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周五 5/17 



Dealing With Sudden Windfalls

(by Miriam Caldwell)

When you receive a sudden windfall of money, it is important to use this money wisely. Well, it is important to plan on how to use this money. Often people will receive a large sum of money from bonuses, tax refunds, inheritances or settlements and the money will seem to magically disappear. Often people will spend more than they received and end up worse off than they were before. Here are five tips on how to handle a sudden windfall.

 1) Before you do anything with the money you should sit down and plan what you want to do with it. You can take this time to dream of all the things that you want to do with the money. You can list anything that you might possibly want to do with the money. Then sit back and decide which things are most important to you.

 2) You should briefly take a look at what your financial priorities are. Then look at where you are in achieving them. If you are debt free and have a good amount in savings, you may decide that you can simply spend all of the money. Otherwise you should put at least half towards your financial priorities.

3) You have been given the gift of money. It is nice to donate some of this to your church or favorite charity. Taking time to help others is always nice. It is easy to pass on a portion of your windfall to bless others.

4) Decide what your splurges will be and then set budget limits for each of those splurges. Then make sure that you stick to your budget. You can get more for your money by taking the time to shop around and make sure that you are getting the highest quality for the lowest price.

 5) Once you have spent the money on the things you chose, stop spending. This way your blessing will always be a blessing. You will not have negative feelings towards it, because you handled it responsibly.
1. How to handle a windfall?
2. How to deal with large sum of money?
3. How did you handle the financial strain?
4. What to do if you win the lottery (or a big windfall)?
5. Would you lie to your partner about money?

How technology has changed romance (CNN)

Online daters and social media users easily fall into a new way of communicating. Instead of the rules and social norms used in face-to-face meeting, they create ones for digital interfacing. But the rules are looser and harder to enforce, Patricia Wallace, psychologist and author of "The Psychology of the Internet," said.

Psychologists highlight pitfalls of online dating

"When you're in front of a computer or an iPad, you're not interacting with a human face," Wallace said. "All of the millennia of evolution that helped us learn how to read all of the nuances to do that choreography of conversation aren't there."
Social media also allows "loose ties" with acquaintances and low-risk ways of communicating. The fear of rejection when someone doesn't answer a Facebook message lacks the impact of an ignored phone call, according to Wallace.
But a general lack of satisfaction is perhaps the most noticeable effect of online dating.
"Online dating is like a buffet," Marni Battista, founder and CEO of Dating with Dignity, said. "People are ruling out more than they're ruling in. After a date, they go home, get online and look for someone else. We're in this digital instant gratification age, and there is no patience for the dating process."


1. Do you think that social media influence relationships between people?

2. How smart phones are impacting on romantic relationships?

Does internet influence our perception of romance?

3. What factors that changed modern romance in today’s world?

4. Ways to create more romance in your relationship?..

5. How to create a romantic atmosphere?

6. Online dating? Good? Bad?

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