周六 (8/17)1感恩讓您快樂 2英文片語 3新聞討論

  8/17周六聚會 本周六 8/17聚會 時間: 6:30pm~9:00pm
地點: 快提café  新北市板橋區文化路一段38710

(沿著新埔捷運站1出口左方向走約100公尺 看到信義房屋旁的巷子進入)電話詢問 Billy  Tel: 0976217450 (02) 22540821
Why Living a Life of Gratitude Can Make You Happy by Leo Babauta.

 “If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, ‘thank you,’ that would suffice.” – Meister Eckhart

Many days, I try to humble myself and hold a 2-minute gratitude session. I simply sit or kneel, with no distractions, close my eyes, and think about what I’m grateful for and who I’m grateful for.

I don’t do it every day, but let me tell you, on the days I do it, it makes me very happy.

Why should that be? Why should the simple act of thinking about who and what I’m grateful for make such a big difference in my life?

Just a few reasons:

 •Because it reminds you of the positive things in your life. It makes you happy about the people in your life, whether they’re loved ones or just a stranger you met who was kind to you in some ways.

 •Because it turns bad things into good things. Having problems at work? Be grateful you have work. Be grateful you have challenges, and that life isn’t boring. Be grateful that you can learn from these challenges. Be thankful they make you a stronger person.

 •Because it reminds you of what’s important. It’s hard to complain about the little things when you give thanks that your children are alive and healthy. It’s hard to get stressed out over paying bills when you are grateful there is a roof over your head.

 •Because it reminds you to thank others. I’ll talk about this more below, but the simple act of saying “thank you” to someone can make a big difference in that person’s life. Calling them, emailing them, stopping by to say thank you … just taking that minute out of your life to tell them why you are grateful toward them is important to them. People like being appreciated for who they are and what they do. It costs you little, but makes someone else happy. And making someone else happy will make you happy.

What do I give thanks for, privately, in my little gratitude session? It varies every day. I thank all the readers of this site, for the encouragement you have given me, for the donations you’ve made that have made me that much closer to realizing my dreams, for the criticism you’ve given that has made this site better … for the time you’ve given me, just reading the articles when you have the chance.

I thank my loved ones, for all they do to me. I thank strangers who’ve shown me little acts of kindness. I thank God, for the life he’s given me. I thank people around the world for the things they’ve done to make the world better. I thank myself, for things that I’ve done (it’s important to recognize your own accomplishments).
1. What are the benefits of gratitude?
2. Why saying 'thank you' is very important?
3. What makes you happy?
4. How to thank someone?
5. How often do you say thank you?
6. Are you willing to help other people?
7. Why some people are ungrateful?

   Buy a pig in a poke
Buy a pig in a poke的典故。它來自一個滑頭的人耍弄別人的一個故事。這個人說他的口袋裡有一頭小肥豬要出賣,而買主居然笨得不看一眼就買下了,回到家打開袋子,才發現原來裡面裝的是隻貓。

Buy a pig in a poke 胡亂瞎買

---Fig. to buy something without looking inside first.
1. If you don't get a good look at the engine of a used car before you buy it, you'll wind up buying a pig in a poke.
2. I just took the salesman's word that this camera worked. I guess I bought a pig in a poke.
a pig in a poke
---something that you buy or accept without first seeing it or knowing what it is like, with the result that it might not be what you want
1. Clothes from a catalogue are a pig in a poke. You can't feel the quality of the fabric or know if the clothes will fit.
2. Never buy a pig in the poke.

Buddhist charity promotes 'ghost month' as joyous time (By Christie Chen)

Taipei, Aug. 14 (CNA) While "ghost month" is traditionally linked to danger and misfortune, a Buddhist charity group has been trying to change that perception by promoting the period as a joyous and auspicious time. The Buddhist Compassion Relief Tzu Chi Foundation said Wednesday it plans to hold over 900 prayer meetings at home and abroad from the end of July to the end of August to "communicate positive thoughts" and dispel the myths associated with ghost month. At 12 of the prayer meetings, Taiwanese opera companies will perform Buddhist tales to convey positive messages to the public, said the foundation, which has been holding such gatherings for many years. Ghost month, observed during the seventh month on the lunar calendar, is being marked from Aug. 7 to Sept. 4 this year. People usually avoid activities such as swimming, traveling or going out after dark during ghost month, as it is believed that spirits are abroad and on the lookout for souls to capture. The Buddhist charity, however, believes that the seventh month on the lunar calendar is in fact a joyful time. The 15th day of that month marked the end of an annual summer retreat for Buddha's disciples when he was alive, the charity said. On the retreat, the disciples would meditate and lead a conscientious life, Tzu Chi said, urging the public to do away with the negative thoughts associated with the month. In 2012, the foundation organized about 4,000 activities around the world to celebrate ghost month, attracting the participation of over 280,000 people.

