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The real reasons why people get jealous – and why jealousy is so powerful
  (positivejuice.wordpress by Positive Mitch)
Jealousy is one of those demons that just seems to take everything over when it is felt – even when you know on the inside that your jealousy doesn’t make sense somehow, it often still rips through and takes you hostage. Many people even go so far as to call jealousy an innate emotion, as though, no matter what, we will always feel some jealousy sometimes, and there’s nothing we can do to help that.

The difference between envy and jealousy

Envy happens when you see somebody else experiencing something you’d like to have. You get a wishful feeling inside, like you want what they have. But this feeling does not necessarily lead to jealousy, you see; you can be envious of somebody’s situation and make common cause with them. For example, say one of your friends is doing a workout routine and has gotten into really good shape. You envy them, and thus you come up to them and ask them what their secret is, and maybe even whether you can join them and do what they do. This is an example of an envious response that leads not to jealousy, but rather to motivating, progressive thinking.

Jealousy is different; it is an altogether negative, regressive state of mind. The jealous thought says “I want what you have, and thus until I have it, you shouldn’t have it either.” This is very different from simple envy, because now the emphasis is not on you moving forward, but rather on keeping the other person back. That’s why jealousy can be so destructive and all-consuming; the jealous individual gets into a state of mind that presumes the right to control other people’s pleasure! Yikes. Even if they say nothing at all, the feelings are still there, and the air becomes heavy with them.

The real roots of jealous feelings

Most societies seem to characterize jealousy as a natural reaction to when something sacred or important to you is shared with someone else (the primary example usually being romantic, sexual, or otherwise intimate love). This has things completely confused. Jealousy’s force does not derive from the sharing of something special to you; rather, it comes from the feeling that you are about to lose that special thing that is being shared – that, by sharing it, you are in danger of losing it. This aversion to loss is quite natural! Of course, even people that feel no jealousy also have times when they fear losing something precious. It’s part of the human experience.

Now, if we take this ever-present background of relationships = property, it becomes a lot easier to see why feelings of loss and envy get confounded into jealousy. The reality is that you cannot control how your partner feels or what they want. Despite all the chatter out there that talks about how to “keep your man” or how to “stop her from walking out,” the truth is that you don’t have this control. Loss and breakup can happen at anytime, and “putting a ring on it” or moving in together will not erase such thoughts and possibilities.


1. Do you get jealous of other people sometimes?

Do you think that little feelings of jealousy are ok?

2. How to handle jealousy? How to deal with a jealous person?

3. Why do people get jealous of other people?

The real reasons why people get jealous?

4. What to do when your friends are jealous of your success?

5. What do to when other women hate you because you’re beautiful?

What do to when other men hate you because you’re handsome?

6. Are you jealous of your ex girlfriends or ex-boyfriend?

Does jealousy prove love?

7. Are you jealous of wealthy people?

8. How to stop comparing yourself to others?

 31 yo American man has 91 yo girlfriend in US (liveleak.com)
United States, Pennsylvania, a 31-year-old man and 91-year-old Kyle Jones fell in love with the woman Marjorie McCool.

Kyle Jones said he never had a date with a woman of the same age, but older people like to spend quality time, and prefer 65 years or older.

The picture shows the 91-year-old Kyle Jones brought his girlfriend and mother (right) three photos.

Discuss These Issues Before Walking Down the Aisle
(By Sheri &Bob Stritof)

Many marriage education experts caution that when couples believe in the myths of "happily-ever-after" or "love conquers all," problems in the marital relationship may surface within a short time after the wedding.

The success or failure of your marriage relationship may hinge on how well you deal with issues such as finances, sexuality, communication, conflict, parenting, in-laws, leisure time, family of origin, spirituality, expectations, and chores.

Even though you may be very busy with wedding preparations, it is critical that you make time to prepare for your life time together by exploring your relationship in more depth.

Communication, along with a willingness to grow closer together, even when the topic is difficult, is one of the keys to a successful marriage.

Why are we getting married? Pregnancy, financial security, loneliness or wanting to get out of the family home are not valid reasons to get married.
1. What do you think that a 31-year-old man and 91-year-old woman fell in love with each other?
2. Does age gap really a matter in relationship?
Do you think that age gap is going to create problem to get marry?
How old about age differences can you accepted?
3. Do you think that marriage is changing? Do you think that marriage is outdated?
4. Reasons to get married? Reasons not to marry?
5. What are the issues should discuss before married?
(Ex: finance /religions)
6. Do you believe in happily ever after?
What does “happily ever after” mean to you?
7. What are your expectations of marriage?
8. What type is your ideal lover? What kind of lover are you?


OK便利商店工作的 歐先生 來訊問到ok/膏药布 英文怎麼說?

Billy 幫您解答




膏药/橡皮膏/ok--- A plaster is a strip of sticky material used for covering small cuts or sores on your body. 


Putting a plaster on the burn and don't touch it


(美式英語通常用 Band-Aid)



涂上,抹上--- If you plaster yourself in some kind of sticky substance, you cover yourself in it. 


She plastered herself from head to toe in high factor sun lotion. 


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