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Is your personality holding you back?  bbc Ronald Alsop

Introverts need not apply to work at French beauty giant, L’Oreal. If they do, recruiters probably won’t select them, and should they somehow manage to get hired, they aren’t likely to thrive at the company.

I tell them that if they lie to me and we get married, we may get divorced.  — Frederique Scavennec

That’s just one of many personal characteristics the company considers when it seeks employees who will fit the company culture. L’Oreal prefers confident, outgoing employees because “we believe ideas come out of confrontation — we will always challenge you and we want you to defend your views,” said Frederique Scavennec, vice president for global talent acquisition. “You also need to have passion, be entrepreneurial and be able to connect with others. Without those, you will die at L’Oreal.”

To try to keep casualties to a minimum, L’Oreal uses various techniques to size-up job candidates’ personalities. For example, it might put applicants through a product or advertising exercise, evaluating their creativity and storytelling skills. To find students who are both creative and collaborative, the company also runs its annual Brandstorm competition, challenging university teams to work together to devise a marketing plan for one of its products.

More businesses are following L’Oreal’s lead to try to ensure that their hires fit well with the corporate culture.

They hope to detect attributes like patience, persistence, curiosity, agility and appetite for risk-taking by subjecting candidates to personality tests and multiple behavioural interviews. Some employers also observe potential hires in situations where they must interact with other workers. And there are even online games that assess everything from creativity to empathy.

Work experience still trumps all other qualifications in the recruiting process, but personality and fit with the culture ranked ahead of such factors as leadership experience in a 2014 survey of more than 2,300 chief executive officers, human-resource managers and other executives in 18 countries. The study, by Universum, a consulting firm for employer branding, found nearly half of respondents rate personality profile as one of the most important hiring considerations and about 40% cite culture fit. Only 16% consider the university an applicant attended to be important.

In the study, 44% of the people surveyed said they currently use what Universum calls persona-based recruiting, and 69% said they will do so in the future.

Disastrous pick
Picking the wrong personality is expensive for both employee and employer. The individual will be unemployed, while the employer will have wasted thousands of dollars on recruiting and training.

I don’t want people to leave after six months, so I start all my interviews by telling them to be transparent and not play games,” Scavennec said. “I want to know what makes them happy and unhappy and how they react to events. I tell them that if they lie to me and we get married, we may get divorced.”
Is your personality holding you back?
Is your personality affect your future?
How can find a job match your personality?
Are you an introvert person or extrovert person?
How to have passion in your job? How to be energetic in life?
If you were an employer what employee you want recruit?
How to do personality tests?

How and why you should become a winner in life! motivationgrid

Since ancient times, society has always praised winners. Winning is and has become the central core of society , and everything that we do revolves around this one dynamic. And I just want to add a favorite quote “Winners never quit and quitters never win”.

The benefits of winning
Victory tastes very sweet and there are many advantages to winning, as the harder the win was, the sweeter the taste of victory is.  You start feeling better about yourself and you improve your confidence, you boost up your morale and your desire to win, becomes greater than the fear of losing.

Form a winning habit
Strange right? But that’s what you have to do. You have to form a winning habit, and habits are hard to develop. To form a winning habit, you need to start looking things at a different perspective, you have to look at them like challenges. You should try to challenge yourself daily, form a habit of doing every day something you couldn’t do before.

Don’t be afraid to fail
You shouldn’t be afraid to fail, what you should do is learn to accept your failures as a lesson. You shouldn’t let failing demotivate you, you should get the best out if it, and that’s the lesson and you should use that lesson as a guide to help you win next time.

 Be eager to learn every day
Try to learn something new every day, read a book or meet new people or do something different. Because when it comes to winning, having more knowledge is basically power.

Take risks
Don’t be afraid of taking a risk. Because if you are too cautious, you might miss the opportunity and you might not have a second one.

 Stay focused
Keeping your focus towards the finishing line is what matters.  Don’t slack, always keep your mind and focus towards your goal. Because if you are not focused, then you are not doing things seriously! And if you are not doing things seriously you can’t become a winner guys.

How and why you should become a winner in life?
How to motivate yourself?
What are the benefits of failure?
What are the benefits of winning?
How to form a winning habit?
How to learn something new every day?

“knowledge is basically power” what do you think about this quote?

羅納德·艾爾索普(Ronald Alsop

2015 6 3


這是公司錄用方在用人時會考慮到的多種個人因素之一;公司希望找到能夠與公司文化相契合的職員。歐萊雅更青睞於自信、性格外向的員工。該公司負責全球人才招聘的副總裁弗雷德里克·斯卡旺內克 Frederique Scavennec)說:「這是因為我們相信好想法源自於交鋒與對質 我們會一直對你提出挑戰。我們希望你能去捍衛你自己的觀點。你也需要有熱情,要具有企業家的精神,能夠與他人交流。如果你不具備這些素質,那麼你在歐萊雅是不能生存下去的。」




工作經驗仍然是應聘中申請者最重要的籌碼,但是根據 2014 年的一份調查顯示,個人性格以及同企業公司文化的契合度這兩項因素的重要性已超過了工作經驗,比如領導經驗。這一項調查的對象包括來自 18 個國家的 2300 多名首席執行官、人事經理以及其他高管。該項研究由優興諮詢公司 Universum 安排進行。通過該調查,優興諮詢發現,接近一半的受調查者都將性格視為用人時首要考慮的因素之一,近 40% 的人則認為同公司文化的契合度至關重要,只有 16% 的人認為申請者畢業於哪所大學很重要。

在這項調查研究中,有 44% 的受訪者表示他們目前正在使用的就是優興諮詢所稱的「性格雇佣」方式,69% 的人則表明他們會在將來使用這一方法。





英國的致同會計事務所(Grant Thornton)有著一套不同的分析方法,他們發現學業成績與實際工作中的表現並不存在強而有力的聯繫。這一結果促使該會計事務所抱著整體性的視角去評估職位申請者,考察方麵包括他們的個性特徵、價值觀以及潛能。

海倫·鮑德溫 Helen Baldwyn 是致同會計事務所負責全國學生招聘的經理人。她解釋說:「這是我們這一行業非常大膽的一步。傳統上我們這一行對學業成績設有很高的門檻,但後來我們發現成績並不能決定一切,於是我們重新設置了篩選程序,將應聘者的價值觀和行為方式納為重要的考量因素,從這些方面我們能夠了解到應聘學生到底是怎樣的一個人。」


致同會計事務所不僅通過這一選人方式為自己招聘到了更為合適的員工,還提高了整個員工隊伍來源的多樣性。鮑德溫說,在 2015 年的招聘計劃中,如果致同會計事務所沒有降低他們用人的學業標凖的話,有近 20% 的新培訓生根本就無法實現成功申請。


當然在短短的錄用階段無法對一個人的性格特點、對一個人是否適合公司的文化做出凖確評判,這也是為什麼阿布達比酋長國的阿提哈德航空公司(Etihad Airways)設計出了一套持續時間更久、更加全面的評估項目來實現員工與職位的最佳匹配,同時淘汰掉那些不合適職位的人。



「在眾人面前,申請者能夠毫無保留地展示自己,而在之前,在當時的面試環節當中,申請者在面對提問時對自己的真實情況是有所隱藏的。在我們這一民族文化之下,人們是不喜歡吹噓、推銷自己的。」負責學習與發展項目的副總裁維薩姆·哈希姆 Wissam Hachem 這樣說道。



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