周二(7/2) 1. 麥當勞道歉 2.幫助他人可延壽


二聚會 7/2
(sos 哪位好朋友 能早點到咖啡店 幫Billy佔位子
Thank you, and I love you)

時間: 每周二晚上7:00~9:30
地點: 怡客咖啡 Ikari Coffee



 1. 麥當勞道歉2.幫助他人可延壽

1. 麥當勞道歉
McDonald's VP sorry for Down syndrome blow-up (The China Post)
TAIPEI, Taiwan -- Fast food chain McDonald's yesterday apologized again after a patron with Down syndrome was ejected from one of its restaurants in Kaohsiung last week.

Susan Lu (盧小慧), operation vice president of McDonald's Taiwan, said at a press conference in Kaohsiung yesterday that it was inappropriate for the Kaohsiung branch manager to ask a patron, surnamed Wang, who has Down syndrome, to leave the restaurant.

We are deeply sorry to Wang for offering her such unsatisfactory service,” Lu said.

To extend an official apology, Lu said she and several senior managers of McDonald's visited Wang's home Tuesday night. The apology was accepted by Wang and her family members, Lu said.

Her company also wanted to apologize to the public over failing to meet expectations about the fast-food chain, Lu said.
She pledged that McDonald's will step up its staff training to offer satisfactory service to all of its patrons.
According to local media reports earlier this week, Wang was kicked out of the restaurant on June 21 when the branch's manager claimed that she was a homeless person who was disturbing other guests. Wang was asked to leave the restaurant.
But police who were later called to the scene by the manager were told that Wang had not bothered anyone.
The incident drew protests by disability rights groups who staged a sit-in protest at McDonald's headquarters in Taipei to urge the fast-food chain to officially apologize to Wang and the public for discriminating against people with disabilities.
1. Do you think that Mcdonalds provides a good customer service ?
2. If you were a manager of Mcdonald's how would you handle this case?
3. How to offer good service to customers
How to handle customer complaints?
4. How to apologize to customers?
5. Why do people look down on those who are disabled? Do you look down on people with disabilities?
6. What do you think about Mcdonalds fast-food?

Why helping others is good for your health (By Lisa Bendall)
Not only is doing good deeds sure to spike your happy meter, but more and more research proves there are physical benefits, too. Studies have found that people who make a habit of helping others report better health than those who don’t, and seniors who do volunteer work may actually live longer.
1. Lend a hand. When you see someone struggling with a baby stroller on a set of stairs, or trying to figure out a street map on the sidewalk, take a moment to help out.

2. Give compliments. Who doesn’t love them?

3. Be gracious to strangers. Let someone go ahead of you in the grocery line if they’re only buying a single box of Wheaties compared to your cartload.

4. Go online. E-mail someone a few words of support, make a donation to a worthy cause, or answer a question for someone on your listserv.
5. Say thank you. It makes a difference, and the opportunities are endless: Thank your bus driver, your babysitter, your basketball coach and your barista.
6. Clean up your corner. Pick up a piece of litter, recycle your bottles and set your neighbour’s garbage bin upright.
Like any New Year’s resolution, doing easy good deeds means developing a habit.
Once your routine is established, you’ll also experience a stronger sense of purpose, according to the York University research. And that’s another reason you’ll feel great. As Dr. Wiser points out: "People need to have meaning, to feel appreciated." When you know you’ve made a difference, it’s yet another boost to your mood.  


1. Are you willing to help others?

How to help those in need?

2. Do you believe the conception that “do good, feel good” and
helping others is good for your health and may live longer.?
3. Have you ever done any volunteer work?
What are the benefits of volunteer work?
4. Have you ever donated your time or money for a worthy cause?
5. Doing good deeds, feel happier?
每周一句 7/2 跟…相符

跟…相符,與…有關 If something such as an idea or fact ties in with or ties up with something else, it is consistent with it or connected with it.


Billy’s wife found the lips mark on the shirt that might tie in with his business trip.


His account of what happened does not tie in with what the other witness has said.  他所叙述的事情和另外的證人所說的不相吻合。

My birthday cerebration had to tie in with Billy arrival.


說吧!英文讀書會名人名句 2013/7/2

1.“a compliment is verbal sunshine”

2.” Don't think of it as failure. Think of it as time-released success.”
--- Robert Orben


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