Billy 報您知 2013/3/14

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時間:每周五 晚上 7:00~9:30

地點: 麥當勞




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Billy 報您知 2013/3/14


全球首款 台製透明手機將上市 (爽報)
Polytron unveils world's first transparent mobile phone

寶創科技總經理游榮賢昨說,寶創花約4年與1千萬台幣研發經費,才掌握這款全球首創的透明技術。他稱透明手機比iPhone 5還輕25%,螢幕解析度與iPhone 5相同,還可雙面觸控、觀看。

Polytron unveils world's first transparent mobile phone

(By Mark Langshaw)

Polytron has unveiled the world's first transparent smartphone.

The Taiwanese manufacturer showcased a prototype handset made almost entirely of glass, with only the circuit board, memory card and camera visible, Mobile Geeks reports.

The device features touchscreen technology and its SIM, SD card, battery, microphone and camera are all functional, but the model on show did not have an operating system on board.

Polytron is experimenting with a technology dubbed 'Polyvision Privacy Glass', an opaque substance that becomes see-through when an electric current passes through it.

The firm has also developed a technique for feeding microscopic wires into the glass, making them barely visible to the naked eye.

Polytron has revealed plans to release transparent hardware by the end of the year.

新開張 周五聚會 2013/3/8

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時間:每周五 晚上 7:00~9:30

地點: 麥當勞




(02) 22540821

(02) 22556076

Billy 報您知 2013/3/8

Sausages And Bacon Linked To Premature Death
Jennifer Welsh|Mar. 6, 2013

If you love sausages, hot dogs, and brats, you might be in for a shorter life, a new study suggests.
The study analyzed data from half a million men and women, as a part of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition. It was published in the journal BMC Medicine [PDF]. They found a link between "processed" meat — which includes all meat products, including ham, bacon, sausages; small part of minced meat that has been bought as a ready-to-eat product — and cardiovascular disease and cancer, they report.

香腸培根吃過量 早死風險恐增4

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