周二 6/11 1. 酒駕/器官捐贈 2.音樂的好處

 二聚會 6/11
(sos 哪位恩人 能早點到咖啡屋 幫Billy佔位子
Thank you, and I love you)
時間: 每周二晚上7:00~9:30

地點: 怡客咖啡 Ikari Coffee





6/11 1. 酒駕/器官捐贈 2.音樂的好處

Family to donate organs of drunk-driving victim (China Post )

TAIPEI, Taiwan -- The family of a doctor who suffered serious brain damage after being hit by a drunk driver last Tuesday has decided to donate her organs, local media reported yesterday.

The family of Tseng Yu-tzu (曾御慈), a doctor at the National Taiwan University (NTU), decided on Sunday to donate Tseng's heart, lungs, kidneys, liver, cornea, bones and skin, after she was taken off life support following no signs of brain activity for five days.

As of noon yesterday, Tseng's donation has benefited six patients needing organ transplants, according to the NTU.

A sedan driven by a drunk driver in New Taipei struck down the 32-year-old NTU doctor late last Tuesday as she was going home. She suffered serious drain damage due to the accident.

The police later arrested the motorist, surnamed Chan (). The suspect recorded a blood alcohol level of 0.56 mg/L after being arrested. Taiwan's law currently states that it is illegal to drive with a blood alcohol level of more than 0.25 mg/L.

If convicted, Chan faces a maximum seven-year prison term.
Questions: 1. What do you think penalty of drunk driving?

Do you think drunk driving is a crime?
2. Do you think there should be stronger penalties for drinking and driving?
Should drunk drivers receive a harsher punishment?
3. Is organ donation a good thing or bad thing?
4. Are you willing to donate your organs after your death?
and how many of your organs are you willing to donate?
5. How to prevent traffic accidents?
Reasons You Should Listen to Music (By Shailynn Krow, eHow)

Concentration Development

Listening to music forces you to concentrate on what you are listening to --- especially if you are learning to play a musical instrument as well. This focus will then turn to everyday life, where you will consequently concentrate deeper in school lessons, at work or even just in a simple conversation.

Soothing Sensation

Music does not always have to have lyrics or pep you up. Music can soothe babies down from a long day or help a mother sing a lullaby to her little ones as they go down for sleep. Many adults will listen to classical or jazz music to help calm them down for the day as well.

Boost Creativity
Music is a creative work of art. Though not everyone who listens to music becomes an artist, people listening to music tend to feel more creative in the task they are doing, such as writing, painting or even cleaning the house.

Mood Changes
Music can help change your mood when you are feeling excessively up or down. Many artists will write their songs when they are down themselves only to help lift up others who are feeling down for the same reasons. The same goes for songs that can actually make a person go from happy to a sad just by relating to the lyrics and notes of the song.

Increased Productivity
No matter what task you are performing, silence never seems to promote productivity; cleaning the house, typing or even cooking all seem to go a little faster when you have some music in the background to help you along. Next time you have a task at hand, try playing music that suits the task, such as high-energy music for cleaning, some jazz for cooking dinner or even music that suits the topic you're typing about.

1. What are the benefits of listening to music?

2. What kind of music do you like to listen to and why?

3. What is your favorite type of music? Do you like pop music?

4. Pros and cons of music?

5. What are some good songs to listen when you're heartbroken or feel depressed?

 每周一句 6/10 see red
see red憤怒 ---- to become very angry


1. It always causes me to see red when he laughed at me.


2. He certainly will see red should you start criticizing his girlfriend.



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