周五 5/10 1. 最佳工作 2. 吹牛好不好

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5月10日周五 將做個 vacabulary  riddle
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周五 5/10  1. 最佳工作 2. 吹牛好不好

Australia’s ‘Best Jobs In The World’
Campaign Draws 40,000 Hopefuls (By Mark Johanson)

More than 330,000 people from 196 countries around the world expressed interest in Australia’s “Best Jobs In The World” campaign. Now, 40,000 hopefuls will vie for the position of a lifetime.

Applications closed Wednesday for the six “dream jobs”: chief “funster” in New South Wales, lifestyle photographer in Melbourne, Outback adventurer in Northern Territory, park ranger in Queensland, taste master in Western Australia and wildlife caretaker in South Australia.

Work descriptions included things like “sleep under the stars in a bush camp,” “talk to wallabies and cuddle koalas” or “tour the best restaurants, wineries, breweries, pubs and lobster eateries.” Each position comes with an A$50,000 salary and A$50,000 for living expenses for a six-month commitment.

The 40,000 applicants competing for the six positions each submitted a 30-second video on the competition website. The organizers will announce a shortlist of the top 25 applications for each job on April 24. Then, they’ll fly the top 18 finalists to Australia in June for a final interview before announcing the winners at a media event on June 21.

Andrew McEvoy, managing director of Tourism Australia, said the competition “clearly struck a chord with the world.”

In a few months, there’s going to be six very, very happy people getting a dream job offer and a life-changing opportunity to work and play in our great country,” he enthused.

Best Jobs in the World” is based on a 2009 Queensland campaign of the same name. It received 34,000 applicants from 200 countries and an unprecedented amount of international publicity after the tourism board offered one lucky person A$150,000 and the chance to be the “caretaker” of a paradisiacal island in the Great Barrier Reef.

Tourism Queensland figures that for the A$1 million it spent on the campaign, it generated about A$70 million in global publicity in the first month alone and A$200 million overall.


1. What are your ideal jobs?

In you opinion, what is the perfect job?

2. Where are the best places to work around the world?

3. Listing best-paying jobs in Taiwan ?

Listing dangerous jobs in Taiwan?

4. What are the highest paying jobs in the world?

How much money you consider as a high pay job?

5. Would you dare to risk your life and get a high good payment?

6. Would you like to work with wild animal?

Whose father was the stronger Will and Bill were quarrelling about whose father was the stronger. Will said, "Well, you know the Pacific Ocean ? My father's the one who dug the hole for it." Bill wasn't impressed, "Well, that's nothing. You know the Dead Sea ? My father's the one who killed it!"

誰的爸爸更强壯  维爾和比爾在鬥嘴,爭論誰的爸爸更强狀。



Bragging—When is it OK and When is it Not OK?

(by Susan Krauss Whitbourne, Ph.D)

Almost no one likes a show-off but almost everyone likes to show off, at least a little.  Some showing off happens by accident and some in a deliberate attempt to manipulate others. In either case, though, you run the risk of looking a bit too satisfied with yourself if not downright conceited.

The best way to brag about yourself to others is probably not to brag at all. Let other people do the bragging for you.  However, because our feelings of self-esteem and self-confidence rest on being able to take pride in our achievements, it’s not only okay, but healthy, to brag about yourself to yourself. Giving yourself a mental pat on the back for a job well done can help boost your feelings of self-efficacy, prepare you for future successes, and even avoid the experience of depression. You don’t have to hide your light completely under a bushel, though. Later I’ll show you how to claim your bragging rights without looking too boastful.

There is surprisingly little research in psychology on bragging, though there is plenty on the related concept of narcissism, where you become excessively full of pride (even though you may not feel that way on the inside). There is also a great deal of research on the flip side of bragging, which is depression and low self-esteem. Fortunately, University of Manchester social psychologist Susan Speer (2012) provides us with an excellent article on the less pejorative term “self-praise.” Her work highlights the ways to brag that will get you in trouble along with the one way that is reasonably acceptable. She bases these on two considerations: epistemology and social norms.


1. Why do people bragging?

2. Why some people can't stop bragging? How to stop people bragging?

3. Bragging—when is it ok and when is it not ok?

4. Can people benefit by bragging?

5. Is bragging a good/bad thing?

6. Do you ever over exaggerate/bragging?

How to deal with people who over exaggerate?
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5月10日周五主題 1. 最佳工作 2.吹牛好不好

5月10日周五 將做個 vacabulary  riddle
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