周六(11/23)1.你來 讓世界更美好! 2.線上戀情 好嗎?

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「make the world better」的圖片搜尋結果
你來 讓世界更美好!
Little Ways to Make the World a Better Place 
The Oprah Magazine

These simple actions will leave a positive impact on your community.
Helping repair the world is your mission, should you choose to accept it. And we know you will.

1. Compliment Friends and Strangers
Try praising a new person each day for a month.

2. Spend Wisely
Whether you're in the market for an oil change or a bottle of Merlot, think about where you're directing your dollars. Can you find a woman- or minority-owned retailer? Or can you opt for a small business over a chain? Challenge yourself to do all your shopping this way for a week—or a month.

3. Talk Politics Productively
The initiative Make America Dinner Again, founded by Bay Area friends Justine Lee and Tria Chang in the wake of the 2016 elections, encourages citizens with different viewpoints to sit down and respectfully listen to one another’s opinions over a nice lasagna. For details on hosting an evening of your own, download the instruction guide at makeamericadinneragain.com.

4. Keep Your Kids' Vaccinations Up-to-Date
Friends don't give friends whooping cough.

5. Browse for Worthy Causes
Download a charitable web browser extension like Tab for a Cause, which uses ad revenue to donate to a partner nonprofit of your choice every time you open a new tab.

6. Switch to Tubeless Toilet Paper
Unless you're super crafty, you won't miss those cardboard cylinders—and neither will the planet.

7. Support Your Local Women's Shelter
Donate new bras, which are always in short supply. Menstrual products are another high-demand item (for every box of its tampons you buy, ConsciousPeriod.com will donate a box of pads to a homeless shelter), as are hair products suitable for different textures. And don't forget books and board games for the kids.

8. Know Your Neighbors
Only about 20 percent of Americans do—down from nearly 30 percent since the 1970s—and research has linked social connection with decreased depression and even a longer life.

9. Be Prepared
Someone has to have a bandage, a pain reliever, a safety pin, floss—why not you? The Pinch Provisions Minimergency Kit contains all of these, plus double-sided tape, nail polish remover, and more must-haves. ($18, pinchprovisions.com)

10. Eat Your Leftovers
It's estimated Americans throw away 15 percent of the food they buy each year—enough to feed millions of people. Plus, all that trash produces loads of greenhouse gases. Not sure when it's time to toss? StillTasty.com tells you how long to safely keep thousands of products.

11. Plant an Herb, Vegetable, or Flower Garden
Everyone wins: The plants produce environmentally beneficial oxygen, you reap the meditative rewards of gardening, and you can savor the fruits of your labor—or gift them to friends and family.

12. Give Away Your Unwanted Stuff
Put your goods on ad-posting sites and apps for free, so someone who actually needs them can have them at no charge.

13. Become an Organ Donor
About 95 percent of U.S. adults are in favor of organ donation, but only 48 percent are registered. You can sign up right now without leaving your couch, at organdonor.gov and potentially save eight lives—the number of vital organs you likely have to offer.
  「on line lover」的圖片搜尋結果
線上戀情 好嗎?
Reasons Why Looking for a Relationship Online Is a Bad Idea    pairedlife

Long Distance Dating Doesn't Always Work

I have a girlfriend that met a guy online and then proceeded to try and have a long-distance relationship with him. It never worked out. I also tried the same thing, many years ago and that didn't work out any better. The truth of the matter is, it doesn't work out for too many other people either.

There is a difference between meeting someone, dating for at least 6 months and then due to uncontrollable circumstances ie., deployment to Afghanistan, job relocation, etc., the couple is forced to do the long distance thing vs trying to get to know someone online that lives on the other side of the country.

The best way to get to know someone is not by listening to everything they have to say about themselves and then reciprocating your life's story. As Jesus said so succinctly in John 5:31, "If I bear witness of Myself, My witness is not true." Darn right! The best way to judge some one's character (or their fruits, if you want to stay on the Biblical theme) is by seeing them interact with other people and in different circumstances. This is hard to do online and especially if that online relationship is long distance. It's not like you're able to have dinner or go for coffee anytime soon.

You have no idea if anything that person has said about themselves or in their profile is accurate, ie., "loves children" and you also don't know if that person isn't having a long distance relationship with someone else or several other people for that matter.

 I Say Hello, You Say Good-Bye

I don't think there is anything more devastating to a person's fragile ego than working up the courage to meet someone they like only to have that person take one look at them and say, "Oh crap! I forgot, I'm supposed to be somewhere right now! Gotta run!" (Someone actually said this me, I kid you not).

Even if you post real pictures of yourself in your profile, people can look different in person. The trouble with online dating is that when you do finally decide to meet, there can be so much emphasis on the whole looks thing. People seem to think that if there's no chemistry in the first few seconds of seeing someone in the flesh, that there can be no hope of any romance in the future. How sad.

I think the reason the meet-up tends to fall apart is because we as humans tend to have certain expectations and when those expectations are not met, we feel very disappointed. It's so easy to build up someone in your mind, especially if all you have to go on is their online profile and what they've told you about themselves. You bring your own expectations to the table, hoping this potential Mr. or Ms. Right will meet your criteria, but in reality, meeting all of your expectations is impossible to do.

Online Dating Teaches Us That Being Yourself Isn't Good Enough

This has to be one of the best reasons why online dating can actually be hazardous to your health.

I realize that when we go out on a date we don't show up in sweat pants with our hair unwashed. We usually try to make a good impression. But there is a difference between looking your best and trying to be something your not. The online dating world sends the message to people that you're not good enough the way you are.

The so-called online dating experts instruct us on what to say and what not to say about ourselves in our profiles. "Don't say ________ or you'll come across as desperate!" They entice us with columns like, "Be exactly the woman every guy wants." Sure, if you're into polygamy. Why not be the woman that will attract they guy you want? Over and over again we get the message that you need to improve yourself or else Mr. or Ms. Right will never come your way.

Looks Shall Always Triumph Over Personality

Online dating tends to favour people who are attractive even if they have very little to offer in the way of personality or character. Having a sense of humor pales in comparison to six-pack abs and a great tan.

Online dating seems to be more about meeting someone to go out and have fun with vs finding someone to have a serious relationship with. It's very discouraging for men and women with amazing characteristics such as a love for kids, patience, and honesty to compete with men who's hobbies include working out, going to the club and surfing on the weekends or women who resemble Scarlett Johanson and like puppies, shopping and going to the tanning salon.

They place a tremendous amount of importance on how someone looks instead of who a person is. It's difficult to truly get to know a person's characteristics other than sense of humour over the internet. Being honest or being respectful towards women is demonstrated better in person than online.

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