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Actor issues apology after arrest in Beijing 
By Lauly Li ,The China Post

TAIPEI, Taiwan -- Following Taiwanese actor Ko Chen-tung's (柯震東) arrest in Beijing for using marijuana, Chinese state broadcaster CCTV yesterday aired video footage showing the actor's tearful apology to the public for setting a negative example.

Hong Kong singer and actor Jaycee Chan (房祖名), son of the internationally renowned kung fu star Jackie Chan (成龍), and two other suspects were arrested along with Ko on Aug. 14 at Chan's residence, according to reports. More than 100 grams of marijuana were seized by police at the scene and the suspects were later taken into custody, CCTV said.

The news of the arrests broke yesterday after the pair had been silent on social media for six days and the rumors of the two being taken into custody went viral on the Internet.

Many have speculated that the reason the incident only went public six days after it occurred was because Jackie Chan has been using his personal connections in Beijing in an attempt to halt the media frenzy for his son's sake.

CCTV also aired more video footage in which Jaycee Chan confirmed to the police that the item seized was marijuana and he had possessed it for years.

According to reports, as the amount of the seized marijuana is deemed to be more than what is plausible for personal use, Chan, who allegedly is the owner of the drugs, may face severe legal consequences, ranging from three to five years of imprisonment or even the death penalty.

Ko's video shows him tearing up in front of a camera in a detention center in China, in which the actor said he was very regretful and sorry to all the people who support and like him.

I am sorry that I've let them down and have become a bad influence. I've made a poor example for young people. I've made a huge mistake,” Ko said in the video.

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What do you about the news reported that Taiwanese actor arrest in beijing for using marijuana?
Why do many pop stars turn to drugs and suicide?
What are the dangers from using drugs?
What are the effects of celebrity role models on teens?
What do you about movie stars and paparazzi?
What kind of lifestyle did famous entertainers have?
Do movie stars under bigger pressures than ordinary people?
Are celebrities good role models?
What do you think movie stars with their scandals? Topic 2:  冰桶傳愛  
More in Taiwan take the plunge for Ice Bucket Challenge CNA
TAIPEI--Celebrities and public figures in Taiwan braced themselves for having a bucket of ice water dumped on their heads Tuesday as they continued the Internet sensation meant to raise awareness about a paralyzing disease.
Local tycoon Terry Gou (郭台銘) took the Ice Bucket Challenge in New Taipei alongside people fighting amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), or Lou Gehrig's disease, and volunteers from the Taiwan Motor Neuron Disease Association, which treats people with ALS.
Standing under a bucket controlled by a robotic arm, the chairman of Hon Hai (鴻海) Precision Industry Co., also known as Foxconn, got soaked after his wife and an ALS patient in a wheelchair pulled a rope tied to the device.
Gou participated after being nominated by Beijing Xiaomi (小米) Technology Co. CEO Lei Jun (雷軍) for the task, in which participants can either douse themselves in ice water or donate US$100 to an ALS charity, or opt to do both.
But Gou did not stop at US$100, pledging instead a generous sum of US$200,000 to the Taiwan association and announcing a further cash donation of US$100,000 to a former employee who was diagnosed with the disease.
He also named the next in line to take the challenge, including supermodel Lin Chi-ling (林志玲). Lin has agreed to take part, according to Gou.
Sports stars have also embraced the viral campaign. Taiwanese-American basketball player Jeremy Lin (林書豪) and Taiwanese tennis ace Lu Yen-hsun (盧彥勳) took on the challenge earlier Tuesday.
Lin, who has a huge fan following in Taiwan, took his own approach in a video posted to Facebook, in which he is tossed into the ocean from a beach.
Lu took the traditional approach and poured a bucket of water with ice cubes over himself in a bathtub. In addition to getting drenched, Lu said he would donate US$100 to the Taiwan association to attract more attention to ALS patients on the island.
The challenge spread to Taiwan from the United States, where it has drenched major public figures such as Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, Microsoft cofounder Bill Gates, Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos and pop star Lady Gaga.
What do you think about those celebrities took part in ”the ice bucket challenges”?
What do you think about Terry Gou, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg?
Should they do more to the charitable activities?
What do you think the supermodel Lin Chi-ling? Should she set a good example to help the poor?
Would you like to try “the ice bucket challenge” and donate money?
What are the ways to raise fund?
How to help the minority groups? What can you do?
Do wealthy people have a moral obligation to help the poor?
How to give money to charity? Expect giving money what we can do for charitable causes?
Do you know anything about ALS/ Lou Gehrig's Disease?
{ALS,( Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis)肌萎缩侧索硬化症,俗稱為漸凍人症)
How to help the ALS patients ? How to help orphans?
   冰桶傳愛【中央社╱台北19日電】 冰桶傳愛在全台各地展開,漸凍人協會統計,昨天下午至今日下午2時已募得新台幣607萬元。 為漸凍人症募款的「挑戰冰桶潑水」(Ice BucketChallenge)公益活動在各地引起風潮,挑戰者可選擇拿起一桶裝滿冰塊的冷水朝自己潑下去,或捐100美元(約新台幣2961元),或兩者都做,完成後還可指名3名挑戰者。 台灣漸凍人協會昨天響應國際舉辦「冰桶傳愛、幫助漸凍人」並以「用愛解凍、改變的力量」為口號啟動「漸凍人家庭守護天使」勸募計畫。 漸凍人協會理事長劉延鉅說,漸凍人症是世界五大絕症之一,致病原因不明,仍無法治療,目前國內漸凍人約1000多名,以男性稍多,發病多在40歲壯年。 他說,當漸凍人無法自主呼吸後,需大量仰賴灌食與居家照護,每個月至少要付出新台幣10萬元,對家庭而言是不小負擔。 台灣漸凍人協會統計從昨天到今天下午2時,已募得607萬元,每天都會在官網及臉書公布最新募得金額,希望更多民眾關注漸凍人、了解漸凍人、認識漸凍人。 
柯震東:吸毒2 房祖名也招吸毒8

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