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5 funniest reasons to divorce(indiatimes.com)

In April 2009, a German woman divorced her husband because she was “fed up” with him cleaning everything all the time. The wife got through 15 years of marriage putting up with the man’s penchant for doing household chores, tidying up and rearranging the furniture, but she ran out of patience when he knocked down and rebuilt a wall at their home when it got dirty.

Text: ReutersThe Metro reported, in November 2009, that a man in China left his wife because she wouldn’t stop baking cakes. The 31-year-old was sick of being fed cakes after every meal, and that he felt like a bakery dustbin!

Can you believe, a woman took her parrot to the court as an evidence against her husband??? Well the truth is, China's Xinmin Evening News reported that she took her pet parrot to the local solicitors office in the hope it would assist in her divorce case against her man. The woman had been away from the home for over a month and returned to find the parrot repeating the phrases "divorce" "be patient" and "I love you", which apparently it had caught from the husband’s phone conversations with the mistress!

The world in May 2008 was shocked to read a Daily Mail report that a Saudi Arabian man managed to live with his wife for three decades without setting eyes on her face until one night in April 2008, the husband was finally overcome by curiosity and tried to lift his wife's veil as she slept to take a look at her face. She said her husband apologised and promised never to do it again, but she insisted she wanted a divorce.

According to a report in published in The Metro, a 24-year-old Romanian woman filed for divorce on the grounds that her husband refused to wear underwear. Emese Nagy married her husband Tamas a year ago. Prior to the ceremony she was unaware of her future husband's dislike for wearing underwear. Emese said she was annoyed when women began to stare at her husband after they came to know of his curious habit.

1. Do you think the divorce rate rises in Taiwan?

How common is divorce and what are the reasons?

2. Reasons why love can turn to hate? How to improve and save marriage?

3. Tips on solving conflicts between husband and wife?

4. How to deal with a cheating husband/wife?

5. Who is going to in charge of family finance if you were married? Why?

6. “I want a divorce because my husband/wife snores!” Is it a valid reason to divorce?

What are the habits that lead to divorce?

7. What are the reasons causes love to die in marriage? What to do when love dies?

The unhappy marriage: stay or go?

What to do when your spouse says I don't love you anymore?




Weird New Year's Eve Traditions from Around the World( by Michelle Nati)

 Denmark: The More Dishes Thrown at You, the Luckier You Are

On New Year's Eve, Danes throw dishes at each others' front doors. People that have the most broken dishes piled in front of their doors are considered lucky, as they have the largest amount of loyal friends. In another tradition, the people of Denmark leap from their furniture at the stroke of midnight and literally "jump into the new year."

Italy: Red Underwear Brings Good Fortune on New Year's Eve

Italy: Red Underwear Brings Good Fortune on New Year's Eve

In Italy, the color red generally signifies good luck since it brings good fortune and calls on the protective presence of the Archangel Michael. On December 31st, Italians from all walks of life don red underwear to shower themselves with good luck in the coming year.

Greece: The First Person to Enter Your House in the New Year Brings Good Luck

Greece: The First Person to Enter Your House in the New Year Brings Good Luck

In Greece, the Pothariko–also known as "the first foot''– is practiced widely on New Year's Eve. The first person that enters the house in the first moments of the new year must be a good-natured, lucky person in order to bring good luck to the house. Often, children are chosen because they are viewed as being the most innocent. The person picked to enter the house must enter with their right foot first so that things go "right" in the upcoming year, then they must smash a pomegranate to the floor while wishing for abundance, joy, and good health for the residents.

Eating a Grape with Each Toll of the Bell in the First Minute of the New Year Brings Luck

At the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve, Spanish residents stuff themselves with 12 grapes (Las doce uvas de la suerte, "The twelve grapes of luck") which they try to eat as the first minute of the New Year is counted down. As each bell strikes, Spaniards eat a grape to bring prosperity and generally ward of evil. Each grape is eaten within the beat of the tolling bell.

Panama: Where Paper Maché Figures of Public Figures Burn in Effigy on New Year's Eve

In sun drenched Panama, scarecrow-sized figures called muñecos adorn front lawns during the holiday season. Often, the figures depict politicians, celebrities, or other public figures that Panamanians hope to see less often in the coming year. On New Year's Eve, the figures are doused with saril and seco and burned in effigy.

Belarus: Women Compete in Games of Skill in Hope of Landing a Husband in the Coming New Year

For the single ladies of Belarus, New Year's Eve is all about getting hitched. Ladies compete in games of skill to see who will be the next lucky bride-to-be, one of which involves placing piles of corn in front of each woman and releasing a rooster to walk among them. Whoever the rooster approaches first will be the next betrothed. In another game, the ladies are placed between two mirrors. When the mirrors are in the right position, Belarusians believe that the ladies will see the face of Mr. Right.

United States & Canada: North American Residents Dive into Sub-Zero Temperatures
United States & Canada: North American Residents Dive into Sub-Zero Temperatures

On New Year's Day in various parts of Canada and the U.S., residents partake in a polar bear plunge. During the holiday, people gather in groups near freezing lakes and rivers and dive in. It's believed that any plunge which takes place close to midnight on December 31st will bring the diver good luck.

Mexico: Carrying an Empty Suitcase Will Bring New Adventures

Mexico: Carrying an Empty Suitcase Will Bring New Adventures

Are you yearning to travel? If you are, and you happen to be in Mexico on New Year's Eve, then grab a suitcase and walk around the block at the stroke of midnight. Mexicans believe that doing so will bring travel and adventure in the coming year. There's no need to pack; an empty suitcase will do.

1. Do you know any other New Year Traditions from Around the World?

What do you think the Traditions that” throw dishes at each others' front doors.”?
What do you think the idea that Red Underwear Brings Good Fortune on New Year's Eve?
2. “The First Person to Enter Your House in the New Year Brings Good Luck”
The idea is as similar as “The First Person to Enter the temple in the first day of Chinese New Year Brings Good Luck” What are your opinions about this custom?
3. Do you believe in luck?
Ways to Bring Good Luck and Good Fortune into Your Life?
Ways to Get Rid of Bad Luck?
4. What are the colors brings good luck?
What are the numbers bring good fortune?
What are the Fruits and Foods That Will Bring You Good Luck in the New Year?
5. How to Find the Right Wife or Husband?
6. Do you dare to Dive into Sub-Zero Temperatures?
7. What are your plans for the Chinese New Year?
What are the parts of Chinese New Year customs you don’t like? Why?

 妻怒咬睡夫止鼾 隔天離婚


製麵廠游姓老闆(四十歲)去年三月經朋友介紹,在中國迎娶高姓嫩妻(二十四歲),未料妻子入門後幾 無寧日。游母提及媳婦一肚子氣,指稱去年七月媳婦來台灣,才待十五天就人間蒸發,媳婦宣稱不適應台灣生活回娘家,但家中金飾、鑽石與現金,跟著不翼而飛,氣得質問媳婦,對方誆稱:「在唱KTV意外弄丟了。」





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