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5th person dies of MERS in South Korea  TONG-HYUNG KIM, AP

          Sixty-four people have been infected by the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome since last month in the largest outbreak outside the Middle East. Hundreds of schools have closed and hundreds of people quarantined.

Acting Prime Minister Choi Kyung-hwan said Sunday there is no reason to believe that the virus will significantly spread further in the country.

"So far, all the MERS cases have been hospital-associated, and there has been no case of an infection in other social settings. We think we have a chance at putting the outbreak under total control," Choi told a news conference.

While the virus has no vaccine, health experts say it spreads through close contact with infected people and not through the air.

The U.N. health agency has reported that there's no evidence yet in South Korea of "sustained transmission in the community."
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Nation executes six death row inmates   By Jason Pan Taipei Times
Police escort Tsao Tien-shou, center, ahead of his execution in Taipei yesterday.

Six death row criminals were executed last night, with senior Ministry of Justice officials saying that full judicial reviews of the trial proceedings and court judgements had been carried out to ensure proper procedures and the rights of the prisoners to appeal had been met.

Minister of Justice Luo Ying-shay (羅瑩雪) signed the execution orders earlier in the day, with the sentences by a pistol shot to the heart carried out between 5pm and 6pm yesterday.

It had been more than a year since Luo previously approved using the death penalty when five convicted criminals were executed on April 29 last year.
What do you think of MERS in South Korea? 
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How to Stop the Spread of Virus?
How prevent mers epidemic?
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「What food can help[ relieve stress?」的圖片搜尋結果
Food can make you happy!
The science of happiness has turned up evidence that food can make you happy. However, a lack of certain foods -- or at least some of their essential ingredients -- can actually make you sad. A fatty acid called docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is the most abundant fat found in the brain. This is good, since it's an essential building block for brain structure. It's also easy to get; two major sources of DHA are fish and shellfish. A study by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) uncovered a link between DHA deficiency and an increase in the prevalence of depression in the United States.

Happy Foods
To understand how foods can make you happy, it's important to understand how the brain regulates mood. The brain uses neurotransmitters as communication signals to communicate with the rest of your body and to issue its commands. "Beat, heart!" the brain says when it sends octopamine to receptors located in the nerve fibers that make up the cardiac muscle tissue [source: Johnson, et al].

The same goes for keeping our moods stable. Two types of neurotransmitters are responsible for our moods: inhibitory and excitatory. Excitatory neurotransmitters like norepinephrine stimulate our bodies and minds. We get worn out after being amped up for too long, though, and so this type of neurotransmitter can actually lead to unhappiness. Inhibitory neurotransmitters like serotonin exert a calming influence on our minds, in part by counteracting the effects of excitatory neurotransmitters. Ultimately, the best moods are found when there is a balance between these two types.

These mood-affecting chemicals aren't made out of thin air, however. They're created by compounds found in food, and some foods are better at helping neurotransmitter production than others. We'll call these happy foods.

Typically, serotonin is the neurotransmitter most linked to happiness, since you need it to regulate sleep and pain. It's also a powerhouse at counteracting excitatory neurotransmitters [source: Neurogistics].

Foods that aid serotonin production include spinach, turkey and bananas. Spinach contains high concentrations of folate, a B-vitamin used in the serotonin creation process. Bananas and turkey pack lots of tryptophan, an amino acid that's converted into serotonin in the brain. Tryptophan manages to go directly to the brain by crossing the protective cellular barrier between the bloodstream and the brain. This makes tryptophan a rarity, since serotonin can't cross this blood-brain barrier [source: Hyde and Gengenbach].

