anything else. That said, during periods of unrest or instability, more and more people consult fortune tellers. In the late 1990’s, during the Asian economic crisis, people used to queue for a reading from a fortune teller with a reputation for accuracy. The cost of a reading was generally not high, usually less than W10,000.

Election season is often a busy time for Korea’s fortune tellers. Not only do candidates visit them in the hopes for a confirmation of their chances of winning, but reputable newspapers also report the predictions of renowned fortune tellers. One of the English dailies reported how a fortune teller by the name of Cho had predicted Lee Myung-bak’s win in Dec 2007 and some of the challenges he subsequently faced.

Mothers will often consult a fortune teller before an important event in their children’s lives – prior to the college entrance exam or a move to study or work abroad, for example. Marriage is also a reason for visiting a fortune teller. Parents, armed with their child and the prospective spouse’s birth information (date, time, place, etc) will ask if the couple are a compatible match and if the union will be a happy fruitful one. Marriage plans, even today, may be cancelled if the reading is unfavourable. An American Peace Corps volunteer from the 1970's tell how his my mother-in-law, a college professor, consulted a fortune teller with both that information and the name stroke count information before he and his wife married, both to judge if the marriage was propitious and to select a date. She also chose the Korean names for their children based on similar tools as well as family considerations (for instance, all cousins have one Chinese character in common).

Adapting to modern times, fortune tellers go by more ‘progressive’ designations, such as destiny philosophers working in philosophy institutes. It is possible to have your fortune told or to philosophise about your destiny in many locations in any Korean city, especially around markets, transportation centers, etc. In Seoul, there are many 'shops' in the Shinchon and Miari districts as well as near Seoul Station, Dongdaemun and Namdaemun markets, etc. Others have set up Internet sites used by hundreds of thousands of younger Koreans.

Expats wanting to share in the experience often need the help of a Korean friend who can translate for them. That said, there are a few destiny philosophers/fortune tellers, who can speak English. If you’re looking for one, ask the question on the Korea4Expats.com Forum and someone is sure to provide you with a name and directions/contact details.



繁華都市裡的「蒙古包」在首爾鍾路2街、東大門、大學路等繁華路段,每到下午一、兩點開始,會陸陸續續支撐起一個個「蒙古包」,上面用韓文寫著「四柱、奇門遁甲、手相、面相、擇業、擇偶、起名、運程」 等等,「算命先生」們就在這些臨時搭建的「蒙古包」裡營業。夜幕降臨時,這些燈火通明的「蒙古包」給首爾這個繁華喧囂的不夜城平添了一份特有的靜謚和神秘。

在鍾路2街「營業」的柳出秀老人(76歲)說,他從事看相算命這一行已經25年了,每天下午至晚上十點左右是他們的「上班」時間。說著向記者亮出了他的看家「秘笈」——封面用中文標注的《原本土亭秘訣》,他說這是16世紀朝鮮時代的李之菡編著的算卦書,他就靠這本書為人看相、算卦、取名等等。 由於仁寺洞旅遊區緊靠這些「蒙古包」,漸漸的,這些「蒙古包」也成了外國遊客的觀光景點。特別是不少日本遊客對算命很感興趣,有的「蒙古包」旁邊專門立著一塊「日本語」算命的牌子。柳出秀老人說:「一些外國遊客觀光結束後,也有不少人過來算一卦,按照他們個人的生辰八字來給他們算,導遊為他們翻譯。」


