週四(3/3)1. 如何開闊視野?2.自我疼惜,善待自己

板橋區文化路一段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮
左轉       聚會時間7:00pm--9:30pm
Ways To Broaden Your Horizons & Become A Better Person     Crystal Crowder

Travel and interact with locals. Usually when you travel, you’re with friends or family. How often do you actually talk to your tour guides, hotel employees or just random locals you see while you’re out? You’d be surprised how much you learn about another culture just by interacting with those you’ve lived in the area all their lives. Try traveling solo sometime and give yourself a chance to delve into the local culture.

Get involved in your friends’ interests. Stepping out of your comfort zone is part of what it means to be well-rounded. Let your friends help you. Ask if you can try out some of their interests with them. You get to do it with your friends while experiencing something new.

Go to random festivals. I doubt there’s a single day without some type of festival going on. Whether it’s food, music, history, art or something else entirely, find area festivals and go to them. The idea is to simply expose yourself to something new. If you’re traveling, make your plans around well known festivals.

Put your skills to use and volunteer. Are you great with animals? Do you love to cook? Part of being well-rounded means interacting with new groups of people and offering your skills to others. Meet new people and help at the same time by volunteering. Besides, it’s just a nice thing to do.

Try a hobby you’ve always been afraid to try. Have you always wanted to dance, but you tend to trip over your own feet while standing still? What do you have to lose? Join a beginner’s dance class. It’s about the experience. Who cares if you’re not a professional ballerina in the end? At least you tried and learned something along the way.

Embrace the bookworm. Okay, so reading is a super easy way to expand your horizons. Pick up books on things you’re interested in or have always been curious about. Besides, reading is sexy. Trust me, the only thing reading is going to do is make you smarter.

Take a museum road trip. Reading a history book might put you to sleep. Visiting museums or historic landmarks is a lot more interesting. Odds are, you have quite a few of both within just a few hours of your home.
How to broaden your horizons & become a better person? 
Do you like to experience different cultures?
How often do you travel?
How expose yourself to something new?
Do you like take a museum trip?
How to try a hobby you’ve always been afraid to try?
Do you think that reading is a good way to expand your horizons? How often do you read books?
自我疼惜,善待自己 (Self Compassion)     VoiceTube
21.The self-compassion exercise goes like this: 
22.Step One 
23.We're so in love with success we fail to notice the scale of the challenges we routinely set ourselves. 
24.There is nothing remotely normal about what we've tried to achieve. 
25.We failed, but given the mountain we were trying to climb, 
26.the conclusion doesn't have to be that we're simply fools. 
27.Step Two 
28.We have tricky family histories. We all do. 
29.There were things which happened to us at the hands of others 
30.which can help to explain some of our current troubles. 
31.We're not entirely sane or well, but none of us are. 
32.We weren't well set up to carry out certain tasks. 
33.It isn't wholly our fault in the here and now. 
34.Step Three 
35.From the media, you'd think everyone was rich and famous and successful, 
36.but in reality, undramatic, quiet failure is, by a huge margin, the statistical norm. 
37.We shouldn't tear ourselves apart for not managing to beat what were, in truth, awesome odds. 
38.Step Four 
39.Tough, self-critical people don't allow themselves the indulgence of believing in luck. 
40.They take responsibility for everything. 
41.They think winners make their own luck. 
42.But they don't, for the most part. 
43.Luck is a genuine feature of existence. 
44.We're robbing ourselves of fair consolation by believing that we're 
45.entirely in control, and therefore entirely to blame when we crash. 
46.Step Five 
47.You're not only your achievements. 
48.Status and material success are one bit of you, but there are others as well. 
49.Those who loved you in childhood knew this, and in their best moments, 
50.helped you to feel it. 
51.Rehearse the internalized voices of all those who've been kind to you. 
52.Bathe in the memory of a love, independent of achievement. 
53.Step Six 
54."It seems it will never end." 
55.That's not the truth. 
56.It's just how a crisis feels. 
57.You need to reduce expectations to zero for a time. 
58.Take each new hour as it comes. 
59.And, without being banal, what you need most of all is some rest.                                                                                                      Q:
How to do self-compassion and how to treat yourself better?
How to face the challenges every day you encountered?
How to deal with your current troubles?
Are you a self-critical people?
How to deal with a critical person?
Do you believe in luck? Why or why not? 
“Bathe in the memory of a love” so what were your good memories?

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