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Mafia are considering assassinating the Pope    By Hannah Roberts dailymail
Mafia are considering assassinating the Pope in response to his anti-corruption sermons, warns leading Italian prosecutor  

Since Pope Francis took office in April he has made clear he intends to rid the Holy See of corruption

He has already forced his own number two Cardinal Bertone into retirement after he was accused of corruption
In one of his first sermons as Pope he took aim at mafia calling on them to repent for 'exploiting and enslaving people'
The Mafia are considering a lethal strike on Pope Francis, a senior prosecutor in Italy's crime-torn deep South has warned.

The pontiff's life is in danger because his desire to sweep away corruption in 'a total clean-up' is making organised criminal groups 'nervous', the deputy chief prosecutor of Reggio Calabria, Nicola Gratteri, claimed.
Since Francis took office in April, he has made it clear that he intends to rid the Holy See of its corrupt ways and clean up the notorious Vatican bank, long used by money launderers.
He immediately dispatched the chairman of the IOR bank Gotti Tedeschi and subsequently forced his own number two Cardinal Bertone, who had been accused of corruption, into retirement.
Dangerous-gangs-in-the-world  (opishposh.com)

United Bamboo is believed to be the most powerful triad in Taiwan, with an estimated 10,000 members.
United Bamboo operates with an “old school” organized crime code of ethics that stresses unity, though its members frequently engage in violence.
They’re believed to control the drug trafficking in Taiwan and have significant political influence, as well as operations that stretch through Asia, the Americas, and Europe. Like many other triad crime syndicates, United Bamboo doesn’t have a single boss, but rather uses a horizontal hierarchical structure that insulates the organization should a member get killed or arrested.

1. What do you think that “mafia is considering assassinating the pope”?

2. Do you think the corruption issue serious in Taiwan?

And how we stop corruption?

3. What are the dangerous-gangs in Taiwan? What do you think about them?

4. Are gangs a social problem? What do you think about gang’s fights?

5. Ways to stop gang violence?

6. What do you think crime rates in Taiwan?

7 . Do you think street gang movies have bad effects to young people?
Discrimination (Jay Karlson)
Weight Discrimination

 Obesity is a serious medical problem, and people who suffer from it need to achieve a healthy weight and maintain safe diet habits. But while getting healthier, obese people still deserve the same level of (in)dignity that everyone else gets these days.
That’s not happening. According to the International Journal of Obesity, reports of weight discrimination are increasing. Their research surveyed 2,000 U.S. adults in 1995-96 and again in 2004-06, comparing weight discrimination rates relative to other forms of discrimination. The results were alarming. 17% of men and 9% of women reported race discrimination, while among severely obese people, 28% of men and a shocking 45% of women said they have experienced discrimination because of their weight.
Institutional discrimination centered on health care, education or workplace situations, such as cases in which people said they were fired, or denied jobs and promotions because of their weight. Interpersonal discrimination occurred mainly via insults, abuse and harassment.
Discriminating against people based on physical attractiveness is thoughtless and shallow, but the ugly truth is attractive people earn more and are treated better than their plainer counterparts. They even get credit for positive characteristics they don’t deserve.
In 1994, Drs. Jeff Biddle and Daniel Hamermesh analyzed surveys conducted by government agencies in Canada and the United States. The surveys asked questions regarding income, occupation, and background, and then applied ratings for interviewee attractiveness (1-homely, 2- below average, 3-average, 4-above average, 5-handsome/beautiful).
The study showed that working men rated “homely” or “below average” in attractiveness earned 9% percent less than average. But men who rated “above average” or “handsome” earned 5% more than the average. Women were also rewarded and penalized for their looks, but at a gentler rate. The most attractive women earned only 4 % more than average, while the least attractive women earned only 5% less than average. Biddle and Hamermesh concluded that “there is a significant penalty for bad looks among men.”

Western society’s attitude towards aging is predominantly negative and juvenile. Just being “old” is perceived as a handicap that turns people off. Why?
Well, conventional wisdom (wrongly) dictates a person’s energy and talent (and thus, their value to society) peaks during their 20’s and 30’s. Anyone older than that is considered “over the hill” and “past their prime”. Some people even consider seniors no longer “regular adults”, since they have outlived their usefulness.
Those misconceptions result in unfair stereotypes about the actions and characteristics of the elderly. For example, when seniors are unsure of something, we suspect they are feeble or senile. When they don’t hear something we say, they are accused of not understanding us, instead of having trouble hearing. When they get angry, they’re called “cranky”, even though that’s diagnosing a chronic personality trait from a temporary mood.
1. What do you think about discrimination?

2. What do you think about weight discrimination?

What do you think about physical attractiveness discrimination?

What do you think about ageism?
What do you think about racial discrimination?
3.How to stop discrimination?
4. Are you willing to hire an old person, if you were a boss?
Are you willing to hire a plain looking girl, if you were a boss?
5. Do you think attractive person get job easily?
6. Do you judge a person by his appearance
Should we judge a person by their appearance?

阿妹示範的「反歧視」/聯合報 黃驛淵 



Billy的好朋友 Oliphia 在上次  說吧!英文讀書會
Billy的師傅 "青年先生" 在此為您解答:
crowd out 排擠 
 把…排擠在外 If one thing crowds out another, it is so successful or common that the other thing does not have the opportunity to be successful or exist. 

1. In the 2000s  krean films crowded out japanese films.


2. Women have been crowded out in many workplaces .


an outcast 被排擠者 An outcast is someone who is not accepted by a group of people or by society. 
 1. Billy has had an unhappy life: that doesn't make he an outcast .

2. The pretty girl  was treated like an outcast by the other girls. 

3. Billy had always been an outcast, unwanted and alone... 

4. Billy felt like family outcast. 

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