據這裡的「算命先生」講,來找他們的「顧客」主要是大學校園裡的知識份子,包括不少中國留學生。懷著年輕人特有的好奇心,學子們希望通過「算命先生」找到課本裡無法給出的答案。遍佈各地的「哲學館」印象中的韓國除了教會多以外,遍佈各地的恐怕是算命先生開的「哲學館」了。街頭巷尾經常看到一些庭院門前插著紅旗或者佛教的標誌,旁邊掛有「哲學館」的牌子,有的地方也稱為易術院、慈悲院、明理院、占卜之家、四柱名家、風水地理、某某庵等。 相對於那些街頭算命來講,這些「哲學館」裡的算命先生「學歷」相對較高,收費也貴,一般在路邊「蒙古包」的算卦看相每項收費大約3,000韓元(約2.8美元),在四柱咖啡廳裡算一卦要1萬到1.5萬韓元(約9.2至14美元),在哲學館裡的最低收費大約要3萬到5萬韓元。當遇到「達官貴人」時,給的小費經常會遠遠超過這些標價。 位於首爾永登浦一家「慈悲院」的院長羅順吉(音譯)說:「前幾年來算命的要提前預約,不少『大人物』在選舉期間也會派人送來生辰八字,多的時候每人會送幾百萬(韓元),可是現在經濟不行了。」羅先生說,近幾年全球性的經濟不景氣直接影響到他的「經濟發展」。算命業緣何長盛不衰 一般而言,新年前後、高考前夕、畢業生找工作季節和幾年一度的選舉時節,是算命先生們最忙碌的時候。據估計,韓國從事看相算卦的人有45萬到55萬人,每年創造的市場規模高達2萬億韓元(約18億美元)。 「算命」之所以在韓國形成了一項頗具規模的服務產業,主要原因是,韓國政府從來沒有將這一行業視為「迷信」而橫加打壓,「算命一條街」上的蒙古包儘管多數已經很破舊了,也沒有因「影響市容」而遭城管強制取締。算命先生們說,這裡不收稅、無城管,他們甚至不知道「城管」是個甚麼東西。


二聚會 3/5

時間: 每周二晚上7:00~9:30

地點: 怡客咖啡 Ikari Coffee



201335將討論兩主題--- Topic1. 省錢大作戰 Topic2. 核能 能不能?

Angela 為本會省錢一姐 本次討論會
由 Angela 來介紹超級省錢方法


1. How to set up a monthly budget?

2. How to make your money work for you? Ways to save money?

3. How to reduce expenses ways to cut your expenses?

4. Cost cutting ideas for household?

5. How to be a smart buyer , buy smart, and save money?

Manage your money smartly (Purnima Goswami Sharma, Mumbai Mirror )

Budget wise

"You need to fix a monthly budget depending on your salary for fixed costs and personal expenses.Maintaining a budget is extremely important to achieve your financial goals. It helps you realise the value of money," adds Gupta.

Always stick to your budget. Plan and set aside money for unexpected costs such as holidays or healthcare. Keep a track of your outgoings and make necessary adjustments to ensure that you have enough money to last you until the next salary.

Live in a small home

"The biggest investment is usually the house rent, so choose a place which is safe, comfortable and makes you feel like coming home after a hard day's work. Keep the budget of the rent to a minimum. As the salary goes up, the percentage of rent to salary comes down," suggests Shajan Samuel, divisional head, IIJT Education.

Cost cutting

Adopt cost cutting ideas such as hosting parties at home. Rent DVDs to watch movies at home instead of going to a theatre. Avoid spending too much money on clothes and stay away from impulsive shopping and discount sales. The most effective way of saving money is making it a norm to go Dutch with friends, be it for dinner, movies or short weekend trips.

Cook meals at home

Cook your meals at home if possible; eating out is a common source of indulgence and over spending. You can also opt for home-made tiffin services easily available in large cities like Mumbai. Eat fresh, healthy and nutritious food which will help you cut down on your doctor's fees! Also, avoid eating often in fancy restaurants.

Smart banking

"When you move to a different city for a job, it is important to have a joint account with your spouse or other family members, so that the account can be managed in your absence. Opt for internet banking that will help you check balance, transfer money and make online bill payments," says Rajendra Ghag, executive vice-president and head, HR and Administration, HDFC Life.

Book tickets in advance

It is natural to go to your home city on holidays. "Plan your trips as early as possible so that you can get tickets for a discount. Travel weekdays if possible as the fares are cheaper," adds Ghag.

核能 能不能?


