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Taiwan argues over decriminalizing adultery (chinanews.com)
At the Cabinet's weekly meeting on March 14, Lung said, after hearing a report from the Ministry of Justice on government efforts to promote human rights, that she used to feel awkward when speaking with foreigners about the existence of a law making adultery a crime in Taiwan, as well as its being a crime of 'civil disturbance', established in the Publication Law and the Criminal Code.
 According to Article 239 of the Criminal Code, a married person who commits adultery shall be sentenced to imprisonment for not more than one year, with the other party subject to the same punishment.

 Incidentally, adultery is not a crime in mainland China. Among bigger countries, only South Korea and Islamic countries still list adultery as a 'criminal offense'.

 Later, in an interview, Lung said, "It is a different era now. It is absurd that marriage should still rely on the support of judges, police officers and detectives.." She said she believes the law is 'not democratic enough', and suggested its decriminalization.

 Supporters and opponents have been debating the issue, from the stances of the values they hold. The legal department in charge of the law's administration argued the crime should be retained as it is not against the constitution or the principle of equality. But it said the matter would be further discussed after listening to opinions from all sectors of society.

 The majority of divorce cases involve an alleged adulterer being subjected to a criminal trial. Along with the divorce request based on the fault of adultery often comes a request of compensation for mental distress caused by the adultery.

 Huang Ja-lei, a former judge and now a Judicial Yuan official, said most women file criminal charges against their husbands in the hope the husbands would end their affairs for fear of having a criminal record.

 He said, however, that chances are that marriages were damaged even more once charges were filed, and a charge is itself detrimental to a couple's reconciliation.

 "Many women thought they could get their husbands back by taking [a case] to court. They tried to make a deal, promising to drop the charge as long as the husband came back," Huang said. "But, in reality, most of them only regret it when they realize the court can't help love to continue."


1. What you think decriminalize adultery?

2. What to do when you find your spouse cheating?

(Try to imagine you were married)

3 How to know if your husband/wife is having an affair?

4. How to stop your man/woman having affairs?

5. Do you think is good idea that asking compensation for adultery?

How much money for compensation?

6. Do you want to give a cheating spouse a second chance?

7. How to cheat on sb without getting caught?
Stereotypes Examples (fos.iloveindia.com)

 Whenever we don't have a good understanding of a subject, say, of people or countries, then we tend to make assumptions about them. Stereotype is nothing but those assumptions that have become common knowledge. Whenever you make judgments about people without knowing them, you are stereotyping them. Stereotyping makes people generalize things. More often, they are all false assumptions. Though there are both positive and negative stereotypes, a majority of them are offensive. People generally stereotype out of bias against a particular group of people or religion. Stereotyping becomes a way of conveying their dislike.
Negative Stereotypes
All blond women are dumb.
Guys are messy and unclean.

Men who spend too much time on the computer or read are geeks.

Men who are not into sports are termed as gay.

Girls are not good at sports.

Only anorexic women can become models.

Women who smoke and drink do not have morals.

Men who like pink are effeminate.

Positive Stereotypes

All Blacks are great basketball players.

Asians have high IQs. They are smarter than most in Math and Science.

 French are romantic.

All Asians know kung fu.
Italians are good lovers.

 Racial Stereotypes

All Muslims are terrorists.

All Jewish people are greedy, selfish money hungry people.

All Italians are stylish and sophisticated. They are usually painters, sculptors or fashion designers. 

All Middle easterners hate America.

 Chinese will eat anything.

All South Koreans are gaming nerds.

 All Indians and Chinese are cheap and live a frugal life.


1. Is stereotyping bad?

Why is stereotyping bad?

2. Are there any false stereotypes in Taiwan?

3. How stereotypes affect us and what can be done about it?

4. Can stereotypes be changed?

How to change our look and avoid stereotypes

5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of stereotyping?

6. What are the causes of stereotypes?

7. What is the difference between bias and stereotype?

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