週四 (12/20)1.如何成為網紅? 2.快樂的迷思

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「what is internet celebrity」的圖片搜尋結果

How to Become an Internet Celebrity

First and foremost decide on what kind of fame you are looking for. And more importantly what is the talent that you possess that is unique and will instantly help you in becoming a celeb on the Internet. This is extremely important if you are serious about being a celebrity. Most of the fame on Internet is about creating a personality that has a cult following. You need to have something that is both entertaining and informative. Becoming an Internet celebrity is not about being attention seeking but about being entertaining as well. Decide what you are good at; connecting with people, gauging the style trends before they are established trends, staying ahead of the curve, etc. You need to understand how you can create a niche with the talent you possess. Once you know what is going to make you famous, you will also reach a logical conclusion about how you want to be famous. As a socialite, a techie, an activist, a gossip blogger, every and any of these things could give you the fame you are looking for. This is the first step towards becoming an Internet celeb.

Next you need to figure out how you can become someone whom people look up to. This is where case studies come into play. Study famous Internet celebs and see how they became famous on the Internet. Choose from the lives of Julia Allison, Perez Hilton, Kyle MacDonald, and other such people who have used the Internet well enough to become celebrities in their own right. Once you know what path your favorite Internet celebrity used to gather his or her following, your task becomes much simpler.

So what's next in your road to world fame? The actual process of doing something. Post entertaining videos on YouTube, blog about things that actually will have people flocking your blog, tweet hilarious and witty stuff, etc. The best picks for a blog - fashion, gossip, movies, food, money. You will need to come up with a hook that makes your blog different from the rest of the information out there in the world. If you really want to become a celebrity on the Internet, then remember that the fame will be either instantaneous like Chris Crocker who got four million views on his Leave Britney Alone video in just two days. Alternatively the fame will come after months of perseverance and self-promotion.

One of the crucial steps to becoming an Internet celebrity is to promote yourself as much as you can. Publicity is key and without proper promotion your fame is going to flounder. Post about yourself everywhere, every social networking and micro-blogging site that exists like Facebook and Twitter and every video sharing site there is. Remember that the brand is you and you need to sell it as well as you can. Look for free web pages which will allow you to upload the work that is going to make you famous. You need to network well and try to get mentions on other blogs and profiles. This will only increase the traffic to your page and increase your popularity.
「the myth of happiness」的圖片搜尋結果

Myths About Happiness We Need to Stop Believing     psychologytoday

1. "I’ll Be Happy When I’m Married to the Right Person"

One of the most pervasive happiness myths is the notion that we’ll be happy when we find that perfect romantic partner—when we say “I do.” The false promise is not that marriage won’t make us happy. For the great majority of individuals, it will. The problem is that marriage—even when initially perfectly satisfying—will not make us as intensely happy (or for as long) as we believe it will. Indeed, studies show that the happiness boost from marriage lasts an average of only two years. Unfortunately, when those two years are up and fulfilling our goal to find the idea partner hasn’t made us as happy as we expected.

2. "I Need a Partner to Be Happy"

Many of us are positive that not having a partner would make us miserable forever. However, multiple studies show that single people are no less happy than married ones, and that singles have been found to enjoy great happiness and meaning in other relationships and pursuits. Unfortunately, believing in this myth may be toxic: Not recognizing the power of resilience and the rewards of singlehood (such as more time to spend with friends or engaging in solo projects and adventures) may lead us to settle for a poor romantic match.

3. "Landing My Dream Job Will Make Me Happy"

At the root of this happiness myth is the misconception that, although we’re not happy now, we’ll surely be happy when land that dream job. We encounter a problem, however, when acquiring that seemingly perfect job doesn’t make us as happy as we expected and when that happiness is ever so brief. What explains this unwelcome experience is the inexorable process of hedonic adaptation—namely, the fact that human beings have the remarkable capacity to grow habituated or inured to most life changes. Unfortunately, if we are convinced that a certain kind of job would make us happy (and it doesn’t), then misunderstanding the power of hedonic adaptation may compel us to jettison perfectly good careers.

4. "I’ll Be Happy When I’m Rich and Successful"

Many of us fervently believe that, if we’re not happy now, we’ll be happy when we’ve finally made it—when we have reached a certain level of prosperity and success. However, when that happiness proves elusive or short-lived, we weather mixed emotions, letdown, and even depression. When we’ve achieved—at least on paper—much of what we have always wanted to achieve, life can become dull and even empty. There is little around the corner to look forward to. Many prosperous and successful individuals don’t understand this natural process of adaptation, and may come to the conclusion that they need even more money to be truly happy. They do not realize that the key to buying happiness is not in how successful we are, but perhaps what we do with our success; it’s not how high our income is, but how we allocate it.

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