1. Do you think we should build more nuclear power plants?

2. Do you support nuclear energy? What are the benefits of nuclear power?

3. Do you against nuclear energy? Reasons why you don’t support nuclear power?

4. Can solar energy or wind power replace nuclear energy?

5. Why our Government still support nuclear power?

6. Any renewable energy can replace nuclear plants?

Groups to hold anti-nuclear rallies in March (By Tseng Ying)

Taipei, Feb. 15 (CNA) Anti-nuclear civic groups will hold rallies around Taiwan ahead of the second anniversary of Japan's March 11 earthquake to call attention to the dangers of nuclear power.

The parades will be held March 9 in Taipei, Taichung, Kaohsiung and Taitung and will be aimed at showing public opposition to nuclear power, according to Wang Shun-wei, an official from the Green Citizens' Action Alliance, one of the organizers.

They will also advocate against providing additional budget for the country's under-construction fourth nuclear power plant, call on the removal of radioactive waste from Taiwan's outlying Orchid Island and demand the immediate closure of the country's other ageing nuclear plants, Wang said.

Activists in the Taipei rally will participate in an anti-nuclear flag-raising ceremony after staying overnight on Ketagalan Boulevard in front of the Presidential Office, Wang said, adding that the anti-nuclear flag will play an important part in the rallies.

The flag, which bears the words "No Nukes--No More Fukushima," was designed by a coffee shop owner, who cooperated with the alliance last year to launch a campaign calling for people nationwide to hoist anti-nuclear flags instead of the national flag on Taiwan's National Day.

Nuclear-Free Homeland Alliance Executive Director Lee Cho-han said an increasing number of people are against nuclear power in Taiwan since the Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan in 2011 and added that his alliance will continue to garner support for the rallies through the Internet, as well as through community and campus speeches.

The opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) legislative caucus has said that it will place a nuclear-free homeland draft bill as one of its priority bills in the next legislative session.

The draft bill stipulates that from the date the bill takes effect, no licenses can be issued to build or operate nuclear plants for the purpose of power generation, no such licenses can be extended for existing plants, and the No. 4 nuclear power plant cannot begin operating.

DPP Legislator Cheng Li-chiun said she hopes the budget for the plant can be successfully blocked in the upcoming legislative session.

Ruling Kuomintang (KMT) Policy Committee Chief Lin Hung-chih, however, said that while the KMT agrees with the nuclear-free homeland concept, the public might not accept the electricity rate hikes or power limitation measures that such a move would entail.

He said the ruling and opposition parties should enhance their communication over energy issues and face energy problems pragmatically.

While the operating lives of the three existing plants should not be extended, the No. 4 plant should be allowed to operate, as long as the proper safety measures are followed, Lin said.

二聚會 2/26

時間: 每周二晚上7:00~9:30

地點: 怡客咖啡 Ikari Coffee



(英文文章就在中文敘述之後 Billy為您開了捷徑 先有了概念後 讓您在閱讀英文部分 更能駕輕就熟)
2013226將討論兩主題--- Topic1. 不婚,不生小孩 Topic2. 觀光賭場
Topic1. 不婚,不生小孩

不婚,不生小孩 作者:文彭杏珠《遠見雜誌》

2008年台灣婦女平均總生育數全球最低,只剩下1.05個,今年預估將降到1個,跌破2.1個人口替換水準的一半, 照這樣的下降速度,到了2025年,台灣的人口死亡數將超過出生數,人口進入負成長,輪椅將取代學步車。人口減少,帶來的是人口老化和勞動力的不足, 政府舉債照顧銀髮族,將增加財政赤字和年輕人的負擔,大大動搖國家和社會的根本。

