週二(5/26) 1.機器人取代你2.微笑改變世界

我們的會長Sherry  我親愛的創會夥伴Sherry  日前因病去世  痛哉 哀哉
這些年 sherry 負責維護說吧網頁   Billy負責文章方面 合作愉快  頓時 晴天闢歷
痛失良友 心情真的難過複雜 
本會中好朋友 如有認識Sherry 想參加其告別式 盡朋友之誼 聚會時請來會告知Billy
板橋區文化路段421巷11弄1號 (陽光甜味咖啡館)
新埔捷運站1號出口 旁邊7-11巷子進入20公尺 看到夏朵美髮
「we don't need robots girlfriend」的圖片搜尋結果
Jobs That Will Be Replaced By Robots  businessinsider

Who could be replaced: Pharmacists
Here's why: The next time you drop off a prescription order, you might see a robot behind the counter.

The UCSF Medical Center recently launched an automated, robotics-controlled pharmacy at two UCSF hospitals.

Once computers at the new pharmacy electronically receive medication orders from UCSF physicians and pharmacists, the robotics pick, package, and dispense individual doses of pills.

Who could be replaced: Drivers
Here's why: Google announced last fall that it was working on automated cars as a way to increase safety and help humans reduce the time spent commuting to work.

With human supervisors in the passenger seat, seven test cars have driven 1,000 miles without human intervention and more than 140,000 miles with only occasional human control.

Who could be replaced: Soldiers
Here's why:  Although soldiers have yet to be replaced by an army of robots, we seem to be moving in that direction as drones and other machines are increasingly being used in reconnaissance and combat missions.

One example is the the MAARS (Modular Advanced Armed Robotic System), made by Foster-Miller, which has provided armed robots in Iraq. According to Wired, the robot is equipped with a GPS monitor; it can be programmed to differentiate between fire and no-fire zones, to open doors, and even to drag out injured bodies.
A robot is so much cooler than a nanny: babysitting robots can recognize faces, tell jokes, and keep a kid from being lonely.
A robot is so much cooler than a nanny: babysitting robots can recognize faces, tell jokes, and keep a kid from being lonely.

Who could be replaced: Rescuers
Here's why: Robots can reach areas that are inaccessible to humans and provide crucial help in rescuing victims from natural disasters. Scientists such as  Satoshi Tadokoro of Tohoku University, based in Sendai, have offered the use of their robots to assist in the rescue efforts that are underway in Japan.

Tadokoro has offered the use of a snakelike robot that can enter tight spaces and use a camera to survey them, which could be helpful in collapsed buildings.
What are the jobs that will be replaced by robots?
Is it safe for robots controlling pharmacy?
Pro and cons of jobs replace by robots?
What are the benefits to having a robot girlfriend/boyfriend?
Will robots take over the world?
What happens when robots can do all the jobs?

「Power of a Smile」的圖片搜尋結果
The Power of a Smile – How Smiling Can Change Your Life and Change the World

You’re More Attractive!

Do you want to be more attractive? Simple. Smile! Research has proven that we find others more attractive when they are wearing a smile. This one is a no-brainer, but for the sake of helping it land in your mind, think about someone who you know and think of first when they are down, sad, angry, frustrated, whatever it may be. How attractive are they? Now picture them simply with a smile on their face. What does this do to their attractiveness? If you took the time to do this exercise, I’m sure you would have easily found the smiling version much more attractive, and maybe this even made you feel a happy tingle inside yourself! This leads to my next point.

Simply Feel Good!

When you’re smiling, no doubt you’re having a much better time than when you’re not! Smiling simply makes you feel better!

Research has shown that smiling releases serotonin – a neurotransmitter that produces feelings of happiness and wellbeing. It’s like a circle of happiness. Smile and you feel happy, you feel happy and you smile! Even when you’re not feeling great, try smiling, genuinely, and see how you feel!

Build Better, Faster Relationships!

Smiling is such a key ingredient for establishing healthy and genuine friendships. When someone is smiling at you it indicates that they like you. When someone likes you what do you think of them? Yep, normally you’re thinking “wow, I like this person!” Smiling also offers encouragement to the person that you are talking to. Think about it, if someone is smiling at you while you are talking to them, you feel as though they are totally into what you are saying, encouraging you to keep going!

Smiling is crucial when it comes to first impressions. Smiling when you first meet someone will indicate to the other person that you are genuinely happy to see them and that you are a positive person. These impressions will be lasting on the other person so definitely not one to miss!
Can Smiling Change Your Life?
How to Feel Good About Yourself?
Do you want to be more attractive? How to be more attractive?
How to Build Better Relationships?
How to get along with people?
How to Be Genuinely Happy?

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