周六(11/9) 1.坐姿 顯出個性2.如何與人好相處?

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「11 sitting position can reveal personality」的圖片搜尋結果
坐姿 顯出個性
Sitting Positions Can Reveal Your Personality
By Ruby Mey

1. Sitting Erect

Sitting up straight on a consistent basis is not only good for your posture, but it is an indicator that you are naturally confident.

According to Science Daily, researchers at Ohio State University found that people who sat up straight during job interviews believed that they were qualified for the job due to having confidence and believing in themselves.

Additionally, it has been found that people who sit up straight in general think about themselves in a positive light and have fewer insecurities.

2. Crossed Legs

Do you have a habit of sitting with your legs crossed? This is a strong sign that you are quite insecure and may even be defensive at times as well.

According to PsychMechanics, crossed-legged sitting reveals that the subconscious mind is protecting vulnerable areas of the body such as the genitals. Even though people know that this is not a rational way to think, what goes on in anyone’s subconscious mind is rarely rational. That means deep down the person who consistently sits with his or her legs crossed is doing so to protect themselves in a hidden way.

3. Leg Clamp

People who cross their legs while sitting and use one or both of their hands as a clamp indicate that they have a competitive and argumentative personality, according to Westside Toastmasters. This is a sign that the individual who sits in this fashion is very stubborn, closed-minded, and rejects other people’s opinions if they do not sit well with them.

This is even more important if you are in a business meeting and you are discussing your ideas with a coworker who is sitting in this way—be careful. He or she may not agree with anything you say and will judge you for it afterward or they might even take your ideas and credit themselves for it.

4. Sitting at the End of the Table

Consistently sitting at the end of the table, sofa, or the bench reveals a personality that is not only confident but has leadership qualities.

According to Psychology Today, people who sit at the end of any particular spot around other people subconsciously want to keep sending the message that they are the ones in control. They expect others around them to follow their orders and to jump at their commands. In fact, sitting in this fashion is a hidden intimidation tactic so that the others around them will obey their orders.

5. Sitting With Your Arms Crossed

Crossing your arms while sitting is an indication that you are not only angry, but you are creating a barrier between yourself and others around you.

According to Psych Mechanics, psychologists state that those who consistently sit with their arms folded are struggling with anger management issues. Also, those who sit this way constantly feel threatened, as this posture occurs due to their subconscious mind feeling as though there are threats around and they must protect themselves. This is why they sit with their arms folded across their chest.
 「get along with others」的圖片搜尋結果
Tips On How To Get Along With People In Any Situation
CJ Goulding

1. Listen with the intent to understand.

If you make understanding another person a priority in any social circle, you will find that it is extremely easy to along with people. It is in the choice to invest time and emotional effort that the barriers to harmonious living are torn down. Planning or preparing yourself to understand others is a massive first step. You can do this by listening to what the person says (no planning your response while they are still talking!), making appropriate comments as they talk, and including references to their statements in your response.

2. Walk in their shoes.

Like coins, every social interaction has two sides. Sometimes, those lines between people can get blurred and cause misunderstandings. Taking the time to view the situation from someone else’s point of view will help you to get along better with them, even if you still do not agree with their views. As the quote says, you can’t understand (or get along with) someone until you have ‘walked a mile in their shoes.’ Get to walking!

3. Be polite.

Quite simple. Rude people do not get along with others. They may get along with other rude people, but those results have never been proven. Be careful of others’ feelings. Wit and humor at another person’s expense may do more damage than you will ever know. A polite demeanor will also leave a deeper positive impact than you will immediately realize.

4. Always take the opportunity to say a kind and encouraging word to or about somebody.

Praise good work, regardless of who did it. If criticism is needed, offer it gently, never harshly. If you recognize someone in need of encouraging, then that makes you the perfect person to do so! There are countless stories of people who have been inspired or motivated by a single needed word of encouragement at a critical time in their lives. When you encourage and compliment people, you create a culture of kindness and the kindness will be reciprocated.

5. Show interest in others.

Show interest in their pursuits, their work, their homes and families. Celebrate their achievements, grit your teeth with them through the rough times. Dance with people who are rejoicing and take time to weep with those who mourn. Let everyone you meet, however humble, feel that you regard him or her as a person of importance. If people around you sense that you support their best interest and also care about the ins and outs of their lives, you will get along with them just fine.

6. Keep an open mind.

Discuss, but don’t argue. It is the mark of a superior mind to be able to disagree without being disagreeable. Accept that others may have a point of view different from the one you hold, or believe something that you do not believe yourself. One sign of an open mind is someone who will listen to someone else speak, without interrupting, even if they disagree with the view being expressed. Differences make us human, idiosyncrasies make us unique and special!

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