為了搶救消失的主人翁競爭力,《遠見》進行生育態度大調查, 結果發現:近三成單身不想結婚,經濟壓力大不想生小孩。

此外,並整理出台灣生育率全球最低的八大原因和四個建議, 幫政府、企業、個人因應少子化的衝擊。










Topic2. 觀光賭場

台灣首座觀光賭場最快2017年在馬祖誕生 20130219 08:32 來源:中國新聞網 參與互動(0)0  中新網219日電 台灣馬祖博弈“公投”去年過關,台灣當局交通部門今年1月將“觀光賭場管理條例”草案送進“行政院”。台灣當局交通部門負責人葉匡時昨天表示,會秉持應高度管制、設置博弈管制局、管制局需具備司法警察權等三原則,若法案、環評審查及興建過程順利,最快4年後即2017年台灣將出現第一個觀光賭場。




Why Has Taiwan's Birthrate Dropped So Low? (By Natalie Tso TIME )

At a community center in Taipei, a church bulletin board displays family pictures with children showing off drawings of pink lotus flowers, lush trees, ponds and imaginary bears from a drawing contest at the Botanical Gardens. Catherine Wu, a newcomer to the church, noticed something unusual on the board that any outsider might overlook: each family had two or more children. "Are people encouraged to have children around here?" she asked.

In many societies, photos of four-member families wouldn't be much to stop and take notice of. But as of this year, Taiwan has the lowest birthrate in the world, with just one baby born per woman. According to the Population Reference Bureau's 2009 annual report, Taiwan has now surpassed both Macau and Hong Kong, which have held the lowest spots on the world chart for the past five years.

"This is a tragic society," Taiwan's Health Minister Yaung Chih-liang proclaimed in a Nov. 28 speech at the National Science and Technology Museum. He warned that if the island continues on this track, the population would experience a future labor shortage and that the next generation of children would have significant difficulty covering the health costs of their aging parents. That intense financial pressure, he said, could raise the future suicide rate. The Education Minister, in a separate statement, predicted that one-third of Taiwan's colleges will close in just 12 years if the trend continues.
In a society where the cost of living is high, the notion that kids are an unwelcome burden —taboo in many cultures — has become an accepted idea. Take the title of a recent panel discussion put on by Taiwan's Human Social Sciences Foundation: 'Having Children! Does It Hurt That Much?' "The hurt," explains the foundation's president, professor Liu Pei-yi, "refers to financial loss." In a research poll administered by Kun Shan University in 2007, students interviewed 100 residents of Taiwan between the ages of 20 and 40 about their family plans. One-third didn't plan to have any children for fear of losing two precious things: money and freedom.

Balancing work and family life has proven to be a challenge for both men and women in Taiwan. According to the Swiss-based International Institute of Management Development, Taiwanese work some of the longest hours in the world, averaging nearly 44 hours a week, and Taiwan's women are very career-oriented. "Most women are afraid of losing their jobs" by taking time out to have a child, says Liu. He says Taiwan should follow the lead of European countries like Germany, where women are entitled to up to three years of maternity leave by law. Taiwan has been making progress in this area; in 2002, the government passed a law requiring companies to allow their employees two-year parental leaves without pay. This year, a policy came out that enables parents to take six months of parental leave while receiving 60% of their salary. But many say these changes only look good on paper, as most bosses discourage people from taking the time off.

Underneath these logistical issues, however, may be a fundamental shift in values. Two-thirds of working women in Taiwan are university-educated, and fewer of them are jumping into tying the knot early. "I'm not pursuing marriage," says Hsu Yu-hua, a 30-something accountant in Taipei. "Not with today's divorce rate [38% in Taiwan]. I'm financially independent, and it's more convenient to be single." Only a third of Taiwan's women are married by age 30, in contrast to 20 years ago, when the average age for marriage for women was 26. Many more men have also been marrying women from other Asian countries like China and Vietnam, both countries where women are statistically inclined to have more children. China, even with the government's one-child policy, still has a birthrate of 1.6, compared with Taiwan's 1.0 (Vietnam's is 2.1). Today, 1 in 8 babies in Taiwan is born to a non-Taiwanese mother.
The chief of Taiwan's Child Welfare Bureau, Chen Kung-huang, says lowering housing prices for families with children and other related goals — like helping singles date and mate — are all items on the government's to-do list to try to boost the number of babies being born in Taiwan's delivery rooms. But underlying factors behind the low birthrate may be beyond the grasp of government policy. When asked if she wanted to have children, happily married broadcast journalist Huang Shih-han replied, "I like reading and, well, you can't read if there are children wailing." Why does she think Taiwan's birthrate is so low? "I think our generation is more selfish," she says. "When you have children, you have to sacrifice a lot, and I don't want to do that."


