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Earning your first million at age 20: Tips from Cristina Decena

Many may think earning a million pesos at the age of 20 is impossible, but businesswoman Cristina Decena proved otherwise.
Born to a poor family in Tondo, Cristina decided she will not become part of her parents’ burden, so she started working at a young age.
She started her business sense by selling candies as a child. In college, she sold clothes and food. From these small businesses, she saved up enough money to invest in real estate, which earned her first million at 20 years old.
Save money - and take it seriously
Not being born with a silver spoon, Cristina learned the value of saving money at a young age. She was able to save what she earned from her small businesses and was surprised by the accumulated results.
Sell second hand goods for a higher price
A self-confessed “vain” person, Cristina shows “Powerhouse” host Kara David her collection of signature bags and belts. Her collections do not only serve as trendy pieces but also as investments, since she manages to sell her used bags and belts for a higher price!
Get your hands dirty
Two of Cristina’s main source of income are her build-and-sell real estate and furniture businesses. Deviating from the usual perception of what a company owner is supposed to do, she actually educates herself in the nitty gritty details of the job.
Have the right attitude towards success
What’s knowledge and talent without the right attitude? Cristina owes her success not only to her clients and employees but also to herself and to God. (gmanetwork.com)
How to earn your first million?
How to save money?
What are the money habits that can help you get wealthy?
What are the ways to get rich?
What are the right attitude towards success?
Money-making ideas - how to make money quickly?
How to start your own business?
How to become successful while you're young?
Do you admire the rich or resent the wealthy?
What do you think of the rich people and lavish lifestyle?

Susan Boyle - don't judge a book by its cover

Moms across America continue to cheer on singing and Internet sensation Susan Boyle, especially as she enters the finals of Britain’s Got Talent. Why? This once frumpy Scottish spinster gives parents a real life example to point to when we preach to our kids, “Never judge a book by its cover.”

I’ve said these exact words to my sons on numerous occasions, especially after they've met someone who may not be popular or well liked. Kids can be mean and spiteful, especially during the middle school years. That’s why it’s so important to stress to them that looks do not matter. What’s truly important is what’s inside a person: heart, soul and a compassion for others.

Susan Boyle is a perfect example to point out to our kids. Her golden voice is may be housed in a frumpy frame, yet she became a worldwide sensation and has been viewed on YouTube by more than 60 million viewers. Boyle even received an apology from Simon Cowell on Sunday for treating her disrespectfully by saying, “You know what, I just want to apologize because of the way we treated you before you sang the first time. You made me and every one else look very stupid, and I’m very happy for you, very proud of you.”

Wouldn’t we all love for our kids to say something similar to someone they may have treated badly because he or she looked weird, or didn’t fit with the “in” crowd? How great is it to have a shining example of why we should never judge a book by its cover? (examiner.com)

Millions of Moms across America wish Susan Boyle the best of luck in the finals of Britain’s Got Talent. If she wins, that resounding roar heard across the Atlantic Ocean will be our cheers, high fives and “You Go Girl!” shouts of appreciation for a truly incredible talent.
What do you think about Susan Boyle’s story?
Do looks really matter?
What do you think about talent shows? How to win a talent show?
Do you want to become a worldwide sensation?
Do you jealous of other women /men that more attractive?
When your dress nice you get treated better?
Do you unattractive people treated badly when applying for a job?
Are we treated ugly people differently?
Do you treat ugly people with less respect then good looking?

Why do pretty people get treated better then ugly?
The idea is simple: Take a bucket of ice water, dump it over your head, record it and post the video on social media.
It's cold, it's fun and it's contagious. But these ice bucket challenges and similar social media-powered stunts also are raising awareness and money for causes such as Lou Gehrig's disease, breast cancer and a camp for kids who have lost their fathers to war.

What do you think about this charitable activity ”the ice bucket challenges”?

對普通的上班族而言,人生財富累積過程中最重要的分水嶺莫過於100萬元。有了100萬元後,才有機會錢滾 錢,累積更大財富。根據104市調中心調查,工作滿10年的上班族,竟有一半的人,手邊存款不到100萬元。其實,只 要找對方法,持之以恆,薪水族也能擁有百萬、甚至千萬財富。 

開源節流 月光族變身理財作家/謝依珊雙管齊下兩年存到百萬元




















  開源、節流雙管齊下,謝依珊存錢的速度比自己想得還快。仔細算起來,她是從二十八歲開始執行這個存百萬元的計畫,沒想到,在短短兩年內,也就是她三十歲那年,就達到這個目標.…(本文轉載自今周刊2009年第660期 撰文‧今周刊歐陽善玲/攝影‧吳東岳)

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