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「High IQ」的圖片搜尋結果

Does A High IQ Guarantee Success? Maybe Not  greatist.com

Despite flaws in IQ testing, intelligence has been shown to play a role in determining achievement, business success, and even the rate of our mortality — mostly because IQ strongly correlates with income . Having a high IQ also increases the likelihood of becoming a high-performer in a variety of aptitudes, from science to music. That’s because a genius can process, store, and recall an absurd amount of highly complex information — it’s called working memory capacity .

But if being a brainiac was the one and only criterion for success, everyone with a lofty IQ would be wildly successful — and obviously, that’s not always the case. Even a genius can squander their intelligence jackpot . When smart people encounter a problem that needs solving, they tend to forgo facts in favor of mental shortcuts. Trouble is, these shortcuts can lead to foolish mistakes and ultimately the wrong answer. Turns out Mom was right: We can be too smart for our own good.

So if great intellect doesn’t guarantee success, what factors separate an average Joe from a highly intelligent outlier? The real question becomes: Can we actually compete with genius by going from good to great?

The Genius Myth — The Answer/Debate

Genius is real, but it can also be really misleading. For one thing, putting too much stake in “genius” implies the entire average-achieving population is virtually helpless. When taken at face value, the idea of innate intelligence plays into the genius myth. This legend would have us mere mortals believe that we either have it or we don’t — whatever “it” is. But when the curtain is pulled back, we see that genius is nothing more than a comforting parable. It comes in handy when trying to explain why some people seem to have it all, but it doesn’t accurately depict the full scope and scale of human intelligence.

In reality, success is based on a whole lot more than genius alone. Persistence, practice, socio-emotional skills, our environment, the way we’re raised, and luck all combine to determine what we will achieve . This explains why early interventions in child development so often improve individuals’ chances of success — our potential isn’t fixed the day we’re born; rather, it's highly fluid and dependent on a number of both external and internal factors.

Smart Versus Successful — The Takeaway

When it comes determining to success, IQ isn’t a promise, it’s more of a performance enhancer. If genius is the elevator to the top, we’ll just have to take the stairs. It may take longer, but it’ll still get us to where we want to go.
Do you believe that a high IQ guarantees success?
What are the Key Success Factors?
What are the Things Successful People Do Differently?
Do Intelligent People Make More Money?
Do You Think That Genius Is Inborn Or Acquired?
What do you think this quotation ”A genius equals 1% inspiration plus 99% perspiration”?
「Sedentary lifestyle」的圖片搜尋結果
Sedentary lifestyle can kill     BBC Fergus Walsh Medical correspondent

The world is just days away from the greatest global showcase of elite sport.

But while a few thousand athletes will be pushing their bodies to the limit, most of the world will be watching on TV, sitting inactive for hours on end.

In a series of articles in the Lancet timed to coincide with the Olympics, researchers from 16 countries set out the scale of the health burden created by physical inactivity. You can read more about the research here.

The scientists say they are neither Olympics kill-joys nor are they advocating punishing gym sessions. As Pamela Das from the Lancet puts it: "It is not about running on a treadmill, whilst staring at a mirror and listening to your iPod."

There's nothing wrong with going to the gym of course, but the aim is to encourage everyone to build physical activity into their daily lives, such as by walking, cycling, swimming, gardening or doing any sport they enjoy.

The trouble is, all that sounds familiar. We all know we should move more and sit less.

Despite that, one in three adults worldwide fails to do the recommended 150 minutes of moderate aerobic physical activity per week. In the UK two out of three adults don't manage it. The guidance is here.

So rather than stressing the health benefits of exercise, the Lancet researchers have opted to show the harm caused by inactivity. They estimate lack of exercise is responsible for about 5.3m deaths a year - about the same number as smoking.

This is based on estimates of the impact on inactivity on coronary heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, and two specfic cancers - breast and bowel - where lack of exercise is a major risk factor.

There are some weaknesses in the data. The scientists have had to rely on the results of questionnaires sent out to 122 countries in which people self-report their levels of activity. It must also be difficult to separate the disease burden of obesity from the figures.
Why sedentary lifestyle can kill?
How much hours you have been sitting watching on Tv, search sth through internet?
How often do you do exercise?
What are the risks of inactivity?
What are the benefits of physical activity?
What are the benefits of exercise?
How to deal with obesity?


2015-04-01 天下雜誌 569   作者:洪蘭





一九二一年,史丹佛大學的特曼(Lewis Terman)想知道:一個人若聰明,又有最好的環境,他的天賦可發展到什麼程度?他篩選一五二八個三歲到二十八歲、智商在一四○以上的人,提供最好的學習條件,追蹤他們的一生,這就是著名的「天才基因研究」。






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