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Are Your Friends Keeping You From Getting Rich? (dailyworth.com)
Peer Pressure
Who’s been here? You’re strolling down the street with a friend when a dress in a store window catches her eye. You both pop into the shop for a closer look—then end up leaving an hour later with an armful of new purchases. Of course, the spree was fun and had all the makings of quality time together—except for the part when you get home and realize you nearly spent your entire paycheck on that dress, perfume and boots.

No wonder “word of mouth” has been shown to be more effective than traditional advertising, with 92% of consumers saying they listen to friends’ recommendations over all other forms. And spontaneous shopping trips (and tips) aren’t the only ways our friends may be consciously--or subconsciously--affecting our ability to save. They can also influence everything from how we define success to how we measure our own worth. (Does making it mean having the same luxury car as your neighbor Joanna?)

Do you often compare yourself to your friends?
You’ve just gotten a promotion or paid off your student loans. So, why do you feel inadequate every time you see your best friend in yet another fabulous new coat? “People try to keep up with their friends’ spending because social rank in society is comparative,” explains Michael W. Kraus, assistant professor of psychology at the University of Illinois, who studies social hierarchy and power, status and influence.  “We are continually comparing ourselves to our close others. If we fall behind, we can feel like a less valuable member of society.”

The fix: Remind yourself about your own successes before you meet up with your friend. And don’t forget that even if someone seems like they’re more successful than you or seems to be able to afford more on the same paycheck, you’re probably not getting the full story. One shortcut: log onto your bank accounts before you walk out the door. Seeing all those numbers just may be the simplest route to an ego boost before that dinner.


1. Do you listen to friends’ recommendations over all other forms?

2. Do friends influence your buying behavior/ personality?

What are the reasons that we become an impulsive buyer?

3. Do you friends affect your decision making?

What is the things that affect your decision-making?

4. Are your friends a good influence?

Do friends affect your personal success?

Who has influenced you the most in your life?

5. Are you under peer pressure sometimes?

Do you often compare yourself to your friends?

6. Are you willing to help friends in financial difficulty?

7. How to identify bad friends?

What is a bad friendship? Which friends are good for you?



Skin-on-Skin Contact! (frommers.com)

Be prepared for lots of skin-on-skin contact! Brazilians will often greet with a kiss or a hug, and both men and women will frequently touch you when speaking, either patting your shoulder or placing their hand on your hand or arm to make a point.

Greetings -- Shaking hands has become a more acceptable way of greeting someone, but don't be surprised if you are kissed on the cheek once (in São Paulo) or twice (in Rio and elsewhere), even when greeting someone to whom you have just been introduced. Men do not kiss each other, but greet with an open hug, using one hand to shake hands and the other to grab the man by the shoulder.

Greeting Customs Around the World (By Relocation Expert)

In the USA, it is normal for men to shake hands when they meet, but it is quite unusual for men to kiss when they greet each other. Greetings are casual – a handshake, a smile and a ‘hello’ will do just fine.

The British often simply say ‘hello’ when they meet friends. They usually shake hands only when they meet for the first time. Social kissing, often just a peck on the cheek, is common in an informal situation between men and women and also between women who know each other very well.

French nationals, including children, shake hands with their friends and often kiss them on both cheeks, both upon meeting and leaving.

In Japan, the common greeting for men and women as well is to bow when they greet someone, as opposed to giving a casual handshake or a hug.

In Arab countries, close male friends or colleagues hug and kiss both cheeks. They shake hands with the right hand only, for longer but less firmly than in the West. Contact between the opposite genders in public is considered obscene. Do not offer to shake hands with the opposite sex.

In Belgium, people kiss on one cheek when they meet, regardless of the gender or how well they know each other.

In Russia, the typical greeting is a very firm handshake. Assume you’re trying to crush each others knuckles, all the while maintaining direct eye contact. When men shake hands with women, the handshake is less industrial. It is considered gallant to kiss women three times while alternating cheeks, and even to kiss hands.


1. What do you think about吳憶樺 greet a kiss with the girl?

2. How to break the ice with a girl/a man you meet the first time?

Ways to turn strangers into friends?

3. In your opinion, what is the proper greeting etiquette?

Do you know any things about Japanese etiquette?

4. “Men kissing each other on the cheeks are a taboo in some countries.” Do you know any cultural taboos?

5. What do you think of contacting between the opposite genders in public is considered obscene in Arab countries?

6. What do you think of the typical greeting crushing each others knuckles in Russia?

吳憶樺 舌吻 女主播

《蘋果》讀者直擊 長達20 吳:巴西式招呼





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