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Walking, cycling or travelling by public transport can lift the mood    BBC

For many people commuting is a necessary evil. Most see going by car or van as the 'least worst' option. This study by the researchers at the University of East Anglia challenges that assumption.

It suggests walking, cycling or travelling by public transport can lift the mood. Crucially, it suggests those who switch from the car to an active commute feel better across a range of psychological measures, including concentration, decision-making and the ability to face up to problems.
The researchers say policies encouraging people to leave their cars at home could have a dramatic impact on public wellbeing.

Health Benefits of Cycling

1. Cycling is good for your heart: Cycling is associated with improved cardiovascular fitness, as well as a decrease in the risk of coronary heart disease.

2 Cycling is good for your lifespan: Bicycling is a great way to increase your longevity, as cycling regularly has been associated with increased ‘life-years’, even when adjusted for risks of injury through cycling.

3 Cycling is good for your coordination: Moving both feet around in circles while steering with both your hands and your body’s own weight is good practice for your coordination skills.

4 Cycling is good for your mental health: Riding a bike has been linked to improved mental health.

5 Cycling is good for your immune system: Cycling can strengthen your immune system, and could protect against certain kinds of cancers.

Do you like cycling? What are the wealth benefits of cycling?
Do you think that walking, cycling or travelling by public transport can lift the mood?
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 “Cycling is good for your lifespan” how to prolong lifespan?
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「Build Your Personal Brand」的圖片搜尋結果
How to Build Your Personal Brand   wiki

A ‘personal brand’ is in many ways synonymous with your reputation. It refers to the way other people see you as a business owner or representative of an idea, organization, or activity. Are you a genius? An expert? Are you trustworthy? What do you represent? What do you stand for? What ideas and notions pop up as soon as someone hears your name?

Decide and lay out your core values. How would you like potential customers and clients to think of you? Because your personal brand is built from the thoughts and words and reactions of other people, it’s shaped by how you present yourself publicly. This is something that you have control over. You can decide how you would like people to see you and then work on publicly being that image. Values are the easiest thing to present and have people identify with, so start there. Are you the sort of person who puts ethics above everything else?

Become the best. If you want to sell an expensive course in watercolor painting you’ll need to be seen as someone with the authority to teach others on the topic. If you want to get work for high-end design clients you’ll need to be seen as a runaway talent with a professional attitude. Every good brand involves the notion of expertise. Nike brands itself as an expert in creating quality and fashionable sportswear. Jeremy Clarkson (host of Top Gear) is an expert on cars. Even if you’re not interested in marketing your advice, you need to create the perception that you are very good at what you do. •Continue learning and updating your knowledge, especially if your expertise is based around the online world. The web changes drastically from month to month. If you were an ‘expert’ two years ago but have since stopped learning and challenging yourself, you’re not an expert anymore.

Market your personality. Personal branding is basically selling someone your personality. You need to think hard about HOW you act. You should have a clearly identifiable personality so that people can easily feel like they know you personally, even if they've never met you. Your style of delivery should be as unique as any other aspect of your personal brand. This doesn’t mean you need to sit down and brainstorm how to be different. If you don’t actively imitate anyone else, it will happen naturally. •Are you kind and unusually enthusiastic, like Stephen Colbert? Are you witty and raw, like Rachel Maddow? Are you confident and crusading, like Glen Beck? Hopefully you’re none of these, or at least, not in the same way. You want to be you, not someone else.
How to build your personal brand?
How to build a good image?
How to become the best?
How to updating your knowledge and become an expert?
Wahl to do you think about “NIKE brand”?
What are the good brands of products you would like recommend?

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