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Michael Jackson 

Jacko’s ghost: My death was an accident (By PETE SAMSON)

 MICHAEL Jackson’s death has been declared an accident — by his own GHOST, a court heard.

Jacko, 50, was said to have told Lionel Richie’s ex Brenda that he inadvertently killed himself.

The claim was revealed in LA by Randy Phillips of gig giants AEG — blamed by Jacko’s family for the Thriller star’s demise.

They are alleging negligence and blame the company for hiring doctor Conrad Murray — since jailed for giving Jackson a fatal sedative overdose in 2009.

But AEG Live CEO Randy Phillips stunned the wrongful death trial by claiming Jacko had insisted from beyond the grave that his death was an accident — and cleared Dr Murray.

He told jurors at Los Angeles County Superior Court: “Brenda called me to tell me that she was in communications with Michael, either through a medium or directly.

She said Michael told her it wasn’t Dr Murray’s fault — that he had accidentally killed himself.”

Many in the court burst into laughter, but judge Yvette Palazuelos let the testimony stand.

Phillips, who once managed chart star Lionel, was responding to questions about an email he sent in August 2009 suggesting Murray was not to blame for Jacko’s death at 50.

He wrote to an AEG colleague: “I think I know what MJ died of and this would exonerate Conrad.”

Phillips said he could not recall what he meant. But after questioning he offered up the spooky explanation.

A Jackson family lawyer objected, calling it triple hearsay as Phillips was relaying a conversation with Brenda, who had spoken to a medium who allegedly contacted the late singer. But the judge rejected this.


1. Are you a Michael Jackson fan?
Do you like Michael Jackson’s songs?
2. Do you believe that ghosts exist in the real world?
3. Do you think you have experienced a ghost?

4. Has a ghost been trying to contact you?

Tell us your ghost stories!

5. Is the spirit world of psychic experiences real?

Do you believe that psychic mediums can speak to the dead?
看到鬼!傑克森家族告殺人 演唱會公司招麥可鬼魂作證

「流行樂天王」麥克傑克森(Michael Jackson)2009年逝世至今仍不得安寧,他的3個孩子和母親日前向主辦演唱會的AEG公司提告,認為該公司聘請家庭醫生莫瑞造成他死亡,是過失殺人罪。而挨告的AEG公司開庭時竟提出鬼魂現身作證自己是意外死亡的證據。
AEG公司執行長於12日在洛杉磯法院開庭時,向陪審團表示歌手萊諾李奇(Lionel Richie)的前妻布蘭達里奇(Branda Richie)有靈媒體質,致電告訴他麥可的鬼魂曾現身解釋,表示死因一切都是他自己不小心,並不像外界所想的是家庭醫生莫瑞濫用麻醉藥。而這聽起來有些怪力亂神的證據,竟也被法官採用。
Wowprime chairman wows college grads (China Post)

TAIPEI, Taiwan -- Wowprime Chairman Dai Sheng-yi (戴勝益) subverted traditional views at a college commencement speech Saturday, encouraging students to spend more money now instead of saving.

At the National Chung Hsing University, Dai held in his hands 22 NT$1,000 bills, a spatula and chopsticks during his time at the podium, enjoying occasional rounds of laughter and applause.

Holding the NT$22,000 in his hands, Dai said, “College graduates nowadays earn only NT$22,000-28,000 at the start of their careers, and tend to begin saving. This usually leads to a condition in which graduates forget to establish their social lives and retreat to their computers, becoming Internet-obsessed. Unless you earn more than NT$50,000 a month, you can forget about saving.

Many finance books teach people to save as much as they possibly can, which I disagree with. Young people should engage more in social activities and build up their connections when they can.”

But Dai also warned: “This does not mean that you need to buy brand-name clothing. Brand-name products do not mean success. What I mean, is that you should spend money, the money that you worked so hard to get, on the right things.”

As for the spatula, he gave a metaphor to the students from his personal lesson-learned by watching his mother fry fish. “From my mother's skills and experience in frying fish, I want you to all know that there is no such thing as achieving things quickly, he explained. “Every success comes from patience and the ability to wait. For instance, some people tend to change up to five jobs in a lifetime, which easily loses respect from other people because they might be seen as impatient.”

Holding the last symbolic objects in hand — the chopsticks — Dai stressed the importance of working with other people. “Coming into the working field, you must all understand that being a likable person is first priority. If a person has a lot of abilities but is not likable and can't work with others, you are as good as dead. So, never treat people with arrogance or become too proud. You can always rehearse a play, but not with your life. Seize the moment,” he said.


1. Is saving money important?

Do you think saving money is always worth it?

2. How much can you possibly save if you earn $50000 a year?

3. Why is teamwork important?

How to build a teamwork culture?

4. How do you build offline meaningful social connections?

5. What are your opinions about  the three conceptions Dai made---
“young people should engage more in social activities and build up their connections.”
“brand-name products do not mean success.”
every success comes from patience”
戴勝益改口:月薪三萬別儲蓄【中國時報/ 胡清暉】












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