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How to Build a Social Network (Edited by bishdom)
A social network comprises a group of friends and acquaintances that share similar interests, careers or both. Building an effective social network will mean that you will always have contacts to help you with your personal or career endeavors.
1Go through your address book, day planner, or other contact information for your current friends and contacts. Make connection with them just to talk. The subject of your conversation isn't really important at this point. Just staying in touch works wonders and will serve as the foundation for the next steps.
2Throw a party. Either a birthday party or just a friendly get together. Ask all of your close friends to come and tell them that they can bring a guest. Speak with everyone at the party and get phone numbers and contact information from those you do not know and that you share common interests with.
3Join an Internet message board or community that focuses on one of your interests (such as wikiHow ;) ). Post on the topic and share your knowledge. If someone on the message board has similar interests or can teach you something, then send them an email or a private message and get to know them.
4Attend weddings, funerals and parties that you are invited to. Showing that you care about the people in your network, even if you just pop in and say hi, will cause those that are in your 'network' to return the same courtesy. And, you could meet other people there too.
5Send a weekly email to some of your most valued contacts just to touch base. Ask how they are doing, how their family is, how their job is going. Be sincere!
6Consider volunteering and joining a cause that you believe in. Perhaps a cancer or AIDS walk or fundraiser. Or perhaps a political campaign for a candidate that you share political views with.
7Attend conferences concerning the topics you are interested in. Whether they are about technology, skiing or scrapbooking, you will meet new people that share similar interests.
8Start your own group. This can be a bit of a daunting task, but if you start your own group, whether an internet bulletin board group or an actual meet and greet group, people will be coming to you instead of you looking for them. This is a great way to meet new contacts and friends.
9Should you be seeking a job, don't hesitate to tell everyone in your network about it. Send out resumes to those you are closest to or those that share business interest.


How to Build a Social Network?

How to Make Friends?

How can social network help you?

How To Use Social Networking To Boost Your Career?


More time for saunas? Sweden tries cutting working day to 6 hours (business/Sweden)

The local government of Gothenburg, Sweden, is to begin a yearlong experiment to see if cutting the working week to 30 hours will be more efficient. It is hoped working less hours will cut down on sick leave, and save money.

Under the plan, the employees will remain on the same pay, the Independent newspaper reports.

"We think it's time to give this a real shot in Sweden," said Mats Pilhem, the Left Party deputy mayor of Gothenburg.
 Why Working More Than 8 Hours A Day Can Kill You (Deborah L. Jacobs)
If you’re accustomed to being the last one to leave the office, new research may offer you cause to rethink your routine.

The study, published in the American Journal of Epidemiology, shows that a combination of stress, raised blood pressure and unhealthy diets stemming from long working hours may be the cause of thousands of workers’ serious health problems.

The study combined the results of different studies over the last 50 years and found that spending too long in the office resulted in a 40 to 80 percent greater chance of heart disease compared to an eight hour work day.

How To Keep Your Job Without Working Yourself To Death 

The latest findings discovered by scientists at the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health support results from a 2011 British survey that revealed that doing more than 11 hours of work a day raised heart disease risks by 67 percent.

Lead researcher Dr. Marianna Virtanen and her team gathered data from 12 different studies going back to 1958, when researchers first suggested that working long hours could be linked to poor heart health. In total, the studies involved more than 22,000 participants, from Britain, the USA, Japan, Sweden, Finland, Denmark and the Netherlands.
There are several potential mechanisms that may underlie the association between long working hours and heart disease,” study authors wrote. ”One is prolonged exposure to psychological stress.”

Researchers said that other factors could be increased levels of the stress hormone cortisol, poor eating habits and lack of physical activity due to limited leisure time.


What do you think about Sweden tries cutting working day to 6 hours?

Do you think working more than 8 hours a day bad to you?

How many hours do you work per week?

How many hours should we be working?

3.新聞討論---- 功夫與性格

Martial Arts are not to blame for teaching and parenting failures (Taiwan News By George Liu)

Almost a week has passed since 21 year old college student Cheng Chieh allegedly stabbed 28 people in the Taipei MRT, killing 4. In a search for answers, media outlets have shifted some of their focus onto Cheng’s martial arts background and whether skills he learned in the dojo made him a more efficient killer.

Cheng practiced Taekwondo at Goodteam Taekwondo School for over three years, starting from the age of seven, and earned a second-degree black belt. Authorities are implying that this training added power, accuracy, and mental determination to Cheng’s knife wielding rampage and his time in the dojo may have only fueled his desire to inflict injury and death.
Q: What do you think about this news?
4. 口語訓練 講義現場分發  
一天只工作6小時 瑞典開先河試辦   (TVBS )





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