周二 (6/18) 1. 公園的好處 2.假新聞!

二聚會 6/18
(sos 有哪位好朋友 能早點到咖啡屋 幫Billy佔位子 Thank you)

時間: 每周二晚上7:00~9:30

地點: 怡客咖啡 Ikari Coffee

地址: 新北市板橋區文化路2311



6/18  1. 公園的好處 2.假新聞!

Topic 1: Discover the Benefits of Going to Public Parks

While many people enjoy parks and being able to go to them I know that some people think that parks are a waste of time. I know that I enjoy going to parks and have found many benefits that a park has that I haven’t found elsewhere so I thought I would share the benefits of parks. While some people might agree with these benefits and others will disagree we should all agree that parks are important for all of us for many reasons!

The first benefit that I have discovered of parks is that they provide a location for people to go and see nature. Some people that live in the city might not ever see a deer run through their yard, or hear birds, but in a park you can enjoy most of these and I know in my local park I have seen many deer inside of the park including the ones that come through my backyard. So being able to see nature in its own habitat is always a positive and a great benefit of parks.

The second benefit of parks is that you are able to enjoy some peace and quiet that can only be found when you are in a park. I know some of the parks that are in the city you can still hear some of the noise of city, but it isn’t as bad as what it normally is. So you can get away from some of the noises that are present in your home, streets, and even in your office building. Which makes the park even more relaxing because you do not have the constant noise occurring that can be driving you crazy!

The third benefit of having parks is that many of them have some form of trails. The trails that are available in parks depending on the park are well marked and scenic. Some of them will even lead you past some of the paths that animals use as a natural path. Which if they are well used trails that means that you can possibly see some of nature crossing the trail before you arrive. While walking the trails not only do you have the chance of seeing nature, but it is also a relaxing way to walk and workout without the sun beating down on you.


1. What are the benefits of public parks?

2. Do you like parks?
What is the best park in Taiwan?

(Which National nature parks have you ever been?)

3. What activities can you do at parks?

4. What are the ways to relax yourself ?

5. Do you think it is important to protect trees?

6. Do you feel safe in public parks at night?

說吧!英文讀書會,將做研究探討 Billy

Topic 2: Two Fake News
A Man Kept An Alien
A Chinese man who claimed he found an electrocuted alien and kept it in his freezer for months admitted it was a hoax. He said he captured the creature after he spotted UFOs flying in the sky.

The man, identified as Mr. Li, posted photos of himself standing next to a green, typical-looking alien, causing an uproar on Chinese social media websites. Many said it was a fake from the get-go.

Li, who is from Shandong Province, said he spotted UFOs flying over the Yellow River before one of them fell down from the sky, reported the South China Morning Post, citing local Chinese language media.

He said he kept the creature in his freezer for three months after it was killed by an electric fence. Li said he got DNA tests, proving it was not from Earth.

However, police said that the alien was actually made out of high-grade rubber. Li then admitted the whole thing was fake after authorities investigated him.

Taiwan Journalist Charged by Police over Fake News, Restaurant Owner didn't call Filipinos 'Dogs' (By: Sydney Smith)

Taiwan newspaper Lih Pao fired a reporter for making up a story claiming a "diner owner" wouldn't "sell boxed lunches to two men after discovering that they were Filipinos," Agence France Presse reported. The fake story went on to claim that the owner said the Filipinos were "dogs" and that the reporter confronted the owner over his actions.

It's unclear if the fake story was ever actually published by Lih Pao; news reports indicate that the fake story was only posted by reporter Cheng on Facebook.  iMediaEthics has written to Lih Pao, though, asking about this and will update with any response.


1. What do you think about news stories from facebook?

2. Can you really believe what you see or hear in social media?

3. Do you think bogus news stories spread online?
4. Ways to spot bogus news stories on the internet?
5. Do you believe that aliens and UFO's exist? Why?
6. What would aliens look like?

