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活動報告: 來哦! 快來哦! 趕快來過年! 說吧! 英文讀書會 率先過年 創造歡樂時光 與好朋友們先行歡樂

1/26 year end party 13:00--15:00  說吧! 英文讀書會 有紅包抽獎 歡樂禮物拍賣 唱歌活動  聚會點 中華泳協 忠孝東路六段79  板南線 後山埤4號出口 參加來賓請自行帶一到菜

為確定人數 請先報名 一同歡樂的感覺真好!   0987217314 Sherry  0976217450 Billy

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IQ or EQ: Which One Is More Important?   By Kendra Cherry

In his 1996 book Emotional Intelligence, author Daniel Goleman suggested that EQ (or emotional intelligence quotient) might actually be more important than IQ. Why? Some psychologists believe that standard measures of intelligence (i.e. IQ scores) are too narrow and do not encompass the full range of human intelligence. Instead, they suggest, the ability to understand and express emotions can play an equal if not even more important role in how people fare in life.

Which One Is More Important?

At one point in time, IQ was viewed as the primary determinant of success. People with high IQs were assumed to be destined for a life of accomplishment and achievement and researchers debated whether intelligence was the product of genes or the environment (the old nature versus nurture debate). However, some critics began to realize that not only was high intelligence no guarantee for success in life, it was also perhaps too narrow a concept to fully encompass the wide range of human abilities and knowledge.

IQ is still recognized as an important element of success, particularly when it comes to academic achievement. People with high IQs typically to do well in school, often earn more money, and tend to be healthier in general. But today experts recognize it is not the only determinate of life success. Instead, it is part of a complex array of influences that includes emotional intelligence among other things.

The concept of emotional intelligence has had a strong impact in a number of areas, including the business world. Many companies now mandate emotional intelligence training and utilize EQ tests as part of the hiring process. Research has found that individuals with strong leadership potential also tend to be more emotionally intelligent, suggesting that a high EQ is an important quality for business leaders and managers to have.

So you might be wondering, if emotional intelligence is so important, can it be taught or strengthened? According to one meta-analysis that looked at the results of social and emotional learning programs, the answer to that question is an unequivocal yes. The study found that approximately 50 percent of kids enrolled in SEL programs had better achievement scores and almost 40 percent showed improved grade-point-averages. These programs were also linked to lowered suspension rates, increased school attendance, and reduced disciplinary problems.


1. IQ or EQ: Which One Is More Important? Are People With High IQ More Successful?

2. Ways You Can Make Yourself Smarter?

Ways to Enhance Your Emotional Intelligence?

3. Does a High IQ equal Success and Can High IQ Make You Rich?

4. Do you want to get to know Beautiful Dumb girls or Ugly Smart girls? (handsome dumb boys/ smart but not attractive boys)?

5. Is it ok to marry a dumb hot girl or a high intelligent but not good looking?

6. Emotional Intelligence Is Key to Our Success?

7. The Importance of Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace?

Ways to Gain Control of Your Emotions?


Gambling superstitions for the New Year (livedealersicbo.com)

What to do

Wear red underwear or undergarments when gambling.

Switch on all the lights at home before you go out to gamble.

Behind every gaming table is a baby ghost. Feed the ghost (i.e. with sugar) and the ghost can help you to win or will not stop you from winning.

When playing baccarat, players should call out the word Deng (Cantonese) or Ding (Mandarin) prior to opening the card(s).

Pray and/or make an offering to the god(s) before you go for your major casino trip.

What not to do

Don’t tell others that you have to read books when they are gambling. The word 'book' sounds similar to 'lose'.

Don’t count the money that you gain or loss during gambling.

Don’t hit or touch someone's shoulder(s) while he or she is gambling.

For males, stay far away from sex (or females) before gambling.

Don’t try to be a winner at the very beginning, or you will lose a lot of money in the end.

Chinese New Year Day Taboo (chinesenewyearday.com)

1. Women shouldn't use knife or shear in the kitchen, which indicates evil, anger, danger and cutting out the luck. As a result, women don't cook new dishes on this day; people eat meals from the leftover.

2. Breaking dish plate, bowel or cup means bad money luck coming. In case that happens, then Chinese put all broken pieces in a round container until the coming trash day.

3. A married women shouldn't go back to her mother home; otherwise her mother family will get poorer.

4. To sweep the floor or dump the trash will take away the wealth and luck from the house.

5. Don't have a lunch nap at noon; otherwise people will be lazy year long.

6. To wash the hair will wash your good luck away.

7. Don't eat rice porridge in the morning breakfast; otherwise you won't get rich because only poor people eat rice porridge in the past.

8. If someone owes you money, do not ask for the money back on this day. Otherwise, you will do it often in the rest of the year.

9. Don't let people take anything away from your pocket or purse, because that's a sign of money loss in the year.


1. Do you know any Chinese New Year gambling taboos /Superstitions?

2. Why is Taiwanese quitting gambling so difficult?

Do you support the idea of building casinos in Taiwan?

3. Do you believe in superstitions why and why not?

Why do People Believe in Superstitions?

4. Do you support the idea of “If someone owes you money, do not ask for the money back on this day. Otherwise, you will do it often in the rest of the year.”?

5. Do you believe in luck?

Do you know any Good Luck and Bad Luck Superstitions?

6. What to Eat during the New Year holidays? Is it good to eat a lot during New Year holidays?

7. What are your plans for the Chinese New Year?

How to Plan a New Year's Holiday?

過年習俗與禁忌 (www.stargogo.com)
















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