
星期四 星期四4/2起    新課程 新聞英語討論  

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板橋區文化路段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
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聚會時間700PM-- 9:30PM

    「鞭刑 新加坡」的圖片搜尋結果       「鞭刑 新加坡」的圖片搜尋結果
Caning in Singapore      From Wikipedia

Caning is a widely used form of legal corporal punishment in Singapore. It can be divided into several contexts: judicial, prison, reformatory, military, school, and domestic or private. These practices of caning are largely a legacy of, and are influenced by, British colonial rule in Singapore.

Of these, judicial caning, for which Singapore is best known, is the most severe. It is reserved for male convicts under the age of 50, for a wide range of offences under the Criminal Procedure Code, and is also used as a disciplinary measure in prisons. Caning is also a legal form of punishment for delinquent servicemen in the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) and is conducted in the SAF Detention Barracks. Caning is also used as an official punishment in reform schools.

In a milder form, caning is used to punish male students in primary and secondary schools for serious misbehaviour. The government encourages this but does not allow caning for female students, who instead receive alternative forms of punishment such as detention.

A much smaller cane or other implement is also used by some parents to punish their children for misbehaving. This is allowed in Singapore but not encouraged by the government.
What do you thing caning punishment in Singapore?
Do you think that caning effective as crime deterrent?
In your opinion, what are the crimes should be punished caning?
Should Taiwan institute caning?
Does the death penalty deter crime?
Capital punishment should be banned or allowed?
How to reduce crime rate?
「the good habits」的圖片搜尋結果
Using High-Performance Habits to Achieve Significant Goals              mindtools.com

Good habits lie behind many of these positive changes. The repeated actions – attending a weekly sports practice, for example – help you to build the change into your daily life. In this article, we'll discuss how good habits can help you grow, personally and professionally.

Follow these steps to develop good habits in your daily life, and to kick-start positive change.
1. Identify What you Want to Achieve
First, note down your personal and professional goals. You'll need to develop new habits to achieve these goals , so it's important that you're clear about what they are.

Now choose one goal, and think about the habits that you'll need to incorporate into your schedule to reach it. What do you need to start doing every day to make this vision a reality?
Michelle has always wanted to live in France. Her goal is to learn to speak French, so that she can apply for a role in her company's Paris office. She decides to spend 30 minutes each day learning French.

2. Build Good Habits Into Your Routine
Find ways to build your new habit into your routine. Block out a regular time for it in your schedule, so that you can give your positive habit your full attention.
It's much easier to establish good habits if they fall during your most productive time of day. Our article Is This a "Morning" Task? helps you discover when you're at your most productive.
Michelle knows that she's at her best earlier in the day. She also knows that she's usually too tired to focus on learning after work.
She decides that early morning will be the best time to learn French. She resolves to go to bed by 10:00 p.m. each night so she can wake up at 6:00 a.m. In the evening, she lays out her clothes for work, prepares the coffee machine, and makes her lunch for the next day. She also loads some French learning podcasts onto her laptop in the kitchen.

3. Develop Self-Discipline
A study showed that it can take an average of 66 days to form a new habit. That makes self-discipline   essential.
How to use habits to achieve significant goals?
What are the tips for breaking bad habits and developing good habits?
What are the bad habits you need to quit right away?
What are the good habits you need to start?
Do you want to change your life for the better?
What you really want to achieve?
How to develop a good self-discipline?

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