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Survive Office: 10 Tips For Moving Up Corporate Ladder

(By Rajiv Sighamony)

Here are some significant tips for you to practice in your work to make an impact to your company and eventually make yourself rise to the top.

1. Always Be Prepared

Do you have the training and presentation modules ready for the staff meeting? Bosses look at your eagerness about your work, and they will notice it though your presentation and materials. They will look at the presentation charts and notes that you had used while presenting your points, and judge you based on those materials. Prepare them well to impress your bosses.

2. Be Responsible

A good employee is a responsible employee. Adding up responsibilities should be your forte. You take care of responsibilities seriously once they are assigned to you. You should also be ready to undertake more responsibilities if necessary.

3. Communicate Effectively

Proper communication is an essential tool to successful career. If you are able to put your thoughts and opinion across in an effective manner, you will get the most attention. Your communication skills will lead you to sit among bosses and managers. You will be asked to share your views in company’s meetings.

4. Avoid Being too Smart

There are a number of employees who try to act smart, they carry an attitude that they are not just smart but they can get away with doing silly things in the office, and still not get caught. You should not be one of those “smart” guys

Remember, someone would get the word to the bosses. Acts like these will never help. Playing Facebook at work and try to hide it while boss passes by is unprofessional, and most bosses take these kinds of acts as violation of office rules. Boss just doesn’t like someone who challenges his rules, be it directly or indirectly.

5. Learn to Say No

Learn to say no. Of course you should not offend your boss, manager and colleagues, but you should sound your disagreement and opinion wisely. A more polished way of saying ‘no’ will not harm your relationship and position in the company. Disagreements are bound to exist among colleagues, but what matters is the way it’s done.


1. Is it ok to challenge your boss in workplace?

2. Are the bosses always right? What to do if you find them are making mistakes?

3. How to survive in work place? Ways to survive in an unhappy workplace?

4. How to get promoted? Tips to get a promotion at work?

5. Is it a good idea being smart or outstanding in workplace?

6. Ways of getting noticed by your boss at your workplace?

7. How to fight back against a bully boss?

How to say “NO”to your boss?

8. How to get along with difficult co-workers in the workplace?

Vegetables found to contain excessive pesticide residues

(By Yang Shu-min and Elizabeth Hsu)

Taipei, July 5 (CNA) Over half of 49 samples of vegetables and sweet pepper in the Consumers' Foundation's latest vegetable safety check were found to contain excessive levels of pesticide, the non-profit non-governmental organization said Friday.

The foundation purchased 11 packs of yard-long beans, 15 packs of green beans, 12 packs of peas and 11 bags of sweet peppers from shopping malls, supermarkets, traditional markets and organic stores in Taipei and New Taipei City between April and May.

After conducting pesticide residue tests on the vegetables, it found 10 of the bean samples, seven of the green beans samples, eight of peas samples and two of the sweet pepper samples contained excessive amounts of pesticide residue, the foundation said.

Among the 49 samples, some even had as many as eight different pesticides in one sample, while others were found to be contaminated by pesticide residue in a concentration of 201 times the safety level, the foundation said.

The organization pointed out that the samples tainted by excessive pesticide residues have violated the Act Governing Food Sanitation, which stipulates a fine between NT$60,000 and NT$15 million against such violations.

In response to the results, Feng Tung-hai, deputy director-general of the Bureau of Animal and Plant Health Inspection Quarantine, said the bureau will step up its surprise checks on vegetables sold in the markets, especially those that are at a high risk of being tainted by pesticide residues.

In its advise for people, the Consumers' Foundation suggested consumers thoroughly wash vegetables and fruits they purchase with clean water and soak them in water for 15 to 20 minutes before using them in cooking or eating them raw.


1. Do you care what you eat?

Do you care about the problem with pesticides?

2. What to do to that pesticide residue found in vegetables?

3. How to rid your produce of pesticide residue?

How can we wash pesticides from fruit and veggies?

4. How do we make our food supply safer?

Options for improving food security?

5. Do you trust produce from china?

6. Are organic food good?

Organic foods: are they safer? More nutritious?

7. Tips to protect yourself from harmful food?

全聯青椒含農藥 2顆就超標(apple daily)
全聯販售的青椒芬普尼濃度0.032ppmparts per million,百萬之一濃度),60公斤成人每天吃23顆青椒就超標;大潤發的宜洋薰衣草茶驗出陶斯松濃度0.81ppm,成人每天可接受攝食量為740克,等於喝2大杯薰衣草茶就超標。


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