周五 5/24 1. 改變壞習慣 2.精神問題增加

 Funny night~~ 
Heard a lot of interesting things from others especially Hans. ^^ 

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周五 5/24 
1. 改變壞習慣2.精神問題增加

How to get rid of your bad habits (justasktom.com)

 Habits get a ‘bad’ name when those dispositions to act in a certain way have negative effects on you and others. Consistently being late for meetings, for example, becomes a bad habit when your reputation is damaged and those with whom you are scheduled to meet are adversely affected. Getting rid of bad habits is rarely a straightforward process. If bad habits - smoking, procrastination, perfectionism, gambling, time-wasting, and the like - are getting in the way of the achievement of your life and career goals, here are some key considerations...

1. Decide which habits you seriously want to change.

 Acknowledging that you have bad habits because others say so won’t change you for the better in the long term. Through embarrassment, you may clean up your messy desk because your colleague comments on it, but it will soon get messy again unless you change your behaviour. Ultimately, you will be the one who has to decide whether or not you want to change, and you’ll need dedication to the task. If commitment is lacking, the bad habit will persist.

2. Work on changing only one habit at a time.

From personal knowledge, together with feedback from colleagues, critics, and friends, you will doubtless know your bad habits - taking too long on the telephone, doing too many things at once, nail-biting, being reluctant to praise, speaking too quickly… Don’t try to change too many bad habits at once. Adopt the one-thing-at-a-time approach and remember that ‘the way to change begins with the first step’.

3. Analyse your bad habit and find your reasons for having it

Removing some bad habits will involve considerable effort and is likely to require you to explore the issues related to the entrenched behaviour. Suppose, as an example, you have a reputation for ‘never being on time for meetings’. To tackle this bad habit, you may need to:

Identify any patterns associated with your continued lateness: Are you late for all meetings? Are you late only for those meetings you really don’t want to attend? Are you late only for afternoon meetings?

Consider if you are personally responsible: Do you give in to the temptation to take, or make, that extra phonecall before leaving for meetings? Do you back your meetings against each other with no adequate break between them? Do you always arrive late because you have long business lunches? Do you simply give yourself insufficient time to get to meetings?

1. How to get rid of bad habits?

2. How to form a good habit?
3. What are the habits that make people successful? (ex. good cleaning habits)
4. What are the bad habits that can hold you back and harm your career?
5. What are the habits of Remarkably Successful People formed?
6. Is being late a bad habit?

Mental disorders double in Taiwan
(By Indo Asian News Service)

A research team has found the prevalence of common mental disorders (CMDs) in Taiwan has doubled over the last two decades, Xinhua reported.

It said the common mental disorders are a broad diagnostic category of non-psychotic depressive and anxiety disorders that account for over 90 percent of all mental disorders.

Being female, unemployed or underemployed, unmarried and under-educated present increased risk factors for developing CMDs. It has also been proposed that economic instability and income inequality may increase the risk for mental disorders, the release added.

The study suggests that the significant trend in the increase in rates of CMDs may be at least partly due to macro-social changes, including the continued decline in the employment market and the ongoing global economic recession.

Andrew Tai-Ann Cheng, the study leader, said the research not only highlighted the need to implement effective clinical and social preventative measures to promote mental health, but also the effects of uncertainty on mental health.

A sense of insecurity, much like that seen in response to losing a job, can negatively impact mental health, he added.

1. What are your opinions about mental disorders double in Taiwan?
2. Do you believe that unemployed or unmarried increased risk factors for developing CMDs?
3. Mental health: what's normal, what's not?
How to tell someone they have a mental illness?
4. Is mental illness inherited?
5. How to help someone with a mental illness?
6. What you think about unemployment rate in Taiwan?
心靈海嘯! 精神健康創四年來新低 (聯合新聞網 )






這項調查也呼應中研院生物醫學科學研究所特聘研究員鄭泰安,發表在國際頂尖醫學期刊「刺胳針」(The Lancet)的研究。該篇研究證實,台灣精神疾病盛行率與失業率、離婚率及自殺率變化高度相關。




The bywords of a loser are:I wish----
A winner says: I will
---Denis Waitley
失敗者常說: 我但願
成功者卻說: 我要!
 (Billy 好句欣賞 大家共勉)

每周一句 5/23

down-to-earth腳踏實地/實實在在--- sensible; practical; realistic
If something brings you back down to earth, it makes you face reality again after a pleasant experience, a hopeful dream or an unrealistic plan.


Billy was sitting and daydreaming so his teacher told him to come down to earth and to do his homework.

比利坐著空想, 他老師要他實實在在地做作業。

My girlfriend said I am so unrealistic about things. She hope she'll meet someone who is more down-to-earth.


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