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Soaked for charity: Ice bucket challenges get cool  By DENISE LAVOIE

    Beryl Lipton, left, douses Matt Lee during the ice bucket challenge at Boston's Copley Square, Thursday, Aug. 7, 2014 to raise funds and awareness for ALS. The idea is: pay up for charity or get doused. The fund-raising phenomenon is catching on fast, propelled by popular videos of the dunkers and the dunked _ including famous athletes and entertainers _ posted on social media sites. And the challenges are raising tens of thousands of dollars and immeasurable awareness for causes from ALS to breast cancer to a camp for kids who’ve lost a father to war.
BOSTON (AP) — The idea is simple: Take a bucket of ice water, dump it over your head, record it and post the video on social media.

It's cold, it's fun and it's contagious. But these ice bucket challenges and similar social media-powered stunts also are raising awareness and money for causes such as Lou Gehrig's disease, breast cancer and a camp for kids who have lost their fathers to war.

Martha Stewart has been doused. So has Matt Lauer. And pro golfer Greg Norman.

The fundraising phenomenon asks those willing to douse themselves to challenge others to do the same within 24 hours. If they don't, they must make a donation to a certain charity. Each person who participates nominates more friends, who nominate more friends, who nominate still more friends, which explains why the trend has exploded.

ICE BUCKET CHALLENGE: Microsoft founder Bill Gates is the latest high profile participant in the Ice Bucket Challenge to raise funds for research into Lou Gehrig’s Disease, also known as ALS. The challenge, which has gone viral on social media, involves dumping a bucket of ice-water over one's head and donating $10 or bypassing the chilly experience and donating $100. Some of the world's richest people have been getting in on the act with Gates challenged by Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg.
What do you think about this charitable activity ”the ice bucket challenges”?
Would you like to try “the ice bucket challenge”?
What are the ways to raise fund?
What are the types of volunteering? What can you do?
How to give money to charity? Expect giving money what we can do for charitable causes?
Do you know anything about ALS/ Lou Gehrig's Disease?
{ALS,( Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis),(Lou Gehrig's disease),肌萎缩侧索硬化症,俗稱為漸凍人症)
This activity is aim to help breast cancer and a camp for kids who have lost their fathers to war.
So, how to support someone diagnosed with cancer?
How to help a friend with cancer?
How to help orphans?
What do you think Microsoft founder bill gates and Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg?
Should they do more charitable activities?

The Most Important Cities In The World (businessinsider Julie Zeveloff)

London is the most important city in the world for the rich, according to the latest Wealth Report from real estate consulting firm Knight Frank. But it won't hold onto its title for long.

According to the report, New York is set to overtake London as the top city for the wealthy in the next decade. And Asian cities like Singapore, Hong Kong, and Shanghai will also become more important over the next 10 years.

Knight Frank determined its eighth-annual "global cities" ranking based on four factors: economic activity, political power, quality of life, and influence and power. It also took into account each city's population of ultra-high-net-worth individuals (those with $30 million or more in net assets, excluding their primary residence), and responses from an attitude survey of wealth advisors around the world.

"Our results suggest that by 2024 New York should surpass London as its share of the world’s UHNWIs rises and the city becomes increasingly important to Chinese, Russian and even European UHNWIs," the Knight Frank report concludes.

The report also notes an impending "power struggle" among Asia's top cities. "One of the key differences, however, between Asia and Europe and North America is Asia’s lack of a single dominant city," the report says. "This is why we are now seeing the power struggle ... with Singapore, Hong Kong, Shanghai and even Beijing all contenders for the title of future leading Asian city."

What do you think about London and New York?
In your opinion, what are the most important cities in the world?
Which cities are the world's most livable cities?
What city has world's best quality of life?
What are the pros and cons of living in a foreign country?
What are the pros and cons of living in Taiwan?
How's the quality of life in Taiwan?
How to improvement in living conditions?
What do you think the cost of living in Taiwan?
自澆冰水募款 蓋茲濕身
庫克等助漸凍人 2周募3億元
微軟創辦人比爾蓋茲的「冰桶挑戰」與眾不同,他自製放置冰水桶的鐵架,只需拉繩子就能自澆冷水。 翻攝YouTube


冰桶挑戰(ice bucket challenge)今年7月初源起紐西蘭,是紐國癌症協會的募款活動。到了美國受到「漸凍症」(ALS)病患及家屬注意,成為募款新招,挑戰者得自拍淋冰水影片上傳網站,並指名另3人接受挑戰,不願淋水者得捐款100美元(約3000元台幣)。

蓋茲(Bill Gates)是新加入的名人,影片(goo.gl/lncuoK)開頭就是蓋茲從網上看到臉書執行長薩克柏(Mark Zuckerberg)的「戰書」,點名他接棒,他接受而且要「做得更好」。在準備拉下連接冰桶的繩子前,蓋茲沒忘了「陷害」好友:「我要點名3人接受挑戰。馬斯克(Elon Musk,美國太空探索公司創辦人)、希奎斯特(Ryan Seacrest,主持人)、安德森(Chris Anderson,菁英經驗分享平台TED大會管理人)。」

此活動自7月底發起後短短2周,臉書及推特等社群網站出現120萬支相關影片,響應者包括明星、體育健將等,如穿比基尼的女星艾美羅森(Emmy Rossum)超吸睛、美式足球紐約噴射機隊隊員一起被淋超熱鬧、影歌雙棲的賈斯汀(Justin Timberlake)的影片也被列入最佳「冰桶挑戰」畫面之一。蘋果公司執行長庫克(Tim Cook)也參與,連歐巴馬總統(Barack Obama)也被點名,但他顯然不想「自潑冰水」而是透過白宮發言人表示會捐款給「漸凍症」協會。


根據國內漸凍人協會資料,肌萎縮性脊髓側索硬化症(Amyotrophic lateral sclerosisALS)俗稱「漸凍人症」,是一種因運動神經功能受損,造成肌肉萎縮的罕見疾病。除少數為遺傳性病患外,發病原因不明。發病後全身逐漸癱瘓,約3~5年會變成呼吸衰竭。

文章還稱,一個城市能否產生世界性的影響力,需要考慮其是否能吸引外資、跨國公司總部的數量、交通便利程度、金融服務、科技與媒體力量等。前10名排名依序為倫敦、紐約、巴黎、新加坡、東京、香港、杜拜、北京、雪梨、洛杉磯、舊金山 、多倫多。其中北京和雪梨並列第八,洛杉磯 、舊金山和多倫多並列第十。(國際中心/綜合外電報導)

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