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      本周由 小美女Yenny主持

Pay-as-you-sit  BBC

Many people spend hours in these places nursing a coffee as they work away on their laptops. But if you're spending all day buying one expensive coffee after another and haven't sold your first novel yet, the costs can really add up.

For those who work outside of a traditional office or just want to take time out, there's a new alternative in London: a pay-per-minute café.

You can linger for as long as you like in the Ziferblat coffee shop. You'll be given a clock when you come in to keep time. When you leave, you return the item and pay the bill.

The cost of hanging out, eating, working and meeting new people in the place is 3p per minute - or £1.80 an hour. The shop's owner, Ivan Meetin, says: "Everything is free, except the time you spend there".

Customers help themselves to coffee and cookies. They can also bring their own food to eat on the premises while accessing the internet through wi-fi.

Meetin's customers clearly are not the types who rush to work with a paper cup to drink from at their desks. They are there for the ambience. The new coffee shop's atmosphere is relaxed and a bit bohemian. Informality is at the heart of Meetin's concept. He's always loved the idea of building his own house. "With my mates, we were building treehouses where rules of society didn't exist," he says.

Meetin believes his coffee shop is a bit like "social media", but with a face. Like-minded people go there to socialise. Some feel so much at home that they wash the dishes.

The concept of coffee shops, where you pay for the time and not for the cup, has proved popular in Russia. Ziferblat is part of a Russian chain. Only time will tell if the British will warm to the idea.

I'd like to try it at least once. Who knows - I might even start writing my own novel. If coffee shops are good enough for JK Rowling to spend quality time in, why can't I?
What do you this pay-as-you-sit coffee shop?
What do you think about coffee shops in Taiwan?
Are you a coffee lover?
Which do you prefer? Coffee or tea? And why?
What do think the sweetened beverages?
Is coffee drinking well for health?
Reasons why coffee is good for us?
What are the pros and cons of coffee?
What do you think about the Starbucks?
Can you recommend a good coffee shop?
Which coffee shops/tea shops impressed you most?
What do you think bubble tea and pearl milk tea in Taiwan?

Movie Star Who Committed Suicide   Rakhi Chakraborty
Fame, money, passion, adoration- they have everything-these twinkling stars of humanity. Yet tragedy follows them everywhere. It is not easy to live life under the harsh scrutiny of the spotlight. While they put on a brave face and smiled and laughed and waved from behind million dollar shades, little did we know that the tears were welling up behind those very shades. Living life large is not always the perfect dream we think it to be. It turns out, neither did they. Beautiful, charming and talented, they had the world falling at their feet. 

Robin Williams dead at 63: Police believe actor committed suicide at his California home   Associated Press
The Marin County Sherriff’s Office in California released a statement on Aug. 11 saying they responded to 911 call at 11:55 a.m. pertaining to an adult male who had been found unresponsive and not breathing inside his Tiburion, Calif., home. Emergency personnel arrived on the scene five minutes later, and pronounced Williams dead at 12:02 p.m.

The statement says Williams’ suspected cause of death is suicide via asphyxiation. Police have already launched an investigation into the actor’s death, and a toxicology report is planned.

Williams was last seen alive at home at 10 p.m. on Aug. 10. The actor lived with his wife, Susan Schneider.

This morning, I lost my husband and my best friend, while the world lost one of its most beloved artists and beautiful human beings. I am utterly heartbroken,” said Schneider. “On behalf of Robin’s family, we are asking for privacy during our time of profound grief. As he is remembered, it is our hope the focus will not be on Robin’s death, but on the countless moments of joy and laughter he gave to millions.”

Williams had been battling severe depression recently, said Mara Buxbaum, his press representative.
What do you think Robin Williams suicide case?
Is it easy to live life under the spotlight?
Is it easy being as a movie star?
How come movie stars easily suffer from depression?
How to help those who suffer from depression?
Do you like comedy movies? Why do you like comedy movies?
What movie has most inspired you in your life?
Which movie star has impressed you most ?
How to become a movie star?
How much money does an actor earn?
Why do movie stars make so much money?

電影《心靈捕手》(Good Will Hunting)一直都是我上課時和學生交換意見與想法的影片之一。它和《最後14堂星期二的課》(Tuesdays with Morrie)都在碰觸我們的生命深處,更要緊的還是在向每個人詢問:你要怎麼活出你自己的這一生呢?


酗酒、嗑藥代表了什麼?是羅賓在光鮮亮麗的演藝生活之外,平常的家居生活與屬於個人世界的生活出現空洞嗎?他是電玩高手,在虛擬世界中他也是TOP GUN,然而……。羅賓的聲技與演技絕對是一流的,可以說他也是一個天才,難道他也和那位數學天才一樣,有著悲傷的童年?或是慘綠的青少年?或者……,在笑聲之間,好像你也可以感受到他內心的沉重,像IT機器人那樣的無助。他演活劇中的每個角色,但是在真正人生的自己這個角色上,卻蒙上了一層憂鬱! 


他在片中要求麥特「跟著心走就沒事了!」但是現實人生中,這回他不但沒有跟著心走,反而自己結束自己。這和傑克李蒙所演的墨瑞教授完全不一樣,在得知自己成了漸凍人(ALS症),生命一天一天逼近死亡時,他沒有時間難過,只想讓自己的最後一堂課能夠對社會有一點貢獻,讓大家懂得:「當你學會死亡,你便懂得活著。」(When you learn how to die, you learn how to live.)電影中,墨瑞和他的學生作家米奇艾爾邦珍惜最後這一段時間共同完成墨瑞的生命故事,傳達了一個重要的訊息:死亡只結束了生命,沒有結束關係(Death ends a life, not a relationship.)。

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