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Bored to Death: Chronically Bored People Exhibit Higher Risk-Taking Behavior

For most people, boredom is a passing, nearly trivial feeling that lifts as soon as your number is called, a task is completed or a lecture ends. But boredom has a darker side: Easily bored people are at higher risk for depression, anxiety, drug addiction, alcoholism, compulsive gambling, eating disorders, hostility, anger, poor social skills, bad grades and low work performance.
Part of the boredom puzzle may be individual differences in how much excitement and novelty we require.Men, for example, are generally more bored than women. They also exhibit more risk-taking behaviors, report enjoying more dangerous entertainment and are more likely to say that their environments are dull. "People who are more likely to become bored do not see their environments as very rich or lively," says Stephen Vodanovich at the University of West Florida in Pensacola, who has been working on boredom for almost 20 years.
Clues to the underlying causes of boredom have come from patients who suffer traumatic brain injuries (TBI). According to James Danckert, a neuroscientist at the University of Waterloo in Ontario, people with TBI often begin to indulge in riskier activities after their accidents. These activities might include taking drugs or jumping out of planes&mash;pursuits they pick up in an attempt to deal with their new and chronic boredom.
Danckert theorizes that the massive flux of endorphins or pain medication necessary for recovery from a brain injury may have literally raised these patients' threshold for psychological pleasure and reward. "Now instead of a coffee doing it for you, you need a triple espresso," Danckert explains. "Anything that used to give you pleasure now has to be ramped up in order to succeed." Like chronically bored but healthy people, they need far bigger hits to find fun.
Highly bored individuals also tend to lack the ability to entertain themselves. As a result, they may turn to activities like doing drugs, says McWelling Todman at the New School for Social Research in New York City. "Drug use takes place during downtime when the person would have otherwise been entertaining themselves." This may be especially true during adolescence, a time "when they are putting together the skills needed to deal with boredom in adulthood." Boredom therefore becomes a lifelong cue for sensation-seeking behavior. If drug addicts can learn to deal with their doldrums, however, they may be less likely to relapse. In one as-yet unpublished study of 156 addicts ranging in age from 24 to 68 at a methadone clinic, the subjects' reported levels of boredom were the only reliable factor that predicted whether they would stay on course, Todman notes.
Our culture's obsession with external sources of entertainment—TV, movies, the Internet, video games—may also play a role in increasing boredom. "I think there is something about our modern experience of sensory overload where there is not the chance and ability to figure out what your interests, what your passions are," says John Eastwood, a clinical psychologist at York University in Toronto.


1. Do people really can be bored to death?

What to do when you are bored to death?

2.How to improve your social skills? How do you develop your interests?

3. How often do you make a trip?

4. What are the things that give you pleasure? (ex: gambling)

5. Why is that “men are generally more bored than women”?

6. Do you think that entertainments—TV, movies, the internet, video games—may also play a role in increasing boredom?

7. Do you think bored related to poor social skills and low work performance?

8. What can you do to make yourself feel better if you are unhappy?

Taiwanese man shot dead, wife abducted on Malaysian island (CNA)

Foreign ministry spokeswoman Anna Kao updates reporters on the situation.
Taipei, Nov. 15 (CNA) A Taiwanese man has been shot dead and his wife abducted on a resort island off the coast of the East Malaysian state of Sabah, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said Friday.

Taiwan's representative office in Malaysia has been informed of the situation by local police and has sent officials to Sabah to help deal with the case, the ministry said.

According to a report by the English-language Malaysian daily The Star, 57-year-old Lim Min Hsu was found dead with two bullet wounds in his chest early Friday at a resort on Pom Pom Island following an attack by a group of Filipino gunmen.

The victim's wife, identified as 58-year-old An Wei Chang, was abducted, the report said.


1. What do you think about this news?

2. In your opinion, which countries are safe to travel?

and dangerous Countries for Tourists?

