
活動報告: 來哦! 快來哦! 趕快來過年! 說吧! 英文讀書會 率先過年 創造歡樂時光 與好朋友們先行歡樂1/26 year end party 13:00--15:00  說吧! 英文讀書會 有紅包抽獎 歡樂禮物拍賣 唱歌活動  聚會點 中華泳協 忠孝東路六段79  板南線 後山埤4號出口
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為確定人數 請先報名 一同歡樂的感覺真好!   0987217314 Sherry  0976217450 Billy

 時間: 6:30pm~9:00pm 地點: 快提café 新北市
 橋區文化路一段38710  (沿著新埔捷運站1號出口左方向走約100公尺 經過新埔郵局
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Billy  0976217450     
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8 traits of successful entrepreneurs--Do you have what it takes?
By: Jason Bowser
1. Strong leadership qualities
A leader has strong communication skills and the ability to amass a team of people toward a common goal in a way that the entire team is motivated and works effectively to get there as a team. A leader earns the trust and respect of his team by demonstrating postive work qualities and confidence, then fostering an environment that proliferates these values throught the team. A leader who nobody will follow is not a leader of anything at all.
2. Highly self-motivated
Successful people go out into the world and invoke change throught their actions. Typically, leaders enjoy challenges and will work tirelessly to solve problems that confront them. They adapt well to changing situations without unraveling and are typically expert of helping their teams change with them by motivating them toward new goals and opportunities.
3. Willingness to fail
Successful entrepreneurs are risk takers who have all gotten over one very significant hurdle:  they are not afraid of failure.  That's not to say that they rush in with reckless abandon.  In fact, entrepreneurs are often successful because they are calculating and able to make the best decisions in even the worst of cases. 
4. Serial innovators
Entrepreneurs are almost defined by their drive to constantly develop new ideas and improve on existing processes. In fact, that's how most of them got into business in the first place. Successful people welcome change and often depend on it to improve their effectiveness as leaders and ultimately the success of their businesses .
5. Know what you don't know
Successful entrepreneurs are confident, but not egotistical to the point that their bull-headedness is a weakness that continually prohibits them from seeing a bigger picture and ultimately making the best decisions for the business.
6. Competitive spirit
Entrepreneurs enjoy a challenge and they like to win.  They would have to since starting a business is pretty much one of the biggest challenges a person can take on in their lifetime. In business it's a constant war with competition to win business and grow market share. It's also a personal challenge to use all of this to focus inward and grow a business from nothing into a powerhouse.
7.. Understand the value of a strong peer network
In almost every case, entrepreneurs never get to success alone. The best understand it takes a network of contacts, business partners, financial partners, peers and resources to succeed.

1. What are the traits of great leaders/successful people?

2. Are other people making all of your important decisions for you?

3. Ways to develop good communication skills?

4. How to develop new ideas for business?

5. How to improve social skills?

6. Do you enjoy challenges? Why or why not?

7. Why is teamwork important?


Drunk driving is No. 1 cause of traffic-related deaths: MOI

Statistics compiled by the MOI showed that Drunk driving was cited as the No. 1 cause of death within 24 hours of traffic accidents in the first 11 months of the year

MOI officials said that those arrested for drunk driving will face a maximum jail term of two years plus a fine of under NT$200,000 for violating public safety.

A much heavier penalty of one to seven years in jail will be slapped on those who kill others due to drunk drinking. And a imprisonment of over six months and under five years will be applied to those whose drinking while intoxicated (DWI) cause deaths amid traffic accidents.
Q: What you think about Drunk driving ?


TAIPEI, Taiwan -- The National Freeway Bureau (NFB) yesterday said that officials will strictly monitor how the Far Eastern Electronic Toll Collection Co. (FETC) handles personal information, customer service, account service and toll fee charging.

Wu Mu-fu (吳木富), deputy chief of the National Freeway Bureau, said that after the new freeway toll system was launched on Dec. 30 last year, an operation center was established immediately and meetings are held daily in order to track all the issues that take place.

In terms of the eTag electronic toll system that falsely charged drivers, the NFB has issued an official document to the FETC and demanded the company to correct the issues immediately, said Wu.

According to Wu, if the eTag system falsely charges any drivers again, the FETC will be fined based on the contract it has with the bureau.
Q: What you think about the E--tag?
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