周五 6月14日 1. 咦!美得都一樣? 2.消除寂寞

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1. 咦!美得都一樣? 2.消除寂寞


Miss Korea 2013 Contestants Spark Plastic Surgery Debate
(By Jill Heller)

An otherwise-ignored South Korea beauty pageant has come under a wave of scrutiny after a photo of its contestants went viral on Reddit.

The photo of the 20 Miss Korea 2013 contestants, which was originally posted on a Japanese blog, was almost unanimously bashed by Reddit users for what they say represents a growing trend in plastic surgery that makes the women look remarkably similar to one another.

The original poster, ShenTheWise, captioned the photo “Korea’s plastic surgery mayhem is finally converging on the same face.” The post gained more than 1,840 comments, including many commenters who criticized the “westernization” of cosmetic surgery in South Korea and said that the rise of surgery was rapidly wiping away ethnic Korean features.

I live in Korea, and older women complain how girls don't look Korean anymore because of all the plastic surgery. It's so common to the point if I meet a girl, I just assume she has had something done. Girls here consider eye surgery just like using makeup,”

Without the plastic surgery, korean women are very diverse looking and easily can be told apart. The surgery takes away their individuality and uniqueness and its sad HotBrownie wrote.

Although the United States has consistently ranked highest in terms of the total number of plastic surgeries performed in the past few years, South Korea has the highest rate of cosmetic surgery per capita, according to a 2012 report by the Economist.


1. What do you think about beauty pageants?

2. Is plastic surgery really fair for beauty pageant contestants?

3. Are beauty pageants good or bad to women?

4. What do you think about plastic surgery?

What do you think about plastic surgery girl?

5. Why do so many women get plastic surgery while men don’t?

6. Can cosmetic surgery to improve confidence?

Tips to help you overcome loneliness ( rowdykittens.com)

Humans are social animals. We crave connection and companionship. It’s natural and important.

Below are simple tips to help you overcome loneliness. The tips will force you to get out from behind your computer screen.

1. Go ride your bike.

As you know I’m a huge fan of riding my bike. It’s relaxing, fun, and a great way to see your surroundings. For example, on Friday night I’m attending an Art by Bike tour in Portland. I’ve gone on art walks before, but an art by bike tour will be completely different and fun!

2. Cook a real meal.

Cooking a good meal can be a meditative experience. It’s a great opportunity to mull over thoughts and lose yourself in a recipe. Cooking a real meal is also a perfect excuse to find a dinner date. I don’t know about you, but I feel lonely when I eat alone. Making dinner for a friend or loved on is the perfect way to create a meaningful connection.

3. Take photographs.

Taking photos is a way to notice the details of life. Whenever I walk around with my camera and take photos I get into a zone. I notice the little things, like the morning dew on flowers or a beautiful sunset. For some reason this makes me feel less alone. The world is alive with beauty and has so much to offer. We just have to slow down long enough to notice.

4. Read a good book.

Go to your library and pick up a good book. Reading is a great way to escape into another world or glean creative ideas for your latest project. I spend a lot of time in libraries and books stores. It’s a frugal way to educate yourself, be inspired and a healthy way to use your time.

5. Get involved in activities

Look for activities that interest you and that also involve groups of people like book clubs, church groups, concerts and art exhibitions.

Take a class or join an English club, such as Soapbox English Club, making friends or meeting people. Getting around with people who have positive attitude that will make your life better.

1. Are you feel lonely?
   What can you do when you feel lonely?

2. Do you think we live in a lonely world?

3.Ways to live a more positive, fulfilling and happy?

4. How to help a lonely friend?

5.How do you start a new friendship?

說吧!英文俱樂部 舉辦卡拉OK聚會

本周六  6月15日 中午11:30
說吧!英文俱樂部 舉辦卡拉OK聚會
費用:369 (有餐點)    
請先聯絡 Billy  0976217450

6/11 聚會照片
6/11  Soapbox English Club 12 people attended .

6/11 Soapbox English Club 12 people attended .


本周二612日討論中 有會員朋友提到幾個問題

1. 過失殺人 2.蛇行 3.酒測 4.酒駕

1. 過失殺人manslaughter - The general term for the killing of a person by another is homicide; murder is either the intentional killing or the malicious killing of another, while manslaughter is the unintentional, accidental killing of another through carelessness.

The truck driver was arrested on charges of manslaughter and driving without a license.


negligent homicide; unpremeditated homicide

2.蛇行zigzag--If you zigzag, you move forward by going at an angle first to one side then to the other.

A police officer stopped a motorist for zigzagging on the highway.


blood alcohol concentration testing. 簡稱 BAC

也可以稱為Blood-Alcohol test /a field sobriety test

(酒測器---A breathalyzer or breathalyser (a portmanteau of breath and analyzer/analyser) is a device for estimating blood alcohol content (BAC) from a breath sample.)

Billy refused to take a Blood-Alcohol test and was arrested. 

4. 酒駕----DUI: driving under the influence of alcohol

 來也!空 空 空 去也!空 空 空
空空大師 說禪

the sensuous world is illusory, all physical existence is vanity
 all laws being empty 

 The ideas of life s hardships,the imagery of the hell,giving relief and help to all mortal beings, all laws being empty in Buddhist culture were closely related with LU Xun s nihilism.



名人名句 2013/6/13
 Mark Twain
“If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you're mis-informed.”
― Mark Twain


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