周二 5/28 1. 去死啦!由愛生恨 2.台灣高房價


 Money is no object, and Expense is no object. 錢不成問题

-----The phrase money is no object means that you have a lot of money available to spend.


Don't worry about how much they cost because money (expense) is no object.

Billy lives in a mansion, has three sports cars, two yachts and hold parties every week. Money is no object for him.

I want the best man for the job and will pay the best wages; money (is) no object.

二聚會 5/28
時間: 每周二晚上7:00~9:30

地點: 怡客咖啡 Ikari Coffee





5/28  1. 去死啦!由愛生恨 2.台灣高房價


于美人婚變與丈夫James鬧到警局!互指對方不是 枕邊愛人 一夕間變成敵人  

而金友莊與高凌風離婚後 撕破臉 離婚大鬥法 互相爆料 互揭創疤

曾經相愛的夫妻 由愛轉成恨 非搞死對方不可 人啊! 真是情緒動物 男女之間的情愛
愛可愛到轟轟烈烈! 恨可恨到咬牙切齒!

愛的時候 無妳 我不活  恨的時侯 有妳 我活不下去


感情的事 一旦愛情褪色 該如何理智的退場 請各位高人來指點! Billy


When love turns to hate (Linda Ikeji's Blog)

I've had a break up. For me it went from 'Love or something like it' to 'No longer love and nothing else'. So when I hear 'I wish him death Linda, I wish him death, I hope he dies soon', I don't understand where that's coming from.

I was listening to her and crying; not for the man she wished death...(I knew she didn't really mean it, it was just anger talking), I was crying because of the deep pain I felt in her voice; the intence hatred, the extreme bitterness, the anguish, the sorrow, the confusion...but above all - the let down. "How could he do this to me?', I heard several times in the conversation "Where's my fairy tale ending Linda?" I also heard.

When someone we love deeply hurts us, we are expected to forgive them, and if we no longer want them in our lives; let them go, wish them the best and move on. But for some of us, it's not that easy. Once the love is gone, only hate remains. What I want to know is; where does the hate come from?

How can we go from - loving someone so much we marry them, have kids with them, spend the best years of our lives with them... - then turn around to hate them so much, we wish/want them dead. How can a love so deep turn so easily into the most intense hatred? What happens?

You find some divorced couples who can't stand the sight of each other and some actually go out of their way to try to bring the other down. And you wonder, was there ever love between these people?


1. How to get over a break up?

What are the best ways to cope with a breakup?

2. Why love can turn to hate?

What do you do when the love turns the hate?
3. How to deal with when the one you love betrays you? 4. How to handle a cheating boyfriend or a cheating girlfriend?
5. Is it easy to let them go and wish them best? (If the one who you love betrays you)

6. How to dealing with jointly owned property in a divorce?


Owning a home unattainable for many Taiwanese
(By Cindy Sui BBC)

Taipei Growth in Taiwan's property prices ranked sixth fastest in the world from late 2006 to late 2011, and fourth fastest in Asia

Having lived in rented flats all her life, recently married Taipei native Chiang Ming-yun, dreams of buying her own home.

"When I was growing up, we had to move several times because the landlords wanted to sell the places we were living in," says Mrs Chiang, an office worker.

"At one place, my mother had spent a lot of time creating a garden outside, but then we were forced to move."

But she and her husband, who make what is considered a good combined salary of 90,000 New Taiwan dollars (NT$) ($3,100; £1,906) a month, are starting to realise it would be very difficult for them to buy a home.

Average prices, even for older flats in the suburbs, are about $345,000.

"We would have to not spend any money on entertainment or eating out, not get sick and hope our parents also stay healthy, and most importantly, not have kids, and make sure we keep our jobs," Ms Chiang says.

Owning a home is the dream of many in Taiwan, but that dream is becoming unattainable for some, as speculative buying has driven prices to unaffordable levels.

This has become a big problem as young people are putting off starting a family - exacerbating the already low birth rate - and many are growing increasingly resentful of this symptom of the widening wealth gap.

Data collected by Taiwan's major property developer, Cathay Real Estate, shows average housing prices on the island rose by 34%, with Taipei's prices jumping by 50%, in the past four years, despite the economic downturn.  

1. House prices: why are they so high?

House sales have fallen so why prices are still high?

2. What are solutions to soaring house prices?

How to reducing house prices?

3. Should government responsible for high house prices?

4. What are the causes of increasing housing prices? 

5. Is it better to buy a house or rent a house?

6. Is buying a house a good investment?

When is a good time to buy a house?

5/24聚會照片 Billy祝各位開心愉快
(Thank you Kevin照片提供)
       Kevin 說芝麻糖 幫助黑髮


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