1. Why taiwan birth rate falls to world's lowest?

2. Why a falling birth rate is a big problem?

3. Why low birth rate has economic consequences?

4. Why do some couples choose not to have children?

5. What should the taiwanee govt do to increase birth rates?


Matsu casino may be completed by '17: minister (By Linger Liu, The China Post)

TAIPEI, Taiwan --A casino resort in Matsu may be completed by the end of 2017, said the minister of Transportation and Communications yesterday.

Yeh Kuang-shih (葉匡時), Minister of Transportation and Communications, said a draft proposal has been made. As of the end of last month, the Executive Yuan has been considering amendments to the Offshore Islands Development Act (離島建設條例), which affects the establishment of a casino resort in Matsu, the minister said.

The minister said casino-related regulation aims to establish clear administrative supervision from the local government, police, and the gaming bureau regarding gaming activities.

Yeh said if the amendments pass smoothly and construction goes without hindrance, the nation's first casino resort will be built in 2017.

According to the Offshore Islands Development Act, offshore islands can only establish a casino if it is part of an international resort.

Administrative Deputy Minister of Transportation and Communications, Chen Chien-yu (陳建宇) said the current priority is to ensure all relevant amendments are soon finalized.

Future Investment

Chen said Taiwan does not have experience with establishing casinos, noting that the government will seek international investors to get involved with the project. He said currently several investment companies are showing interest in the project.

According to the Ministry of Transportation and Communications, the casino is only one of several attractions within the planned resort. The ministry can only issue a casino license once the resort is complete. Chen also said the possibility of the project becoming a joint gambling operation between Taiwan and mainland China depends on the winning bidder.

In an attempt to prevent gambling addiction, the government will request a portion of the casino's profit — NT$1 from every NT$5,000 — go toward forming a foundation to prevent gambling addiction, officials said, adding that people with criminal records will be barred from becoming investors. The ministry plans to select qualified investors by the end of 2014. According to the ministry's current plans, the resort will take another three years to be built.


1. What do you think about legalized gambling?

2. Do you support casino gambling in Taiwan?

3. Do you think casino gambling would bring more benefits than problems to Taiwan?

4. Is casino gambling a good economic development bet?

5. Legalized gambling: economic boom or social bust?

Billy最近看過一本哲學書 其中一些問題有趣也值得思考 願與各位朋友分享


討論主題 新年新風格 Billy 除了兩個主菜 多給一道甜點
周二 2/26 來討論
Q: If you find your dream lover someday, unfortunately, he or she only can live to six months, Will you take the chance?

周二聚會 2/19

時間: 每周二晚上7:00~9:30

地點: 怡客咖啡 Ikari Coffee



(英文文章就在中文敘述之後 Billy為您開了捷徑 先有了概念後 讓您在閱讀英文部分 更能駕輕就熟)

時間像沖天炮一般 新年假期很快結束了 想著新春第一炮 話題應該不要太嚴肅 Billy 去年年底聽到一些朋友 想轉換工作環境 又想著西洋情人節剛剛過了
想著事業與婚姻也許是新的一年 許多朋友重要的期許之一 歡迎大家來討論
2013219將討論兩主題--- Topic1.面試禮儀 Topic2.月下老人









若你是手汗大的人,亦無須尷尬或害怕與人握手,可在進入面試室前盡量抹去 手汗,並告知對方。



談話時要與考官有適量的眼神接觸,並間中點頭作回應,給予考官誠懇、認真 的印象。











1. How important is the job interview?
2. How to best prepare for your job interview?
3. How to have a good job interview? And how to answer interview questions?
4. How good manners can help you land a great job?

