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「love and no money」的圖片搜尋結果
If you had to choose between love and no money or money and no love for the rest of your life, which would you choose?  Ameen Hardan,

This is a very hard question to answer. If you choose money or love over the other, you're going to spend your life yearning for what you didn't choose. So, the choice boils down to which option you would provide more happiness over the other.

Being poor and in love, to me, is a horrible strain on any type of life. Money will always be a problem you. There's not really more I can say about it, because it hits close to home for me.

Having money, but no significant others to share it with, can be lonely. But I can deal with loneliness; it won't be the end of me whereas with love it is different. Love comes and goes and it isn't guaranteed  However, the money is. And, depending on how well you work with money, you can accumulate it so that it extends your entire life.

I'd choose money! Not to sound, materialistic about it. It's just how I feel. Love isn't guaranteed and it's fleeting. People aren't staying together. It'd be simpler to have a platonic companion or to rely on friendship/family. When considering this, it's good to remember that the concept of love hasn't always existed. Therefore,I know that I can live without the burden of looking for something I'm not sure is real.

To put it simply, I'd be happier with money.
If you had to choose between love and money which would you choose?
Can money provide more happiness?
Is it ok being poor and in love?
Can love overcome all difficulties?
Who do you choose the poor but handsome guy or the ugly but rich guy why?
Is it ok to discuss money issue before you get married?
「Food Additives」的圖片搜尋結果
Nasty Food Additives You Must Avoid! by Sarah Wilkins Bodybuilding.com
We all love sweet flavor without the extra sugar, but the truth is anything but sweet! You might find aspartame or acesulfame K in your favorite "sugar-free" treats, but it's not worth the calories saved.

Why to avoid it: When more than 75% of the "adverse reaction reports" sent to the FDA were due to aspartame in 1995, the FDA stopped accepting such reports.1 Consumers reported symptoms ranging from migraines, weight gain, and depression, to memory loss, vision problems, and slurred speech.

Aside from potential cancer-causing attributes, studies have linked aspartame to weight gain, heightened sugar cravings, and insulin resistance.6 Research also suggests that the sweetener may trigger or worsen chronic diseases such as diabetes, chronic fatigue syndrome, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, and fibromyalgia.1

When compared to table sugar, high-fructose corn syrup really isn't much different in terms of calories and basic chemical composition. Both are about half fructose and half glucose. Does this mean that the whole "anti-HFCS" campaign was a bunch of hype and you should start drinking soda by the liter? Not so fast.

Honey contains natural fructose, a sugar. It's not as bad as HFCS, but it's not exactly a health food.

Why to avoid it: Consuming large amounts of fructose is damaging to both your metabolism and your overall health.
Trans fat comes from a process called hydrogenation, which makes the oil less likely to spoil and less "greasy" to the touch.

Why to avoid it: Trans fat raises LDL (bad) cholesterol levels and lowers HDL (good) cholesterol levels. The result: Clogged, hardened arteries that put you at risk for heart disease and stroke. Trans fat also causes overall inflammation, hastening the progression of diabetes and other health problems.
Let's face it, most "artificially colored" foods are low in nutritional value and highly processed, so it makes sense to take them off the menu completely. For those of you who need more convincing, read on.

Why to avoid it: Artificial food colorings have been implicated in the development of autism, hyperactivity, and behavioral disorders in young children.9,10 Animal studies have shown certain artificial colorings to be potential carcinogens, causing chromosome mutation, neuron damage, even the development of tumors. Many European countries have already banned these nasty additives!

Artificial coloring may be linked to unhealthy side effects. Processed foods often contain these additives to return foods to their "original" color.
What kind of food additives we should avoid?
Does sweeten food good or bad?
What are the potential cancer-causing food?
How to eat healthy?
How often you eat out?
Have you ever checked the food hygiene in restaurants?
Ideas about trans fat?
Why sugar is dangerous to depression?

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