Another major neurotransmitter that helps regulate and stabilize mood is gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA), commonly referred to as "nature's Valium" because of its tranquilizing effects on the body. GABA is produced during the Krebs cycle, a physiological process by which nutrients are converted to energy for cellular use. Foods don't contain GABA, but some contain the neurotransmitter's building block, an amino acid called l-glutamine. Pork, beef and sesame and sunflower seeds all have high concentrations of glutamine.
Can Food make us happy!
What kind of food can make us happy!
What kind of food make you sad
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What are the food can help your stress levels?
How to make you happier?
What are the food good for brain?
吃對就有好情緒 10種紓壓快樂食物
 優活健康網 2015216 下午2:00
1)麥片/麥片是我們早餐的好朋友,既方便又營養。一般對麥片的印象就是當中的水溶性纖維可以降膽固醇,但是不 知道麥片更含有很多幫助腦內神經傳導物質的營養素。像所含的豐富維生素B6,能幫助合成快樂荷爾蒙「血清素」、讓我們有鬥志的「去甲腎上腺素」,以及讓我 們有戀愛感覺的「苯乙胺」等多種神經傳導物質。吃麥片實在好處多多,從早餐就來碗麥片,帶著一天的好情緒迎向挑戰。
2)黃豆/黃豆實在是一種非常神奇的食物,它除了可以磨成豆漿、做成豆腐,我們更鼓勵大家多多利用它來入菜,如 黃豆燉飯、黃豆蒸魚等。黃豆不但能提供豐富的植物性蛋白質,它豐富的卵磷脂更是腦細胞膜的重要成分,而且卵磷脂可以代謝成「乙醯膽鹼」,這是讓我們思考清 晰、有衝勁的神經傳導物質。此外,黃豆更含的豐富色胺酸、維生素B6、菸鹼素,是合成快樂荷爾蒙「血清素」的絕佳食材。黃豆亦是含麩胺酸 Glutamine)數一數二的食物,可以在體內代謝成γ-氨基丁酸(GABA),幫助心情放鬆不焦躁。由此看來,黃豆能讓我們快樂、放鬆,有機會就多 喝喝豆漿、吃吃豆腐,或以烘乾的黃豆當零食,都是不錯的選擇。
3)鮪魚/鮪魚是人們常吃的魚類,鮪魚罐頭更是常見。它最為人所知的便是富含深海魚油EPADHA,而DHA 也是我們腦細胞膜合成不可缺少的原料。此外,鮪魚也含合成快樂荷爾蒙「血清素」所需的重要營養素,如色胺酸、維生素B6、菸鹼素等。常常聽說多吃鮪魚會讓 腦袋瓜變聰明,其實還會讓情緒變好喔。
4)小魚乾/小魚乾實在是一種便宜又營養的食物,拿來燉稀飯、熬湯、煮莧菜,甚至當零食都很好。小魚乾富含的鈣 質,是神經系統運作或是神經傳導物質要釋放時不可缺乏的營養素。此外,它豐富的精胺酸、鎂、鈣,都有助於一氧化氮的合成,可以幫助學習力及記憶力。此外, 小魚乾含有非常豐富的苯丙胺酸,是合成多巴胺的重要原料,多巴胺可以讓人產生戀愛的感覺。雖然我不認為吃小魚乾時會有戀愛的感覺,但是裡面的確富含許多營 養素能放鬆心情。
5)菠菜/根據研究發現,如果體內的葉酸不足會有憂鬱的現象,其實這和血清素、多巴胺、去甲腎上腺素的合成不足 有關,因為上述三種神經傳導物質,對情緒都有正向的影響。因此,我們應該要多吃一些葉酸充足的食物。蔬菜中的菠菜是葉酸含量數一、數二的。菠菜內的高草酸 含量會抑制鐵的吸收,所以並不是補鐵最好的蔬菜,但卻是補充葉酸的好蔬菜。想讓情緒變好,正向思考,不要忘記在飲食中常吃菠菜。
6)芭樂/維生素C是身體合成多巴胺、去甲腎上腺素等神經傳導物質不可缺乏的營養素。多巴胺讓我們有自信、快樂 的感覺;去甲腎上腺素能產生向上的動力。此外,維生素C可以讓壓力荷爾蒙皮質醇的濃度下降,過多的皮質醇會讓人莫名焦慮,同時本身也是腦細胞殺手,所以多 補充維生素C真的對情緒有正向的幫助。芭樂算是本土水果中維生素C含量最豐富的水果,也是肚子餓或嘴饞時最佳零食。多吃芭樂不但能有好皮膚,也會有好心 情、好氣色。
8)葵瓜子/葵瓜子是所有堅果中維生素E含最高的。維生素E的抗氧化力可以保護腦細胞。此外,葵瓜子也含豐富的 鎂,能夠幫助代謝壓力荷爾蒙「皮質醇」,讓我們比較不焦慮。葵瓜子也含豐富合成快樂賀爾蒙血清素的營養素,如色胺酸、維生B6、菸鹼素等。在早餐麥片或午 晚餐的沙拉裡撒上一些葵瓜子,就像在飲食中撒入快樂的種子。
9)小麥胚芽/小麥胚芽算是比較不普遍的食物,不過現在有機食品店也很容易買得到。小麥胚芽的維生素E含量也頗 高,這種油溶性抗氧化劑對保護腦部的細胞膜很有幫助。小麥胚芽所含的營養素,能幫助色胺酸、褪黑激素、去甲腎上腺素等神經傳導物質合成。胚芽是種子未發芽 時,營養集中的精華所在,是讓一顆小小種子能「突破困境」長成樹苗的能量泉源,因此多吃一些小麥胚芽,能讓我們的生命充滿能量。

10)低脂奶/研究顯示,體內鈣質濃 度較低的人比較容易緊張、焦慮、暴躁,因此補充鈣質不是只是為了預防骨質酥鬆,也為了能有好的情緒。最新的飲食指南建議每日可以喝兩杯低脂奶,除非有宗教 因素、體質過敏或是環保方面的考量,喝低脂奶來補充鈣質是一個有效率的方法。現代人攝取油脂的機會太多,不需要喝全脂奶。喝牛奶會拉肚子的人,可以考慮喝 優酪乳或是吃起司。

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