週五(11/15)1.賺一百萬美金 2.好相處的方法

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「how to make in millions」的圖片搜尋結果


Realistic Ways to Make One Million Dollars

1. Pick the Right Major

At least at the beginning of your journey to making one million dollars, the salary you earn from your job is going to make up the bulk of your wealth. Because you are going to spend at least a few decades working, you want to work in a field that will earn you good money.

A college education isn’t the only path to wealth but getting one can certainly make the way smoother. Those with a four-year degree earn at least 66% more than those with only a high school diploma.

Your chances of being unemployed are significantly reduced by having a four-year degree as well. The unemployment rate for those with a high school diploma is 5.4%, 2.8% for those with a four-year degree and just 1.7% for those with a doctorate.

A college degree is a good investment and picking the right major can make a big difference in how fast you accumulate that first one million dollars.

2. Start Investing Early

This is the biggest thing on this list. If you want to be a millionaire, this is how you do it.

There is no substitute for time when it comes to investing. The earlier you start, the faster you will make one million dollars.

    “On average, millionaires invest 20% of their household income each year. Their wealth isn’t measured by the amount they make each year, but by how they’ve saved and invested over time,” writes Ramit Sethi in his New York Times bestseller, “I Will Teach You To Be Rich.”

In other words, a project manager could earn $50,000 per year and be richer than a doctor earning $250,000 per year — if the project manager has a higher net worth by saving and investing more over time.

You don’t need a lot of money or a lot of knowledge about investing to get started with Betterment. There is no minimum, the fees are low, and the process is simple. If you’re not investing, stop reading this and open a Betterment account.

3. Get That Free Money

An employer-sponsored 401k is the first foray into investing for many of us, and it’s an excellent place to do it.

A 401k is an employer-sponsored retirement savings vehicle that allows you to invest part of your paycheck, pre-tax, into an investment account where it grows tax-free until you are ready to start withdrawing from it after age 59 1/2.

The money is taken directly from your check before it hits your checking account so it’s invested before you get a chance to spend it which makes it a great way to invest for people whose money burns a hole in their pocket.

A 401k also lowers your taxable income. If you earn $5,000 a month and invest $1,000 into your account, you are only taxed on the remaining $4,000. Some employers offer to match.

If you invest 6% of your income, for example, the company will match 3%. Even if you have high-interest consumer debt, like credit card debt, you should invest enough to get the match because it is free money!

For 2018, you can invest up to $18,500 a year in your 401k. Your employer will offer you a few choices of different investments; most plans are made up of mutual funds that include stocks, bonds, and money market investments.

This is where most people run into trouble. They just don’t know how to pick or what makes a good pick. This is where Blooom can help.


If you’re not sure if your 401k is doing as well as it should or could be, Blooom can tell you.

Blooom will do a free analysis of your account. It takes just three to four minutes, and the most complicated question you’ll be asked is when you want to retire.

In a play on the company’s name, you’ll see how healthy your account is in the form of a flower. The healthier your flower, the healthier your account.

When you join Blooom, you’ll pay a flat fee of $10 a month. They will show you how your money should be invested, what your allocation should be and if changes need to be made, Blooom will make them for you.

4. Invest in Real Estate

We have written a lot about real estate as a great source of passive income, and it is. But you don’t have to buy a house and rent it out to make money on real estate.

Fundrise lets you invest in real estate for as little as $500. It can be a great way to get your foot on the property ladder before you have the money to buy a rental property.

When you are ready to buy a rental property, you don’t have to be a hands-on landlord. You can buy a turnkey property with Roofstock. They do all the heavy lifting; you just watch the passive income roll in.
「get along with people」的圖片搜尋結果
Tips On How To Get Along With People In Any Situation
CJ Goulding

1. Listen with the intent to understand.

If you make understanding another person a priority in any social circle, you will find that it is extremely easy to along with people. It is in the choice to invest time and emotional effort that the barriers to harmonious living are torn down. Planning or preparing yourself to understand others is a massive first step. You can do this by listening to what the person says (no planning your response while they are still talking!), making appropriate comments as they talk, and including references to their statements in your response.

2. Walk in their shoes.

Like coins, every social interaction has two sides. Sometimes, those lines between people can get blurred and cause misunderstandings. Taking the time to view the situation from someone else’s point of view will help you to get along better with them, even if you still do not agree with their views. As the quote says, you can’t understand (or get along with) someone until you have ‘walked a mile in their shoes.’ Get to walking!

3. Be polite.

Quite simple. Rude people do not get along with others. They may get along with other rude people, but those results have never been proven. Be careful of others’ feelings. Wit and humor at another person’s expense may do more damage than you will ever know. A polite demeanor will also leave a deeper positive impact than you will immediately realize.

4. Always take the opportunity to say a kind and encouraging word to or about somebody.

Praise good work, regardless of who did it. If criticism is needed, offer it gently, never harshly. If you recognize someone in need of encouraging, then that makes you the perfect person to do so! There are countless stories of people who have been inspired or motivated by a single needed word of encouragement at a critical time in their lives. When you encourage and compliment people, you create a culture of kindness and the kindness will be reciprocated.

5. Show interest in others.

Show interest in their pursuits, their work, their homes and families. Celebrate their achievements, grit your teeth with them through the rough times. Dance with people who are rejoicing and take time to weep with those who mourn. Let everyone you meet, however humble, feel that you regard him or her as a person of importance. If people around you sense that you support their best interest and also care about the ins and outs of their lives, you will get along with them just fine.

6. Keep an open mind.

Discuss, but don’t argue. It is the mark of a superior mind to be able to disagree without being disagreeable. Accept that others may have a point of view different from the one you hold, or believe something that you do not believe yourself. One sign of an open mind is someone who will listen to someone else speak, without interrupting, even if they disagree with the view being expressed. Differences make us human, idiosyncrasies make us unique and special!

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