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「Time travel」的圖片搜尋結果
Time travel's been one of man's wildest fantasies for centuries. It's long been a popular trend in movies and fiction, inspiring everything from Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol to H.G. Wells' The Time Machine to the Charlton Heston shrine that is The Planet of the Apes. And with the opening of Interstellar today—n0t to spoil anything—we're about to fantasize about it even more.

The most fantastic thing? It's probably possible.

What's almost impossible

Let's start with the bad news. We probably can't travel back in time and watch the Egyptians build the pyramids. In the last century scientists came up with a number of theories that suggested it is indeed plausible to take a leap into the future; going back in time, unfortunately, is much more complicated. But it's not necessarily impossible.

Albert Einstein laid the groundwork for much of the theoretical science that governs most time travel research today. Of course, scientists like Galileo and Poincaré that came before him helped, but Einstein's theories of special and general relativity dramatically changed our understanding of time and space. And it's because of these well-tested theories that we believe time travel is possible.

One option for would be a wormhole, also known as an Einstein-Rosen bridge. Along with physicist Nathan Rosen, Einstein suggested the existence of wormholes in 1935, and although we've yet to discover one, many scientists have contributed their own theories about how wormholes might work. Stephen Hawking and Kip Thorne are probably the most well known. Thorne, a theoretical physicist at CalTech, even helped Christopher Nolan with the science behind Interstellar.
Is time travel possible?
What would you do if you could go to future or go back to your past?
Do you like science fiction movie? Why or why not?
Pros and cons if you could travel to the future?
What if you had the power to change one event in history? What would it be?
What if you could change something in your own history, what would it be? 
Why do people make excuses? By Abdul Rahman Daud

According to some researches done on this subject, it was found this ‘habit’ of giving excuses can be traced back to the early childhood. Every time a child wants something it will begin by asking it normally. However if it doesn’t get what it wants the normal way it will indulge in diabolical techniques ,”Like…….my teacher always scolds me for wearing this old shoes!”
Parents in wanting their child to have the best and not being scolded by the teacher would invariably succumb to the child’s demand. When the child gets his way, a habit is formed….the habit of giving excuses (in this case a white lie).

Subsequent successes in getting what he wants by giving excuses reinforce this habit. As he grows he gives more excuses, sometime being questioned and most times he is gets off the hook. This habit of giving excuses or lying comes to a critical point where giving excuses and lying becomes a norm in his life. Sometimes to the extent of lying where there is no reason to lie.

Sometimes our excuses pile up and get in the way of doing something good and significant for us. I was told a humorous story about a student who did not turn up for class one day, that I think illustrates this.

There was once a student who was on my counseling session. I asked him why he enjoys giving excuses and lying.

Its cool sir…everyone does it!” his answer was short and concise. This was the same, student, who had given the excuse below to his class teacher,

Sir, I couldn’t come to school yesterday morning.”
Why?” asked the teacher.

You see sir. As I was about to leave the house, the house phone rang, my grandma wanted me to pass a message to the whole family,” he continued.

What did she say?” questioned a bit annoyed.

She said she just passed away!” The whole class roared with laughter and the student felt great that he had given a humorous excuse.
Why do people make excuses?
What are the excuses people made always?
Are you good at making excuses?
What are the pros and cons of giving excuses?
What are the common procrastination excuses?
Do you have the procrastination problem? How to deal with it?

What are the most common white lies?

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