「電死外星人」! ! ! Billy






說吧!英文讀書,將做研究探討 Billy



這種情況不只發生在新聞媒體,我們平常收到的email or face book更是氾濫,一大堆轉寄的新聞/照片,講的很聳動、看似合理,其實裡面很多都是偽造或是偏頗的,然而大家在未經查證下,就大量散佈出去。




究竟大眾媒體有無責任?說吧!英文讀書,將進一步探討 Billy

謝謝支持  說吧! 英文讀書會  卡拉OK聚會活動


說吧!英文讀書會  615 卡拉OK聚會 圓滿完成

Kelvin 有付好歌喉 唱張宏量像張宏量 唱張學友像張學友

英文歌也拿手 歌唱水準不亞於 實力派歌手 有點可惜啊 可惜啊

Angela 好厲害 幾乎每首歌都會  歌喉 真是驚為天人 當她飆高音時 我正在吃芭樂 差點哽在喉頭

Mr阿財 唱起台語歌 中規中矩 也洩漏了年紀

Michael 唱起周杰倫 謝霆鋒的歌 冷峻 剛毅 有獨特的風格

James 也有二把刷子 唱起日文歌 英文歌 樣樣拿手

Julie 雖然晚點到 點的歌 都是動感十足 山頂黑狗兄 熱情的沙漠 跟她本人一付彌勒佛笑臉 一點都不搭 坐在沙發上也是搖擺十足 她說意猶未盡 期待下次

Jason也終於最後加入 僅來用餐 可惜不知他歌聲如何

至於我Billy 歌聲二二 六六 在歌神Kelvin面前實在心虛

謝謝大家的支持 獨樂樂 不如眾樂樂
感謝各位 Billy美好的一天

因為幾位成員 臨時有事 不恪參加 一開始 有些手忙腳亂 也再次謝謝Kelvin的協助幫忙

謝謝大家支持 說吧! 英文讀書會活動 祝各位周末愉快 Billy


本周五614日討論中 有會員朋友提到幾個問題


1. 工作場所workplace----The workplace is the physical location where someone works. Such a place can range from a home office to a large office building or factory.


The government will legislate against discrimination in the workplace.


2. 風景區tourist attraction /tourist spot

----a characteristic that attracts tourists


Sun Moon Lake is a great tourist attraction. 

The tourist spot is on northwestern outskirts of Beijing .


3. 公眾人物public figure---

A famous person whose life and behavior are the focus of intense public interest and scrutiny.


Tom’s father is a public figure in this neighborhood.


As a controversial public figure he has received much harsh criticism.


4.減肥藥appetite suppressant --- a drug that suppresses appetite 


This appetite suppressant has side effects including elevated blood pressure and heart rate.


5. 有關整形字彙

整容plastic surgery

雙眼皮手術double eyelid surgery


拉皮 facelift

眼袋sagging eye bags/ pouches(下垂的眼袋)

魚尾紋crow's feet

注射肉毒桿菌素Botox Injection

鼻的整容nose job

鼻的整容nose job


Billy will get a nose job to improve her looks. 


Serry spent two thousand dollars on her nose job.


Sagging skin下垂的皮膚。

exShe's not too happy with her sagging skin and has had a facelift recently.



exShe's considering a liposuction procedure to get rid of her sagging eye bags


"魚尾紋"--眼角周圍的皺紋, 在中國人覺得它像魚尾 老外則是覺得它像烏鴉的腳爪, 所以英文叫crow's feet


She's got crow's feet. 


Effectively remove crow's-feet, pouches, black circles, prevent lips from dryness and moisturize skin. 


注射肉毒桿菌素Botox Injection


You can get Botox injections for that forehead wrinkle. 




Under my eyes the pouches were heavy. 


面部拉皮手術---A facelift is an operation in which a surgeon tightens the skin on someone's face in order to make them look younger. 

每周一句 6/15 情人眼裡出西施
   I want to to be your girl, I love you.

beauty is in the eye of the beholder - 美是情人眼裡出西施

---- Different people have different ideas about what is beautiful.


1. " love is hard to explain beauty is in the eye of the beholder .


2. Although to some she is homely , beauty is in the eye of the beholder


Serry: Have you seen Billy 's pictures of his new girlfriend?

She looks pretty ugly, to my eyes.

Jason: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

0 意見:
