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The Secret Life of Walter Mitty

A day-dreamer escapes his anonymous life by disappearing into a world of fantasies filled with heroism, romance and action. When his job along with that of his co-worker are threatened, he takes action in the real world embarking on a global journey that turns into an adventure more extraordinary than anything he could have ever imagined.

Why Daydreaming Is Good For You

(by  Soren Dreier   Author: Muireann Irish)

We are usually told that daydreaming is a waste of time and mental power, but the ability to daydream offers us tremendous flexibility in our daily lives.

The frequency with which we daydream suggests it is not only normal, but an essential part of life. In fact, the capacity to daydream may hold an evolutionary adaptive value that sets us apart from other animals and enables us to function successfully.

It has been suggested that daydreaming facilitates creative problem solving, such as that “eureka” moment in the shower. Research on creativity has pointed to the importance of distractions during demanding tasks, to facilitate a creative period of incubation.

During these periods, we loosen our thought processes to find solutions to problems using previously unexplored options.

Unusual Adventure Activities. (wildjunket.com)

Take a biplane safari

Step back in time and observe safari wildlife from the air in a traditional biplane. There is only one place you can do this in East Africa – the Lewa Wilderness Conservancy in Kenya, so it’s a really unique experience and one that you are unlikely to forget in a while! The pilot, Will Craig, has over 5000 hours flying experience and takes great delight in pointing out the area’s local landmarks amidst the dramatic and beautiful landscape.

Swim with whale sharks

If you’re in Western Australia between March and early July, don’t miss the opportunity to snorkel with whale sharks in the Ningaloo Reef where these magnificent creatures congregate, timing their annual visits with the coral spawning. At an average of 32ft long, this is the largest species of fish in the world and jumping into the water with them may seem a little loopy, but really they are gentle giants and a wonder to behold.

Glacier landing and dog sledding

One of these would be exciting enough on its own, but combining the two is a real treat and the Mendenhall Glacier in Alaska offers the opportunity to take part in one such adventure. This exhilarating activity includes a scenic flight above some of Alaskas most picturesque landscapes followed by 25 minutes dog mushing, during which you can choose to drive or just relax in the sled. 


1. Do you think of daydreaming is good for you?

The pros and cons of daydreaming?

2. What do you dream of?

What does your dream mean? Dream analysis?
Ways to make your dreams come true?
3. Do you want to take a risky trip?
4. Do you dare to get out of your comfort zone!

How to step out of your comfort zone?
5. Share your ideas for trying something new?
6. What is the extreme adventures you should go on before you die? Would you like try something new like “take a biplane safari”, “swim with whale sharks”, “glacier landing and dog sledding”?
7. Ways to overcome boredom?

Traits Of Extremely Successful People    • Preston Waters • 

They Are Incredibly Curious And Eager To Learn.

Most people are stubborn; they don’t like to learn or explore new things and are very narrow-minded. Successful people are the complete opposite. They are very open-minded and are always studying something new, learning and constantly asking questions so that they can find out more information.

They Network.

They are constantly networking with others, exchanging information and asking people what they do before they even ask their name. Successful people have a Rolodex full of people who value their friendship and return their calls. In today’s world, it is all about the people you know and how they help you get to where you want to be.

They Are Extraordinarily Creative.

There are those who just accept everything in life and don’t like change and then there are successful people who like to question the status quo and change things that are too consistent. They go around asking, “Why not?” They see new possibilities and opportunities where others see problems. They wake up in the middle of the night yelling, “I’ve got it!” Successful people create stuff and innovate things. They are the ones that change the world.

Repeatedly Successful People Respond Instantly!

When technology, a new competitor or a change in the economic situation requires an adjustment, successful people are the first and quickest to respond. They don’t let things drag on or take too long to do something. They understand that time is everythingand that things need to happen fast.


1. In your opinion, what are the traits of successful people/ wealthy people?

2. How do you convince a stubborn person?

What are the disadvantages of being stubborn?

3. What personality trait does you posses? (If you want to share)

What personality trait has the most influence over your future?

Which positive character traits do you want to develop?

4. Example one personality type guarantees success – do you have it?

5. Wealthy people and successful people: who do you admire and why?

Ways to get rich/famous?

6. Can you make decisions quickly? How to make smart, fast decisions?

7. How to be confident in yourself?




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