Job interview dress etiquette (Radio-Electronics.Com)

When attending an interview, the way you dress is of particular importance. First impressions are all important, and the way you present yourself by dressing will be one of the major elements in creating the right or wrong impression.

It is necessary to judge the place to which you are going. However for most professional jobs a suit of some form is best. Often it is wise to dress conservatively, especially for engineering jobs as many engineers and engineering managers will be conservative by nature. For other types of jobs, especially marketing, etc., a more contemporary style may be acceptable. However before the interview, try to assess the place and the people and gain a good idea of what would be best. If in doubt a conservative approach is generally the safe option.

There are a few styles to avoid. In particular it is wise not to dress provocatively. For men tight shirts, etc that show muscular figures are not normally appropriate. Similarly for women, low cut or tight tops and short skirts are to be avoided. While they may turn eyes, it has been shown that managers tend to be cautious and tend to hire people who are not dressed provocatively.

It has been shown that people who dress in a conservative suit are generally more successful for professional jobs. For women it has been shown that Hilary Clinton has a dress style to emulate.

Be punctual

One large turn off is being late for a job interview. Whatever the reason, any interviewer is likely to loose patience with anyone who is late. Even if unexpected road conditions have caused the problem, the interviewer may tend not to look beyond the basic fact that you are late. He is likely to have a busy schedule, and any lateness could disrupt his schedule.

Accordingly it is best to plan arrive close to the location of the prospective employer with some time in hand. Even try to the route beforehand and find any local coffee shops in which you may be able to wait if necessary. However don't allow so much time that you start to worry.

It will then be possible to arrive at the reception point a just few minutes early and be in good time for the interview.

Any last minute rush will make you agitated and stressed and you may not be able to present yourself as well in the interview.

Good handshake

When meeting people, it is customary to shake hands. A handshake tells a lot about the person. A limp handshake by a clammy hand will not impress. A firm but not knuckle crushing handshake gives a far better impression.It is perfectly normal to be nervous before the interview, and this may result in a sweaty hand. It is worth taking an extra handkerchief to wipe one's hand before the interview and make sure that you do not have a clammy hand when you shake peoples hands.

Remember names

It is often difficult to remember people's names when being introduced. However it makes a very good impression if we can do that. One way to help is to repeat the names of the people in conversation immediately after meeting them.

For example one could say something like: "Thank you for giving me your time Mr. Xxxxx." Or something else that may be appropriate. This helps fix the name of the person in your mind.

Unfortunately it is always difficult to remember names when meeting people because you are usually focussed on the initial meeting rather than remembering names. As names are important, remembering the interviewers' names will be seen as a very positive note.

Non-verbal communications

Although we often think of verbal communications as conveying most of the information we give to other people, this is not actually the case. Non-verbal communications account for much of the impression we create with anyone at the interview. It is therefore very important that any non-verbal communications reinforce the job interview etiquette impressions that have already been created.

Eye contact, posture, hand position, all convey information, so it is necessary to be aware of this.

Eye contact shows that you are interested in what the other person (interviewer) is saying and doing and that you have confidence. Lack of eye contact will imply that you are not interested, and it is also a sign of lack of confidence.

Posture is also another indicator. Sitting back in a chair gives an impression of a casual attitude and it gives a "don't care" impression.

It is important to make sufficient eye contact with both or all interviewers, and to sit up straight in a chair.

It is not always possible to "fake" the body language, so it often best to try to make yourself feel positive and attentive before going in for the interview. Having the right attitude will mean that the body language will follow.

Sell yourself

The interviewer will expect you to sell yourself. It is effectively part of the job interview etiquette to be able to sell yourself in a professional and sensible manner. There are many ways of doing this.

in order to sound truthful about your achievements be prepared to use examples and specifics. Detail the reasoning for decisions you made and the keys that enable you to be successful in a particular area. By giving the underlying reasons for your achievements, the interviewers will be able to see that you are not lying and this will add credibility to your application.

