周六(12/15)1.學英文的好處2.英文學習方法 下午4:00-6:00

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「how to learn english」的圖片搜尋結果
Major Benefits of Learning English
Andrew Ward

1. Keeps Your Brain Sharp

Learning any language keeps your brain active and challenged. In fact, your brain changes electrical activity and size when learning a new language. No matter what age you start at, there are benefits for learning a new language. When you decide to learn English, you give yourself an extra rigorous workout due to its complicated nature. 

English is a combination of several origins like Germanic, Latin, and French. Speakers with these native tongues will have some advantage learning. Meanwhile, speakers from areas like Japan could find themselves going through mental hurdles to understand and master mostly unfamiliar sounds. Additionally, with spellings of words changing throughout the English speaking world, it’s quite difficult to get the correct pronunciation of words. If you don’t believe us, just go ask an American and an English person to say ‘aluminum.’

So, if you’re looking to develop more mental muscle, English is an excellent choice.

2. Boosts Your Employment Potential 

The world may not have a global language, but English is the default option for countless forms of communication across the globe. That’s why one of the benefits of learning English is that it significantly boosts your hiring potential. Not only is it an appealing credential on your resume, but it’s also statistically proven to increase your hiring potential.

3. One of the Best Languages to Learn For Travel

If you think English can only take you to places like the U.S., U.K., and Canada, we’ve got some great news: There are over 50 English-speaking countries around the world. And that doesn’t count for all over the world. In many cities, particularly in Europe, English is almost an unofficial second language where expats and tourists make up a significant portion of the community. Even in places like China where a few million out of the country’s 1.3 billion speak the language you run a good chance of meeting English speakers in its cities.
4 Become a Better Writer

One of the best ways to understand a new language is to write. The more that you write, the more exposure to the new language you receive. This helps your book comprehension and eventually your creativity.

In a classroom setting, writing helps drive in the fundamentals of a new language. Think back to your early education days. How often were you writing your alphabet and basic sentences? The same goes for when learning as an adult. In turn, this regular effort will help you take those simple words and build your knowledge out. Simple words will turn into more complex and soon you will have the descriptive words needed to become a creative writer.

Much like becoming a musician, you won’t understand your tool until you try it out for hours on end. The same goes for English. Start writing today, see the benefits soon.
  「how to learn english」的圖片搜尋結果
How to Learn English  wikihow

    Speak a little English every day. The absolute best way to learn any new language is just to speak it. It doesn't matter if you only know five English words or if you're practically fluent -- speaking English with another person is the fastest, most effective method of improving.
        Don't wait until you "feel more comfortable" speaking in English -- you probably won't reach that level for a long time, so push yourself outside of your comfort zone and start speaking English today. You' ll be amazed at how quickly your language skills improve.
        Find a native English speaker who is willing to spend some time speaking English with you -- you may be able to offer them a language exchange, where they spend 30 minutes speaking English with you and you spend 30 minutes speaking your native language with them.
        If you live in an English-speaking country, you can practice by starting simple conversations with the people you meet, whether it's saying "hello" to a shopkeeper or asking a stranger for directions.

    Expand your vocabulary and use idiomatic phrases. The wider your vocabulary and the more English phrases you learn, the easier speaking English will become.
        Again, spending time with native English speakers will help you to pick up on common vocabulary and phrases in a natural way. Although reading, watching English TV and listening to the news is also beneficial.
        Once you have learned a new word or phrase, you should make an effort to use it in a sentence -- this is the best way to commit it to memory.
        Another easy way to commit new words to memory is to make labels for everyday household items and stick them around your house or apartment. Then every time you use the kettle or look in the mirror, you will see the English word for these items staring back at you.
        You should also start a notebook of idiomatic phrases that English speakers use all the time. Some examples include "it's raining cats and dogs" (raining heavily), to be on "cloud nine" (to be very happy) or saying something is a "piece of cake" (when something is very easy). Sprinkling these kinds of phrases into your conversation will bring your level of English up several notches.

     Listen to English radio or podcasts. One of the best ways to improve your English listening comprehension is to download English-language podcasts or radio apps on your phone or MP3 player.
        You should then make an effort to listen to the podcasts or radio shows for at least 30 minutes per day. Do it in the gym, on your commute to work, or while you're sitting at your computer.
        Make an effort to understand what's being said, don't just let the English wash over you. Even if you find it too fast, try to pick out key words and phrases to get a general idea of what the conversation is about.
        If you can, make a note of any words or phrases that you don't understand and look up the translation afterwards. Then listen to the podcast or show again to hear the new words or phrases in context.

    Watch English movies and TV shows. Another fun way to improve your listening comprehension is to watch English movies and TV shows.
        Try to pick movies or TV shows that you will enjoy -- this will make the exercise feel like less of a chore. If possible, choose movies or shows that you are already familiar with, such as children's cartoons or blockbuster films. If you already know the basic story you will find the language much easier to pick up on.

        However, you should avoid watching movies or television shows with subtitles in your native language -- they will only distract you and make you less inclined to focus on understanding the English, which is the whole point of the exercise.

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