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最近殺人社會事件  層出不窮  每個人每天生活中  或許有些不如意的事 一旦負面情緒長期累積 對身心不好   也可能形成一顆強力未爆彈    歡迎您來談談    您對紓解情緒的看法
How to Release Negative Emotional Energy   Edited by Suki

We all feel consumed by negative emotional energy at some point in our lives. Maybe this is because of sadness or anger; or maybe this is because somebody has offloaded their emotional baggage onto you, and now it's your burden to carry.

1.     Relax. Unwind and relieve yourself of all stress. This could be done by taking a bath, reading a book, going on a walk, whatever it is that you like to do. Use special bath salts, read your favourite book, really notice everything around you on that special walk... make it a truly special time.

2.     Treat yourself. Have a makeover. Go to a spa and have a massage. Eat some chocolate or bake yourself some cookies. Really get in touch with the things that you find comforting. It'll help you feel happier.

3.     Talk to your friends or family. Don't mention what's troubling you unless you feel you have to talk to someone about it - at times this can really help if the letter idea didn't. Make sure you have a good long chat with him/her about whatever you like, and maybe even arrange to meet up with them.

4.     Meditate. Meditation is a great way to relieve stress and other negative energies. Try using guided meditations to really help yourself rid that emotion from your body and allow yourself to feel happier.

5.     Try some kind of physical activity or new hobby. Boxing, for example, is a great way to relieve anger, whereas learning an instrument is a good idea if you want to get sadness out of yourself.

6.     Listen to yourself. Don't ignore your needs. If you want to do something comforting, then go ahead and do it. It'll help you to feel more peaceful and happier if you rid yourself of the emotions now rather than letting them grow inside of you until they reach an uncontrollable peak.


1. How to release negative emotional energy?

Ways to let go of your negative energy?

2. What not to do when you're depressed? Ways to cope with depression?

3. How to get rid of anger?

4. How to help someone who is mentally disordered?

5. What do you do when you're unhappy? How to overcome loneliness?

6. How to turn your negative feelings into positive actions?

7. Can spiritual meditation to wash away negativity and be positive?

8. How to become a positive thinker? Ways to be more positive?



Being the third party in a relationship.?    (answers.yahoo.com)

Well, I am working abroad and I met this guy who is 10 years older than me. We are leaving in the same flat. We became so close, we hang out most of the time, we eat together, and because of that I fell in love with him. He told me he loves me too. But the thing is, he has a girlfriend working in other country. They've been together for more than 2 years now and he told me before that their relationship is on the rocks. And though I knew he already had a girlfriend before we became close, I didn't stop myself to love him and accept the situation to be the third party. We've been together for 3 months now, and I'm having this guilt feeling for his girlfriend because we're cheating on her. But I really love this guy but it also hurts to know that he can't seem to break up with his girlfriend and be with me.
Enter The Third Party (divorcesupport.about)

Add to this a third party and the issue of an affair and the emotional intensity is compounded. Not only will the left behind spouse feel abandoned but he/she will also feel replaced by someone better, younger, more attractive. The pain in this type of divorce comes from losing a position of importance in the life of your spouse, from beliefs about immorality, betrayal and feelings of failure as a spouse.

When a third party enters a marriage, certain psychological things start to happen in the mind of the cheating spouse. Their thinking becomes skewed in order to justify their their behavior. Denial of any wrong doing means shifting the blame and usually it all gets dumped onto the faithful spouse.

Normally a spouse who falls prey to an affair is a decent person that is aware of their behavior and how it is frowned upon by society. Even though they are aware of the immorality of their actions, they continue with the relationship, which means dealing with feelings of guilt.


1. What do to when a relationship involves an affair with a third party?

How to deal with the third party your partner had an affair?

2. What should you do when you’re spouse is having an affair?

What to do if your boyfriend/girlfriend is cheating?

3. What to do if found you were the third party in a relationship?

4. What to do if you're caught cheating?

5. Men or women who more likely to have an affair?

6. What makes married men want to have affairs? Reasons why men have affairs?

Why do men have more trouble resisting sexual temptation than women?

7. How to resist extra martial temptation?

How to deal with the desire to cheat on your partner?

8. What to do when you know about an affair of your close friend? Should you tell his or partner?


    真「心」換偷腥! 李心潔忍痛原諒不離婚   

負面情緒累積 絕非一時興起

〔自由時報〕許姓少年以「 鄭捷有苦就可以殺人,為何我不可以」,持刀闖進學校報復,北捷車廂殺人案引發的模仿效應,不容小覷。








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