周五(8/16) 1人際關係 2.惡妻/惡夫/惡男女友

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Tips for Improving Social Interaction   (By Tim Bryce)

People have a natural curiosity as to what you are all about. The best way to communicate this is to engage in simple conversation. Some people are naturally shy and tend to withdraw from such discourse. If one person is not willing to start a conversation, another should take the initiative simply by asking the other, "How are you?" or "What do you think?"

Many people prefer to sit back and watch as others perform the work. Volunteering your time or skills may add an additional burden but it tells others you believe in them and are willing to help out. Such an expression also makes it easy for you to solicit support when you are in need of help.

Too often people are too proud (or too stubborn) to ask for directions in our journey through life. But asking for advice from a colleague accomplishes two things: first, you might get the answer you seek, and; second, it says to the person you trust and respect their opinion. By confiding in an individual, the advisor becomes concerned with your best interests. This leads to mutual trust and respect between people.

Your manners and how you interact with others says a lot about a person's character. Basic courtesy means you are socially well adjusted. No, I am not suggesting everyone turns into a "Miss Manners," but attention to basic courtesy can improve your image with others. 

The linchpin to good interpersonal relations is trust. Regardless of our form of discourse, nothing builds trust better than honesty, the basic building block of confidence. Having an honest character conveys an image that you are dependable, that your word is your bond, and you can be trusted to do the right thing. But your reputation can be shattered overnight if you are caught in a lie. Therefore, don't falsify or mislead. If you do not know an answer, do not fabricate one, but make every attempt to find the answer elsewhere.


1. How to improve your social skills

Ways to improve social interaction?

2. How to communicate well with people?

How to speak well and confidently?

3. Whom do you ask for advice?

Are you willing ask for opinion from others?

4. Why is it good to be honest?

Supporting reasons on why it is good to be honest.?

5. Do you trust your friends?

6. How to get your friends to trust you?
情人節變調 妻鬧跳樓討禮物
情人節有收到禮物嗎?沒有禮物! 那準備--------   Billy 覺得這則新聞有趣  來聊聊吧
How Do I Handle a Difficult Wife? (Eminent leaders)
handling difficult woman What else does a woman want? “I just bought her a car, did the registration in her name and paid six-month salary to a driver who takes her everywhere. Before this, she gets a monthly allowance of N10,000 (that’s not the housekeeping allowance, which is N40,000 per month). I get her clothes and jewellery anytime I travel or from mobile merchants in my office. But, kike is never pleased,” stated Jude, 38 and father of three.

She is one of the nastiest women on earth. She is so ungrateful and never sees any good in whatever I do. The only moment she is nice is when I give her money or a gift. She would nag about imaginary women I date, coupled with her hostility to my family members.

How to deal with a difficult husband? (Circle of Moms)

My husband is difficult. He is a glass half empty person and has very high standards for everyone. As a result, he is often criticizing and disappointed in me.

He also feels that I take advantage of him financially.
I make a point to always say "thank you" when he buys us dinner or really, anything. He often has a victimized attitude. No matter how much I tell him how I appreciate him, it never seems to be enough.
How to Deal With a Demanding Girlfriend?(By Chelsea )
A demanding girlfriend comes in many forms. She could demand undivided attention at all times, or she could be jealous and materialistic among other flaws that lend to a demanding attitude. This character flaw is a hard one to get over, so knowing how to deal with a demanding girlfriend gives you the ability to decide whether or not she's really the right girl for you.
How to Deal With a Difficult Boyfriend? (By Katie O'Gorman)
Even if you are the most patient of people, dealing with a difficult boyfriend can push you to your limits. While it is normal, even healthy, to fight in relationships, it is also important to ward off trouble before it starts. Learn how to maintain composure and read your boyfriend's feelings before they spiral out of control. Relationships are a two-way street, and both parties need to work toward finding common ground.

Do you think it is important to give expensive gifts?

How to select special  gifts for lovers ?

1. How do you handle a difficult wife? Or a difficult husband?
(image you were marrieed)
2. How to deal with a demanding girlfriend/ boyfriend?
3. How to deal with a difficult boyfriend/ grifriend?
4. What is the best way to get rid of your girlfriend/boyfriend?
5. Ways to tell she'll make a bad wife/husband?
How to pick the right wife/ the right husband?
6. Is your girlfriend material?
How to deal with a material grifriend ?

情人節變調 妻鬧跳樓討禮物【潘姵如、陳冠宇、塗豐駿╱台北報導】







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