周二 (8/20) 1.最美的落日 2.不快樂臉書

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Taiwan's Guanshan among world's best sunset spots: CNN

Taipei, Aug. 14 (CNA) Southern Taiwan's Guanshan was chosen by CNN earlier this week as one of the world's most superb sunset spots, the Tourism Bureau said Wednesday.

Guanshan has made the list of best sunset sites because it offers an excellent view of Hengchun Peninsula, a popular tourist spot in the south of the island, CNN said Monday.

"What (Guanshan) has is beautiful hot springs and forests," said the American news network, which has lauded Taiwanese cuisine and townships in previous reports.

The fact that there are no trains or highways on the peninsula, where the 152-meter-high mountain Guanshan sits, has made the area a paradise for sunset watching, CNN said.

Besides Guanshan, CNN listed 11 other remarkable sunset spots across the world, including the Grand Canyon in the U.S., West Lake in China, Phnom Bakheng in Cambodia and Easter Island in Chile.


1. Where do you want to travel in Taiwan?

2.In your opinion, where is the most beautiful scenery in Taiwan?

List of beautiful tourist attractions in Taiwan?

3.Where do you think you can see a beautiful sunset?

Do you like sunrise or sunset better? Why?

4.Where are the best tourist spots you want introduce to foreign visitors?

5.Exspet Taiwanese food, what you want to recommend to foreign visitors?

6. What benefits can traveling give?

      中場時間 Brian
2----3分鐘 英文專題報告 Topic: (thinking traps)

How gossiping with friends on Facebook only makes you glum  By Nick Mcdermott

Scientist claims more time spent of the site the worse you feel

 Study looked at browsing habits of 82 adults with Facebook accounts

Volunteers asked to rate level of life satisfaction at the start and end

Found happiness levels declined the more they used Facebook

It is used by millions of people to stay in touch with friends and family.

But far from brightening their day, Facebook could be making its users more unhappy.

Scientists have found the more time individuals spend on the social networking site, the worse they subsequently feel.

Scientists have found the more time individuals spend on the social networking site Facebook, the worse they subsequently feel 

Scientists have found the more time individuals spend on the social networking site Facebook, the worse they subsequently feel

More than one in three Britons use Facebook every day, with 24 million logging on to share their latest goings on.

On the surface, Facebook provides an invaluable resource for fulfilling the basic human need for social connection,’ said lead researchers Dr Ethan Kross, a psychologist at the University of Michigan.

But rather than enhance well-being, we found that Facebook use predicts the opposite result - it undermines it.’ Research carried out earlier this year at the University of Chester suggested Facebook friends are no substitute for the real thing.

It found people are happier and laugh 50 per cent more when talking face-to-face with friends or via webcam than when they use social networking sites.

And the current study backed these findings, with participants who had direct interactions with other people feeling better over time.

In contrast, the more individuals used Facebook during the period, the greater the reduction in their life satisfaction levels.

This is a result of critical importance because it goes to the very heart of the influence that social networks may have on people’s lives,’ said co-author John Jonides, a cognitive neuroscientist at the University of Michigan.
1. In you opinion, does facebook really make us sad?
Why facebook makes us unhappy?
2. Pros and cons of using facebook?
3. Can facebook improve level of life satisfaction?
4. Can Facebook replace face-to-face conversation?
5. Is facebook making us lonely? Why?or Why not?
6. Can you really trust your facebook friends?
7. Do you think facebook is a waste of time?
How to avoid wasting time on facebook?
我們台灣美景再次躍上國際版面 來看看(CNN)網站 推薦全球12個最美落日景點,墾丁關山是其中之一。
其他地點還包括智利復活島、夏威夷 茂宜島、吳哥窟巴肯山、希臘聖托里尼島、美國大峽谷、杜拜、肯亞 馬塞馬拉 國家保護區、及中國西湖等等 都是美不勝收

美研究:臉書用太多 反而不快樂

該研究找來82名年輕人進行調查,並在14天時間內,每天隨機發5封簡訊,詢問他們的主觀幸福感。帶領研究團隊的密西根大學社會心理學家克羅斯(Ethan Kross)就說:「表面上,臉書為實現人類社會連結基本需求,帶來寶貴資源。」 、「但我們發現,臉書不但無法讓人更快樂,反而減少幸福感。」

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