英國心理諮詢研究人員發現,「無聊感強烈」者與感覺充實者相比,因心臟病或中風致死的可能性高出2.5,無聊因而可能是一個「折壽」心理因素。倫敦大學學院流行病學和公共衛生系研究人員調閱1985年至1988年時年3555歲接受「無聊感」調查的7524名公務員資訊,追蹤他們20多年後的健康情況。截至20094,一些調查物件已經離世。當年調查結果顯示,10名公務員中有1人曾在過去一個月內感覺無聊;感覺無聊的女公務員人數是男性的2倍多;年輕公務員和從事瑣碎工作的公務員比其他人更易感覺無聊。研究人員發現,當年感覺「格外無聊」者的死亡可能性比感覺充實者高37% 英國《每日郵報》6日引述報告撰寫者之一、研究員馬丁·希普利的話報導:「研究成果顯示,存在充分證據,顯現心臟病與無聊感相關。」 北京洛哈斯心理諮詢中心的繆志霞主任說,「惡習害」 是致病原因。英國心理學研究人員也表示,對生活不滿、感覺無聊的人可能養成吸煙酗酒等惡習,而這些因素會「折壽」。這些都讓人聯想dao美國熱播電視劇《無聊致死》的開篇。男主角喬納森·埃姆斯曾是作家,遭女友拋棄後心靈承受創傷,創作靈感日趨枯竭。他無處排解苦悶,在毒品和酒精中尋求安慰。心理醫生繆志霞建議,工作若無樂趣,就應在工作以外培養興趣,不能借煙酒消愁。北京心理諮詢中心洛哈斯指導,如果無法從生活中獲取動力和靈感,或者存在抑鬱傾向,解決方法是把注意力從自身轉向他人。「總以自己為中心的人應該考慮一下,」繆志霞主任說,「他們能為家人、朋友、同事甚至上司做點什麼。」 北京心理醫生們對無聊的治療觀點,主要是「改變」。譬如,可以做有意義的事,發現工作的價值。如果覺得工作沒意義,幹活自然提不起精神。要改變這種態度,就要適當調整職業規劃,重新發現工作的價值。另外,業餘時間可在醫院或學校做志願者,從服務他人中尋找快樂。因生活平淡而整天抱怨的人應該走出「舒適區」,學習新知識,可以在社區學校參加夜間課程班,就讀有挑戰性的課程。另外,應打破常規,增添「變數」。譬如,給多年未聯繫的老友打電話;找從未去過的地方旅行;去頗有名氣但離家較遠的的二手書店淘書。     
 非熱門景點 旅客應注意安全
外電相關報導指出,案發地為沙巴仙本那岸外邦邦島(Pom Pom Island),男死者為Li-Min Hsu(徐或許)、女被害者An-Wei Chang(),持有的護照國籍為中華民國。

周六( 11/23) 聚會 時間: 6:30pm~9:00pm 地點: 快提café  新北市板橋區文化路一段38710
 (沿著新埔捷運站1號出口左方向走約100公尺 經過新埔郵局
 先看到康是美 從信義房屋旁的巷子進入)
電話詢問 Billy  0976217450     
說吧!英文讀書會  完全免費  練習英文  交流知識  交友談心的平台  我們100%歡迎  老朋友

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Gay family rights should be protected: justice ministry

 Taipei, Nov. 19 (CNA) The rights of gay and lesbian couples to create families should be protected, the Ministry of Justice said Tuesday, adding that studies on public attitudes toward same-sex marriage will be completed by the end of this month. The ministry commissioned the studies to gauge public attitudes and solicit expert opinions on issues related to legalizing same-sex marriage, said Chiu Mei-yu, head of the ministry's Department of Legal Affairs, at a public hearing on same-sex marriage. The hearing, held by opposition Democratic Progressive Party lawmakers Cheng Li-chiun and Yu Mei-nu, saw officials from related government agencies and representatives from civil and religious groups express their views on the controversial issue. Chiu said that her ministry will also continue to hold seminars to solicit public opinions. The Judicial Yuan, however, held a more conservative attitude on the issue, calling for more consideration before making legal changes. Chen Chih-hung, from the Taiwan Lutheran Church, said same-sex marriage does not fit in Taiwan's culture. Noting that countries where gay marriage is legal have a higher rate of children born out of wedlock, he said Taiwan's statistics show the importance put on marriage locally. Several Taiwanese actors, singers and writers, however, came out in support of same-sex marriage, said musician Jutoupi, who argued that everyone should have the right to marry someone he or she loves. Tseng Pin-chieh, a professor at National Chung Cheng University's Department of Financial and Economic Law, suggested a referendum on legalizing same-sex marriage, as there is no clear public consensus on the issue. Taiwan Alliance to Promote Civil Partnership Rights said they oppose a referendum on the issue because it is not appropriate to hold referendums on issues involving limitations of rights for minority people in society. (By Tseng Ying-yu and Elaine Hou)

What do you think about gay and lesbian?

What do you think about the rights of gay and lesbian couples?

Do you agree same-sex marriage?

Should allow gay and lesbian couples adopt a child?

Taiwan receives ransom call from Philippines: interior minister

Taipei, Nov. 20 (CNA) Taiwan has received a call from the Philippines in which the caller asked for a ransom in connection with a Taiwanese woman abducted from the East Malaysian state of Sabah last week, Interior Minister Lee Hong-yuan said Wednesday.
What do you think about this kidnapping case?

Terry Gou

Terry Gou, chairman of Hon Hai Precision Industry Co., said Monday that he is considering shifting the company's high-end manufacturing to the United States to create a win-win situation for both Taiwan and the U.S. (CNA)

What do you think about the Taiwanese factories move to other countries?

Taiwan magazine finds banned drugs in top milk brands

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) – Traces of banned drugs were found in milk from four producers with a 70 percent market share in Taiwan, according to the results of tests published by the Chinese-language Business Weekly magazine Wednesday.

The substances found in the products included medicine for cattle use, antibiotics, anti-depressants, contraceptives and plasticizers, the publication said.

What do you think about food safety issues?
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