Don't brag and over dominate the conversation

While it is necessary to be able to talk about yourself in a positive way, you will need to be careful to let the conversation be two-way. The interviewer will want to ask questions, so be aware of this so that they can get into the conversation rather than just listening to a continuous sales pitch about yourself.

It is also necessary to be careful not to be seen as bragging. While you need to let people know your achievements, don't let it go so far that it could be seen as bragging about what you have done.

Be truthful

One key element of job interview etiquette is to be truthful. If an interviewer discovers you are lying, then he will not want to employ you, and often inconsistencies may give you a way.

Honesty also impacts how much you can claim you have done yourself.. While you want to claim credit for what you have done, don't overdo it because this could also be seen as lying, and the interviewer will not like this.

Thank you

One final piece of job interview etiquette is to thank the interviewers for their time. Interviewers will generally be busy and will often have many interviews to conduct beyond undertaking their normal job. A short thank you at the end of the interview will help the interview to end on the right note.

It is also worth writing a short note as soon after the interview as possible - possibly that evening - to thank the interviewers. Few people will take the time to do this and it shows that you are someone who does not take things for granted. Not only is it good for the interviewers to know that their time was appreciated, but it may also help your job application.


1. Do you believe that Love God chooses your soul mate for you?
2. How to Find Your Soul Mate?
3. How can you recognize who is your soul mate?
4. What do you do if your soul mate is married?

Old man under the moon

The old man under the moon, 月下老人, commonly known as Yue Lao,月老, is a Chinese deity in charged of marriage between man and woman.

Legend of Yue Lao, Old Man under the Moon

The earliest account of Yue Lao is a story set during the Tang Dynasty. It tells about a young man Wei Gu’s 韦固 unsuccessful attempts to find a wife. On another failed marriage prospect trip to a city called Song 宋城, he saw an old man reading under the moon. Curious, about his book, Wei Gu inquired from the old man who informed him it was the book of marriages and that his duty is to tie a red threat between a couple to make them husband and wife.

Desperate to find a wife, he asked if the old man could show him his future wife. Wei Gu’s was shown an old woman carrying a three year old child and they both seem to live in poverty. The three year old child was his future wife.

Incensed, he ordered his servant to murder the child. Fortunately, the servant only managed to injure the child.

Years later, a high official offered his daughter in marriage to Wei Gu who happily accepted and pleased that he finally found a wife. On the wedding night, he noticed a scar between her eye brows and enquired about it. His new wife told him about an incident where she was stabbed by a man in the City of Song.

Wei Gu realized his wife was that little girl whom he tried to kill.

Worship of Yue Lao

This story spread and soon people began praying to that old man for help in marriage concerns. As no one knew his name, he was referred to as the Old Man under the moon, Yue Lao or Yue Lao Deity. 月下老人, 月老, 月老神君

In the traditional Chinese marriage custom, the bride and bridegroom walks together holding a length of red cloth with a ribbon in the middle. This might be a symbolism of their match by Yue Lao.

Wedding scene in a Chinese opera

Notice the piece of red cloth held by the couple

There are many temples and shrines establish for the worship of Yue Lao. Yue Lao is seen as an elderly man holding the book of marriage 姻缘簿, in his left hand and a walking stick in his right hand. Sometimes, the red threads can be seen too along with clay dolls symbolizing the couple. His birthday is celebrated on the 15th day of the eight lunar month the same as the Mid Autumn Festival.

Click here for this year's date.

In these temples, there could be couples praying for a happy marriage, singles in search of love or parents eager for their children to be married.

In Taiwan, there is an often notice board where lovers or singles leave their wishes for Yue Lao.

Yue Lao is believed to be in charged of heterosexual relationships leading to the emergence of the Gay Rabbit God in charged of homosexual relationships. In Taiwan, there is a Gay Rabbit temple dedicated to this Rabbit God.

For the days of arranged marriage to today’s individual search for their special one, Yue Lao’s special help remains relevant and sought after.

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