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How to be a Good Person (By eHow Contributor)
1. Honesty. Try to be honest always without hurting someone's feelings if possible.

2. Cheating. Don't do it. Not on your spouse or your taxes.

3. Charity. Try to do something charitable when you can. This could be driving an elderly neighbor to the supermarket, volunteering at a soup kitchen or just writing a check to your favorite charity.

4. Words. Chose your words carefully. If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing "politely".

How to Be a Nice Guy

1. Start with your own family. If you want to be nice, you should start practicing, and the best way is to start with those who are close to you. For example, help your brother with his homework, help your mother, just always be cooperative, and smile.

2. Help out your friends. Your friends will like you more when you help them, and they will feel your a true friend, for not leaving them when they need you, so help them out and be always nice to them.

3. Make as many friends as you can. The more, the better, so make more friends and treat them well, and they'll always be there for you.

4. Help needy people. How nice would it be when you help needy people, and you'll feel great on the inside,so why not be nice?

5. Always give a smile when you pass on somebody, you never know... maybe your smile will be the only sunshine they see that day, and it sure is nice to make someone's day more bright!

6. Say "hello" if you see new people, whether you know them or not. It's always nice to greet others. Besides, they will feel relief.

7. Try to not be angry, just cool down, and never show a sad face. It really turns people off! The angry face is not nice. Always break your madness with a wide smile,it helps getting rid of anger.

8. Care about other peoples' feelings. It's really nice when you care about people, especially their feelings. Try to talk to them and help them. (wikihow.com)


1. How to be a nice guy? How to be nice to people?

2. Do you always give a smile when you pass on somebody?

Do you say "hello" if you see new people?

3. Do you care about other peoples' feelings?

Do you help needy people sometimes?

4. Do you think "honesty is the best policy"? Why or why not?

5. Do you do something charitable things? How to do a charity event?

6. What good deed did you do these days? What are the ways to do a good deed?

7. What are the ways that to be good for someone else?

What are the ways to be more likable?

8. Do you need more friends?

How to make friends and get a social life?

The Night Owl is Better than the Early Bird

Are you a Night Owl? Your Circadian Rhythm May be to Blame

Do you have a hard time getting to sleep at night? Do you find that you have to drag yourself out of bed each morning regardless of how early you go to bed? Are you sleepy throughout the day and find yourself in need of some sleep in the middle of work? If so, then you are probably a night owl. This is probably due to your circadian rhythm. There happen to be different levels of night owls. The average night owl stays awake until around midnight, while the extreme night owl will stay up all night and sometimes until the sun rises.

Studies Show that Night Owls Have an Advantage Over Larks

The journal Science recently published an article explaining how Night Owls have a productive advantage over Early Birds.  Early Birds may stay at an evenly productive pace throughout the day, but their basal body temperature peaks at around 2 pm or mid-afternoon and continues to drop off throughout the day.  When this happens, your body becomes increasingly pressured to sleep, and productivity and energy tapers off.  When your basal body temperature is at it's highest, that is when you will be at your most productive, and most energetic.  Brain activity for the early bird after about 10 hrs declines and continues to decline until bedtime.  Early birds also had lower performance on tests, showed signs of decreasing alertness, and began to feel sleepy at around this time. The night owl stays evenly productive throughout the day, and basal body temperature peaks at 8 PM giving the night owl and extra burst of energy and productivity in the evening.  By this time, the early bird is ready for bed.  Brain activity for the Night Owl does not slow down after 10 hrs, and no signs of decreased alertness or sluggishness is found.  The only downside to this is that our society does not support the Night Owls sleep schedule, therefore the Night Owl must conform.  The early morning schedule does not line up with the Night Owl's sleep schedule, so sometimes they may end up sleep deprived.(hubpages.com/hub)
1. Are you a night owl? Or a early bird?
Do you think that the night owl is better than the early bird? Or the early bird is better than the night owl?
2. Pros and cons of being a night owl; pros and cons of being a early bird?
3. Do you have a hard time getting to sleep at night?
Do you find that you have to drag yourself out of bed each morning? How to deal with it?
4. What are the factors that affecting sleeping patterns?
5. How much sleep do we really need? How many hours of sleep are enough?
6. What are the tips that helping you gets a good night's sleep?
7. What is the things you shouldn’t do before bed?
What is the food to avoid before bed?
8. Do you think sleep patterns can affect your personality and level of success?





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